[ Daegal goes back to the scene of the crime. Well, it's actually the room where his 5th period class is, but hey. ] [ As advertised, M is there, as are a handful of students - all but two are male. The two women look like the time to actually take their classes seriously, which probably explains their presence. ] [ Session start! ] * Daegal hangs near the back of the room. No rush; the longer this takes, the better. * M answers some questions about the construction of the Panama Canal. This is a popular subject, since she said it'd probably be on the test. * Daegal idly twirls a pencil in the meantime. * M continues doing the teaching bit, and doing it well. Surprise! * Daegal softly hums something jazzy as he waits. [ Eventually, most of the students are done and file out. Soon, it's just Daegal and two other students, one of whome has apparently fallen asleep. ] * Daegal pokes the sleeping student in the ribs. "C'mon now, yer a New Yawker. You know better than ta fall asleep in a New Yawk public school." *grin* (I maintain that M should not be a good teacher. ;_;) ( I point and laugh in your direction. Haha! ) [ The student jumps, and as soon as he realises his situation, turns bright red. ] * Daegal chuckles. "I won't tell anyone. Just don't do it again... city ain't the place for a nap." Just be glad y'ain't in Red Hook. [ The student mutters something apologetically. He packs his things into his backpack, but he seems to be waiting for something before he gets up and goes. ] * Daegal steps back and lets the kid wait, resuming his previously mentioned jazzy tune humming. * M discusses some things with the other remaining student - a small girl with short hair that looks like she's on par with Miya for sheer mousiness. Which is quite mousy. ( Is that the girl Eric mentioned before? ) (Yes, actually.) * Daegal eyes the girl. Doesn't *look* like a ridiculously powerful telekinetic prankster... but, then, how would he know what one of those looked like? =P [ The guy walks out, and shortly thereafter, so does the girl. This leaves you and M in the room alone. ] * Daegal starts softly singing to himself. o/~ Hit that jive, jack. Put it in yer pocket 'till I get back... o/~ *waves* 'ey Teach. *smirk* * M looks at Daegal wih a smirk. "So, you're here to interrogate me, I assume?" * Daegal continues smirking. "And what would I be looking to interrogate you about?" Oh, I'm sure I wouldn't know. But you're not here just to be a one-man jam session, and you're probably not one of the boys who stayed to admire my stunning good looks, either. I mean, you bein' here was a bit of a surprise... lookin' to make some extra money? Like the 401k or somethin'? * Daegal grins. "Got that right. If ya really wanna know... me'n the others were a bit curious. Coupla things recently've made us a bit more curious 'bout yer offer." * M raises an eyebrow. "Oh?" Yeah, some moron with a mullet, claws, and crappy taste in clothin' paid a visit, and apparently Chuckles didn't think a security system was worth investin' in. Got us thinking some. So, s'long as you're here... * M smirks. "Surely, you do not think I'd associate with someone who has 'crappy taste in clothing'?" No, no. But if that loser got in and almost gutted us... well, we're open to listening to other offers 'sides the one Chuckie X made. * M smirks. "You're a very good liar, Daegal. Bra-vo." Who's lyin'? You have some big hairy goober sneak into yer house while you're eatin' pizza, and see if you don't consider findin' a new place ta live. *grin* * M chuckles. "A fair line of reasoning, but I know you have no interest in being a Hellion. After all, we're just some weird clique of moronic, spoiled snobs, right?" And I'm sure you didn't name us after a cookie because you thought we'd taste good with milk. No, I named you guys after a cookie 'cause one of your guys threw me into a wall. Ain't exactly a great recruitin' tactic, lemme tell ya. * M nods sagely. "No, it isn't. Mind you, the group you met hasn't managed to recruit anyone, yet. Heavens knows why." She rolls her eyes. (Hehe.) Figures. They couldn't recruit a cabbie ta speed... but you can see why we weren't exactly jumpin' at yer offer, considering those dipshits were the first taste we got of yer group. Mmm. True enough, but I doubt that'd important. So, what are you here for, Daegal? Well, aside from hearin' whatever pitch you wanna make... gotta admit, 'ma bit curious 'bout why you've taken up subbing in an urban New Yawk high school. You got super teachin' powers? * M chuckles. "Of course. I have powers for every occasion." * Daegal raises an eyebrow. "Now who's the very good liar? You're here 'cause you love teachin'?" 'cause it damn well ain't the salary, with what they're payin' teachers. (Screw that. What they're paying substitute teachers.) Oh, yes. And I'm here to use my powers to revolutionize the New York public school system by subtituting. No, really. (Hah!) Too late. I already did that in Red Hook just by goin' ta school and kickin' some butt. *grin* * M grins. "Drats. Foiled again!" * Daegal chuckles. "Fun as this is, I gotta say... bein' chucked into a wall sucks, but not gettin' a straight answer to any of my questions ain't exactly selling yer club too well, either." * M shrugs. "I am not here to persuade you to joining the Hellfire Club. In fact, I'd rather prefer you didn't, although probably not for the reasons you think." * Daegal hmms. "Not because I ain't exactly high society material?" *smirks* (You're too w33k!) * M shakes her head, still smirking. "Anyone can be reformed, Daegal. Even a vigilante from Red Hook." * Daegal shrugs. "If y'ain't interested, I'll tell the others. Makes our lives a bit simpler, I suppose." Does this mean the four nitwits are gonna be comin' after us? Hmmm. Quite likely, actually. Sorry. * Daegal grins. "Hope ya won't mind too much if I hafta return them ta ya in full body casts." * M waves dismissively. "Oh, not at all." Cool, cool... what's with the whole 'attacking those who don't join us' thing, anyway? For a buncha cultured, high society people, seems like an awfully dirty business. ("It's what we do." "Duh.") Or do you have mooks like those four to handle the ugly stuff? Oh, it is. But the what and why isn't really important to you, yet. But don't worry, I'll let you know when it is. * Daegal rubs his temples. "Is there some kinda handbook where it says ya gotta answer every question by gettin' all cryptic on me?" I mean, seriously. Since I got into this gig, I ain't got a single straight answer from anyone. Oh, you probably have without realising it. But yes, I'm afraid I have to be cryptic with you right now. Terribly sorry. I could send you a fruit basket to make up for it? ... no thanks. There is one thing, though... since I doubt yer gonna tell me why you're hangin' around in Brooklyn, I got an alternate question. * Daegal narrows his eyes slightly. "Aside from the powers and the whole high- society thing... how are you guys any different from, say, the Russian mob?" * M smirks. "Who's said we aren't?" * Daegal snorts. "Fair enough. I appreciate the straight answer, for once. Gotta tell ya though... ain't nobody I hate more than the Russian mob. Tell yer four buddies that they *really* don't wanna make second on my list." *stands up; grabs his bag* * M chuckles. "I'll be sure to do so." 'cause I'm sure they're tough'n all... but they ain't never gone ta public school in Red Hook. *grin* See ya 'round... "Teach". * Daegal heads out. * M waves. "Of course. Don't forget your homework, now." [ Aaaaand, End Session. ^_^ ]