[ We find Our Mutie Frea... er, Our Heroes sitting in the living room. They've stashed Sabretooth in the Danger Room, which makes about as good a prison as you could ask for, now that Bob's gotten the power back on line. Yes, ladies, he's a chef *and* a handyman. ] [ But for now, you're in the living room recovering from tonight's experience, after having changed into dry clothes. Let's see how they're doing!] [ Session Start. ] * Miya is there. She's there and lying on the couch with an icepack to her head, which has turned into a lovely, swollen, purple and red color. * Bob is just fine, once he cleaned up the blood that leaked out earlier from his body. * Eric is there, more or less. He's got some minor burns on his body from the backlash of his attack, but seems to be fine: except for the itchiness. He's sitting on the floor and leaning against the couch, trying to keep his movement to a minimum. * Eric tries to resist the urge to scratch his left arm... and fails miserably. * Daegal fiddles with his nose. Yup, broken again. Clean shirt, though. * Bob frowns at Daegal. "I wonder why your nose didn't fix itself." It does. Just takes a bit... ah, there it goes. *pokepoke* All better. * Miya looks at Bob with what might be annoyance. "Not all of us heal really fast." Shoulda kicked that guy in the nuts again... *mutter* No, but _he_ does. I just don't understand why he'd turn off while his nose is still broken. * Eric scratches his right arm. "At least you don't itch all over." Doesn't turn off. Just goes slow. Plus, it took me a bit to get my nose back into normal position. Can't heal if it's pointing up at my eyes. * Eric thinks. "Kind of like a defense mechansim. It only activates when he really needs it." * Bob nods slowly. "I suppose that makes sense." * Eric scratches the back of his neck. "But it must have some sort of drawback for being activated then..." * Miya removes the ice pack, touches the swollen spot gingerly, then puts the pack back against her head. Actually, s'on all the time, I think. I guess. Dunno. Only one of my powers that doesn't require an ass-kicking to get them going. ... hey. D'you guys realize we just survived our first supervillian fight? That was a supervillain? Think so. That sucked is what it did. He was big, had sharp claws, poor fashion sense, cliched dialogue... had to be a villian. Oh. I thought it was a new yorker. ... You can't be both? Nah. No self-respecting New Yorker wears sideburns like that. * Eric scratches his back. "Daegal's right. He was a supervillian. A pretty crappy one though, I mean with all that dialogue and stuff, he's just lame." Mean sonovabitch, though... hey, Miya, when he grabbed you, why didn'tcha just teleport away? * Miya blinks. "Oh." * Miya sits up and winces. "'Cause... um. I didn't want him to know I could teleport if I didn't have to." * Miya pauses. "Besides," she continues, "I, um, figured it was safer if he had me hostage than anybody else." * Eric looks at Miya. "Well, you certinly did get a bump on your head for your troubles." ... s'ballsy, Miya. Ya got guts. *grins* * Bob looks confused. * Miya smiles sheepishly. "I... um, the bump on the head wasn't from being held hostage." Schmuck clipped ya with a backhand, right? Yeah. I don't even know if he was trying to hit me. * Miya frowns a little, then shrugs. It was... fun? * Eric gets some anti-sunburn cream and rubs it on again. "Man, I hope this stuff works. I don't know if that was fun, but we did get to try out our powers on someone we weren't afraid to kill." ... Fun? * Miya blinks at Bob. Is that it? Fun? Gotta work on avoiding those punches to the face... if I keep on breaking my nose, all my shirts'll be bloodstained within a month. * Bob gets distracted. "Oh, bloodstains are so much trouble to get out..." Fun? That? Nah... that guy's fucked in the head. Class A psycho. Fighting a guy like that ain't fun. * Eric coughs. "Well, I wouldn't know." They are, yeah, but fun? You thought it was fun? Huh? * Miya looks confused, then lies down again. "Never mind." Sparring is fun. Music's fun. Eating is fun. Grilling Chuckles on why he couldn't sell a few of the nice vases he has laying around here to pay for