[ We find Our Heroes in the principal's office. Ummmmmm! They're in troooouble! ] [ Well, okay, not really. ] [ But you've been called here, nonetheless. The Professer is there, sitting behind a desk in the amazing floating wheelchair. Also in the office are Hank and Scott, of all people. ] [ The professor looks around, and then decides Daegal will just be late. "Well, students," he says, "I have called you here for your first field assignment." ] [Session start!] * Daegal runs in. "Sorry I'm late." * Miya fidgets, looking around the room and trying not to make eye contact with anybody. "Field assign-" She blinks and looks over at Daegal. * Bob blinks. Field assignment? [ Scott frowns disapprovingly, but Hank and the Prof don't seem to mind overmuch. ] * Eric looks back as Daegal runs in. "Nah, you're just on time. We just got an assignment." What'd I miss? New security system? Milk to combat the Oreo Cookie Brigade? Or... ooh, field work. Kickass. [ Hank holds up a hand. "Now now, ass-kicking will have to be kept to a bare minimum on this one." The professor nods. ] Oh. Then I guess we'll just have to have you kick them in the face instead. * Miya giggles. ... dang. Guess I'll hafta rely on... er... my street smarts? What is this assignment? Yeah. What do we need to do? [ The proffessor waits until Bob asks his question, and then says; "There have been recent reports of unusual happenings at a high school in New York city. The first to come to major attention was when all the school's toilets flushed simultaneously while almost nobody was actually in the restrooms. Amongst a host of what would seem to be harmless if bizarre pranks, there were some more threatening incidents, as well." ] [ "In one incident, a row of lockers compacted itself into a ball about, oh, yea big," he says, gesturing with his hands to indicate a ball about three feet across. ] * Miya blinks. "Wow." That's some pretty strong stuff. * Bob nods. ... that's more screwed up than my school. [ Hank nods. "Very strong. Telekinetic abilities of this magnitude are quite rare. In fact, until now Jean was the only one on record with that sort of ability." ] So... we're going to the school? [ The professor nods. "Yes, you are. Due to readings Cerebro picked up, we are quite certain this is the work of a mutant at the school, probably a student. If word of that gets out, or if someone gets hurt, there would be something of a panic in that area." ] So... Find the student. Then what? Only something of a panic? * Miya makes a face. I wonder why there's not one already? The students that know what's going on probably think it's cool. If someone *does* get hurt, though, I bet there'll be a riot or something. Prolly think it's a big prank. ... we're assuming whoever's doing this is gonna come with us willingly, right? * Eric nods. "It's all fun'n'games till someone gets hurt, eh?" [ "Okay, a lot of a panic. As to why there isn't already, all of the previous occurrences could have been explained away as pranks or hoaxes or whathaveyou. And yes, some thing it's cool. There's numerous rumors about who or what is causing it, of course, from ghosts to chemistry after-school projects gone wrong." ] 'cause if this kid's a prankster, reasonin' is gonna be tough. Uhm. Well, whoever it is hasn't killed or hurt anybody yet. Right? I think the reason we're going is because he probably won't want to come along willingly. I wouldn't say that. ... 'course, if this kid can crush lockers into little balls, goin' with the nice-nice approach might be a REALLY good idea. * Eric nods. [ Scott speaks up this time, saying "Getting him to come along quietly would be best, yes. So far, nobody's been hurt, or even overtly threatened in any way." ] O- okay. That's good. * Daegal hmms. "Okay, so we pitch the school, the superhero dealie, NOT THE SPANDEX..." [ "We were thinking of something more undercover than going in and announcing yourselves as superheros," explains Scott. ] * Daegal goes into his best Brando impersonation. "We're gonna make him an offer he can't refuse..." * Eric looks at Daegal. "We're students. NOT the Godfather." * Miya mutters, "Not a superhero anyway." She idly steps on Daegal's toe. * Daegal eyes Scott. "And what, he's gonna come along with 4 random kids askin' about his pOW!- powers?" I'm not saying 'go into the school powers a-blazing'... just that if we wanna have him follow the stick, we need a freakin' carrot. [ Hank shrugs. "Well, this is the time of year when the school's exchange students usually come in from abroad anyhow. And of course, new kids would be interested in the latest gossip and any odd goings-on." ] * Eric nods. "So it wouldn't be odd for us to go around asking questions." * Daegal nods. "Makes sense. Where is the school, anyway?" [ "New York City," Scott says dryly. ] * Miya speaks up, "I think he wants to know where in New York City. And, um, what's a carrot have to do with anything?" They're good for your eyes. s'a sayin'. About rabbits. You hang a carrot from a stick, get the rabbit to follow. Don't work without the carrot, though. In other words, another one of Daegal's bogus expressions. Oh. ... now you gone and hurt my feelings. *mock pouts* * Eric chuckles. "Like it takes much." [ "Hank looks thoughtful. "I think that saying usually