[ Last time, on X-Pialadocious; The day brightened for Daegal and Eric when they got a substitute teacher in one class that was hot enough to ignite coal. Bob may've liked her, too; it's hard to tell, with him. ] (Ah, he liked her.) ( Bob is in love with his watch. The teacher stands no chance. ) (Those watches are cool!) ( I am DEFINETLY getting one of those.) [ Things went downhill after lunch, however, when they discovered that their next sub was none other than M, the politest member of the Hellions, which doesn't mean she's not a bitch. Now that you look a second time, she seems a bit older than she did last time, and you're not sure exactly how; but it's most definitely still the same person. ] [ Session start! ] * Eric leans back. He made a good bit of money from the poor schmucks who didn't think he could eat seven meals in one sitting... Suckers! * Eric also looks pretty satisfied. ^_^ * Daegal slowly bangs his head again his desk a few times. *mutters* "Perfect, just perfect." * Bob gapes at the substitute. [ Many other boys gape at the substitute, too, but likely for other reasons. ] * Eric glances at the sub, does a double-take, and starts thinking about something. * Miya looks up from her idle doodles and... just stares. Rather like a deer caught in the headlights. [ "Class," says M, "Get your books out and turn to page 137. Today we'll be reviewing the late 19nth century and a few events that transpired therein." ] * Daegal gets his book out, opens it to said page, and bangs his head against that a few times, again muttering. * Eric blows at his hair and pulls out said book, turning to said page. Last thing he needs is M getting the better of him. * Bob doesn't open his book, choosing instead to go back to fiddling with his watch while he's not keeping an eye on the "teacher." * Miya stares a little longer, then snaps out of it and hastily opens her book. [ M flies into a thorough review, covering many things the book doesn't. She must be a history buff or something, too, because she's always adding little details that entail an intimate knowledge of the period. ] [ Meanwhile, I need awareness rolls from all of you. Unless you're not paying attention. ] ( Knowing Marvel, she's probably been there a time or two. ) [ The class goes on, rather uneventfully; at least, M doesn't seem to single the bunch of you out too much, and she doesn't attack you with energy beams from her eyes or whatever she does; you haven't seen her powers yet, after all. ] ( Mutant ettiquate powers, I bet. Can set a table with a snap of 'er fingers. ) ( And a really nice bod to boot.) * Eric covers his mouth as he yawns, but keeps paying attention. * Miya actually pays attention the entire time, though not exactly to the lesson. * Bob eventually gives up on keeping watch on M at all and just tinkers with his watch. [ She somehow times her announcement of homework so precicely that everyone who's inclined to do so has time to write it down before the bell dismissing this class period. Some of the boys in the class go up and ask if she does private tutoring, and she politely refuses to play a part in their teenage fantasies, although not nearly in those words. ] [ She does say, however, that she'll be in the classroom after school if there are questions on the assignment. ] * Eric gets up and signals for Miya, Daegel, and Bob to come over. * Miya blinkblinks at that, then scurries over to Eric. * Bob stands up slowly and straps his watch back on, then wanders slowly over to Eric. * Daegal walks over, shaking his head. * Eric speaks in a slightly hushed tone. "Hey, guys? Notice the girl sitting in the corner? The small, shy-looking one? And I'm not talking about you Miya." No? Nah. She seemed more intent on studying us than the lesson... Huh. Um. Really? * Miya looks. Was it "Oh, new people!" studying, or... * Eric shakes his head. "It was 'study everyone' studying." Maybe she's like us. * Daegal shrugs. "Well, do we study back, or stick with the plan?" That's what I'm thinking. And that might be a reason what's-her-name is teaching as well. Uh. Uhm. ... She said she'd be here after school. * Daegal facepalms. "Oh, wonderful. Oreos are trolling for new and exciting creme fillings." Well, weren't they recruiting people? Wouldn't they want that psychic kid on their team? I think we go ahead trying to find our man like we're supposed to. I don't see any reason to attack them, or even bother talking to them. ( Only if he's got class. ^_~ ) * Daegal nods. "Yup." * Eric nods. "Agreed. But we should still keep an eye out for the cookie bergade." ( Yeah. If he/she has no manners, he/she is sure to join up with us! ) ( That pretty much jives with what we've found in the Evil game. ^_^; ) [ The other classes pass uneventfully. Which is to say, there are no other subtitute teachers, much less mysterious (or hawt) ones. ] [ We now find Our Heroes near the exit to the parking lot. What now, O Heroes? ] Let's check on that Greg dude before he gets away this time. Yeah. * Bob hops in the front seat before Miya can call dibs. * Miya takes a deep breath. "Okay. Okay. Um." She looks around for the girl and any of the suspects. "It- it might be a good idea to talk to Monet. Maybe. I don't know what we could find out, but..." * Eric checks around the car for any dings. * Miya blinks, then shrugs and walks after them. Go figure. 'kay. Should we try the police thing again, or... hmm. Maybe, Miya. Don't wanna accidentally give her any info she doesn't know, though. [ Eric finds the car is dingless. ] (Yay!) Huh? Well, um. I could talk to her. I mean... I can get away before she could hurt me. Nah, not hurt you. She just got there. We gotta assume she's lookin' for the kid too... but if we talk t'her, we might accidentally give her some info she didn't know yet. * Miya looks exasperated. "Like what? We don't know anything either." But she doesn't know we don't know anything. If we let her know that, then she knows that we are at square one, just like her. And- and if one of us talks to her, maybe... maybe that will hold her while other people look for things. Hmm. Well, considering my brilliant plan worked like a pork shop in a Hasidic neighborhood... how 'bout you guys check this kid out, and I distract her with several hours of mindless small talk? If you want to. The rest of us should get going now. * Daegal looks over at Miya. "Sound good, kiddo?" * Miya nods. "Okay. Good luck, Daegal." She hurries into the back seat of the car. * Eric nods. He hops into the driver's seat and revs the engine. XD [ The engine roars at Eric's insistance. ] * Daegal walks over to the driver's side. "Want me to show you where the kid is on the map 'fore you head out?" Yeah. * Eric pulls out the map. * Eric hands said map to Daegal, along with a pen. * Daegal checks the address they got, the map, and then points to a spot. "S'along this street, somewhere between here'n here." *runs his finger along said street* "Not sure exactly how the numbers run, but it's right around there." *takes the pen; circles the area* What's the address? Gotcha. Bob, mind navigating? Uh... sure? * Bob takes the map and looks at it confusedly. [ The map eyes Bob warily, since he knows he's a spy. ] [ ...wait, no it doesn't. ] Haven't you ever seen a map before? Sorta. [ End minisession! ]