a decent frikin' security system will be fun. *grin* * Eric chuckles. "Something that wasn't totally incompetent you mean?" YOu mean us? * Eric holds his head. "No, I mean the security system. We're not incompetent, so we didn't get wasted." No. I mean why The Evil Sideburnator was able to cut the power, the backup power, and just waltz on in. I bet there's copies of the blueprints all over the place. You know, every villianous agency has to have at least one. * Bob shrugs. Isn't that why we were here? * Eric sighs. "I don't think that's why we're here." Uh... no? * Daegal shakes his head. "What if we were asleep? Or only two of us were around?" ...um... we'd have beaten him into a pulp and thrown him in the Danger Room? No, most likely he'd have gutted us like things that get gutted rather nastily. We're superheroes. This is our superhero base. Villians aren't supposed to be able to just waltz right in and ambush us. They're not? Nope. Are you sure? Reason why it's here and not somewere else. Wouldn't that make things awful boring? I thought the whole point of having a base was so that people knew where to come calling. * Miya just looks at the ceiling. Nice ceiling. No, base is supposed to be a safe place where you can relax and not worry about being killed in your sleep. * Eric turns on the T.V. and starts channel surfing. ... on a somewhat lighter note, we really should tell the others about the Oreo Cookie Brigade when they get back. I wonder why Logan-san got back early. They're never around when we need to talk to them though. You ever notice that? * Daegal tilts his head at Miya. "Actually, I was wondering what took him so damn long." * Miya shrugs. "He went out with everyone else, right?" She looks over at Daegal. "So, um. Why is he back before them?" (Because plot demanded it.) (Shush.) I don't think he went with them... Mullet Lad said he smelled Logan nearby. And even if he has some kinda mutant smelling powers... which really sounds pretty silly... that means Logan couldn't have been too far away. * Miya grimaces. "Not that silly. I think Logan-san has them, too." Which means he either was waiting for an opening, or for a good time to make a freakin' dramatic entrance. Hey, people get all kinds of funky powers. It's just what makes us different. ...I don't think I have mutant smelling powers. Good thing. If we ever go to Red Hook, those would be REALLY unpleasant. I imagine they'd be useful. I wonder why I don't have them. Maybe they're hard to make? Would you want to try to get Wolvie's DNA? * Daegal shrugs. "Might be only so many powers one person can have." Maybe. Yeah, if you get too many powers you explode! Oh dear. I wonder how many it takes. * Bob starts counting on his fingers. ... I'd like to be able to shoot pizza from my eyes. That'd be fun. Oh yeah? I'd like to be able to talk to kitchen appliances. Teleporting would kick ass, too. Flying would be pretty cool also. Teleport behind a guy, surprise 'em with a pretzel lock... But, um, I'm not as good at grabs. It's easier to kick them in the back of the knee. * Eric shrugs. "I just fry them though." Well, yeah. I'm saying if I could teleport. *grin* ... or the ability to kick people in the nuts with my mind. That'd rock. * Miya throws her icepack at Daegal. ...you seem unnaturally fixated on that portion of the anatomy. It's because it's one of the most... vulnerable on the male body. * Daegal catches it with his face. "Oof. Exactly. My sensei's fighting style's based on taking out the poor schlub you're fighting as fast and as nasty as possible." *tosses the icepack back to Miya* Whatever you say. * Miya catches it at the last possible moment and puts it back against her head. Eyes, throat, groin, knees... all vital areas. If you can't KO someone with one shot, ya gotta pick 'em apart. Wear down their ability ta dodge, ta fight back... s'not pretty, but it's effective. ...sure. * Daegal shrugs. "s'like any other martial art, 'cept without the spiritual enlightenment." * Miya grumbles at that. "That part's kinda important." * Daegal chuckles. "Sensei tried to get me to do that meditation stuff. Never worked. Not an inner peace sorta guy." So if I want to attain