involves a mule, actually." The professor, meanwhile, holds out a sheaf of papers. "Edward R. Murrow High School. It's in Brooklyn, near Avenue L." ] [ "Bob," Scott says, "Do you speak Russian?" ] * Miya blinks. That question came out of nowhere. * Bob looks a little sheepish. "er... no?" [ Scott frowns. "Oh. Well, that would've been convenient cover, really. The school's in the middle of a neighborhood of Russian immigrants, even." ] ( He just had to ask first, didn't he? ) I can do a passable Russian accent. Pops was born there. * Miya takes the papers and tries to hand them to Daegal. Since he'd have a better idea than anyone else. Ah yeah, Murrow. I know that. Friend o' mine went there for the drama program. * Miya gives up on handing them to him and starts looking through the papers herself. Aieee, words. [ Scott nods. "That works. Miya's cover is easy, since she really is from Japan, and Eric's from Canada, although that's not so big a switch. ...unless you ask Logan, anyway." ] * Daegal chuckles. "Always ravin' about one of the drama teachers... Mr. Eelman or somethin'." (In other words, Jesse's dad. :P) ( Yup! s'my dad's school. ) * Eric smirks. "Well it is a bit of a difference. What's with you people and using something other than metric?" [ Hank chuckles at that, then looks thoughtful. "We could use a cover for Bob, although I suppose he could just be transfering in from another school, or something. Say, his parents moved or something, I dunno." ] He could be my quiet adopted brother! Why do I need a cover? Who just moved from, say... Kansas. s'close enough to a foreign country for most New Yawk kids. Kansas? Say he moved from Quebec. Now THAT'S another country. [ "You just do, Bob, trust me. That's always the way it works." ] Mexico! ... Or not. I have just arrived from Russia. There is no need for me to lie. * Bob says this in unaccented american standard that any newscaster would envy. Yeah, but you ain't got the accent to go with it. People'll be suspicious. So? [ "But you don't sound Russian. If Piotr and Illyana are any guage, you don't really act it, either. You're too good at being American." ] * Miya fidgets and looks around the room again. s'like trying to pass yerself as a woman but walkin' around with a mustache. * Bob nods, while giving the impression that he doesn't really understand at all. [ Hank nods. "Oh, and one more thing." He reaches into a pocket on his pants and pulls out a pair of keys. "One of you can drive, right?" ] Yeah, I can drive. * Miya looks rather relieved when Eric says that. * Daegal rubs his forehead. "Think o'it like this. Miya's from Japan. She speaks damn good english, but you can still notice her accent. People expect people from other countries to have accents." [ Hank says "Great," and tosses the keys to Eric. "These are to the 'Cuda in the garage. It'll be your transportation to the school, since we're too far from it's district to have you ride the buss." ] * Eric catches the keys. "Gotcha." Just gotta hope it don't get jacked while we're in there. *grin* Or keyed, or towed... Keyed? [ Hank grins. "If it's stolen, I have friends who can help me get it back. Iron Man could prolly pick up it's tracer on his radar..." ] ... ha! I'd kill ta see the car thief's face if he had Iron Man after 'em... *turns to Miya* Scratchin' the paint job with a key or somethin' else sharp. Needless destruction. Yeah. Hate it, but it happens. * Miya blinks, then nods. Anyway. We need any paperwork ta get into the school, or are we just waltzin' in? [ The professor says, "I will be taking care of the paperwork, but I'm going to leave the planning to you. It's been a bit too long since I was when high school." ] ( We could have Scott infiltrate! Yo, er, homey-gee-funk? ) And here I was hoping I could skip the rest of high school for college. * Miya fidgets. "What planning? We go to school and listen in on stuff." (He'd have his underwear hanging from the flagpole in under a minute.) ( Yup! ) [ All three resident x-men shrug. "Or you could not plan," says the Professor. "Your decision. You will be attending your first day tomorrow." ] Oh. Okay. * Daegal shrugs. "I figure we go in, keep our ears open, find the kid, and see if he's into the whole fighting for justice thing." * Miya opens her mouth, then blushes and looks down at the floor. * Eric notices Miya. "Were you going to say something?" Well, I was just... wondering... * Miya shakes her head. "Um. I... um. When was fighting for justice, or being a superhero, or something... that wasn't in, um." She stops. Never mind. I'll... be in my room if anyone needs me. * Miya vanishes in a white flash. ... well I feel like a first-class fuckhead now. * Eric blinks. Um... [ The professor frowns. "Perhaps one of you should go talk to her." ] I'll do it. I'll go. Shootin' off my mouth caused it. * Bob turns around and walks out. Too late. ... or Bob'll go. *mutters* * Daegal kicks at the air. (The air reels in pain!) Hey Daegal. It's not your fault, she's just really shy. * Bob heads for Miya's room. ... hey, Chuckles. You guys got a music room 'round here? [ Charles nods. "Yes. It's out the office, and--" and he gives directions, but the GM won't give details now because everything above his shoulders is in great pain. ] [ Session end, then. z.z ]