spiritual enlightenment, I should act nothing like you? I'm... it's really important. You should try again. ... yeah, pretty much. * Miya sounds pretty adamant about that. And I should act more like Miya? I bet there's a reason all of them do it. * Daegal shrugs. "I'll give it a shot, I guess. Just never been my thing." * Miya blinks at Bob. "Oh, um. I don't know if you'd act like... well, like me, really." She blushes a little. Always been too busy seekin' outer peace to worry 'bout inner peace. *small grin* How does one go about finding inner peace and spiritual enlightenment? * Eric shrugs. "I never got into that stuff, never did martial arts." Otherwise I'd tell you in ten easy to follow instructions. I'm not really a good person to ask, but... um. Meditation helps a lot. My dad, he- never mind. Meditation? * Miya nods. * Bob looks curious. * Eric shrugs. He's never done meditation, nor is he interested in it. It's... kinda when you ignore the outside world, and all the bad things that happen, and... um. * Miya looks embarrassed. Let yer mind go blank and just... I dunno, be. * Bob looks confused. Ask Charlie. He'd prolly know about stuff like that. Let your mind go blank and ignore the outside world? Kind of like sleeping, but you're not awake. I mean, you are awake. * Miya blinks. Eh? * Bob stops moving. Completely. He doesn't even blink, he just stares at Miya. o_o * Miya looks back at Bob for a moment, then fidgets in uneasiness, then yelps as she tumbles off the couch. ... well, he's got the zoning out part down. * Eric looks at Bob. "Let's just hope he can zone back in." * Bob doesn't move, not even when Miya falls off the couch. Not a muscle twitches. * Daegal hmms. "I wonder..." *walks up behind Bob; tickles him* * Bob does not react. At all. ... damn. Not ticklish. And a wet willie would prolly be too impolite. *holds out hand to help Miya up* * Miya is helped up. She peers at Bob, then snaps her fingers in front of his face. * Bob does not react. * Miya drops the icepack down the back of his shirt. * Bob does not react. Wow. * Eric walks off to the kitchen, whisteling all the way. *stage whisper* ... hey, look, Eric's developed the ability to grow extra eyes! * Bob does not react. Uh... Bob? I think you get it. You can stop now. * Bob does not react. * Miya shrugs and sits down somewhere else. Not in Bob's line of sight. ( If only you could see what Bob sees right now. *BSOD* ) ( :P ) * Daegal shrugs and does the same, slumping down into the couch. * Eric returns with a pie he managed to find in the fridge. Yes, it's banana cream. "So, should I?" * Miya giggles. That's terrible. Horrible. Completely wrong. I like. I thought you'd approve. * Eric throws the pie at Bob's face. * Bob does not react. And is now covered in banana cream. * Eric looks at Bob like Bob's inhuman. "How could he do that? Well, get the camera." ... Eric, get the chainsaw. Eh? Sure. * Eric runs off to get a chainsaw. ( o_O ) * Eric returns with said implement of forested destruction. "Are you sure we should do this inside though? Blood stains are so hard to get off of the carpeting." ( You guys are scary. ) (Who's the one who zoned out through everything we tried on him so far? ^_^) Charlie's rich. He can afford a carpet cleaner. Okay, and how do we know this won't hurt him? ( ...I can't stay awake, but now I'm afraid to leave you alone. c.c; ) We don't. S'why we're not gonna actually do it. Fun idea, though. * Eric smirks. "What gets Bob up in the morning?" ( Who explains the banana cream? ) (We're kids?) ( Hah. ) I have no idea. * Eric scratches his head. * Daegal cackles. "Cackle with me, Eric!" *cackle* * Eric cackles EVILY. Anyways, I'm hungry. I'm gonna get some food. * Eric looks at the banana cream. "Waste of a good pie." [ We now look in on Our Heroes three hours later; in that span of time, the SS Minnow has met a dire fate. But that's not important. ] * Bob starts moving again. Like that? * Bob blinks a couple times to get the banana cream out of his eyes, and then looks around. (*snrk*) Guys? Guys? Where are you? And why am I covered in... *taste* banana cream? [ o/` And they called it 'macarroni'! o/` ] [ er... I mean, Session End! ]