[ We find Our Heroes at the breakfast table! Lucky for them, morning classes were canceled because everyone had to run off to save the world from something or other, and that included Hank. ] [ The bad news? This leaves you to guard a mansion that is, really, rather prone to attacks be supervillains. ] [ Session Start! ] * Bob serves up a big stack of crepes with lots of breakfasty toppings. "Enough for everybody. Even Eric." * Eric is eating a breakfast pizza, if what you call a breakfast pizza is chicken patties, scrambled eggs, BBQ sauce, bacon, cheese, sausage, pepperoni, and lettuce on a XXL pizza from a deep dish joint. * Bob glowers lightly at Eric. ( That sounds REALLY good. ) * Eric mumbles from under his massive 'za. "Mmrfmfe." * Miya walks in and blinks at the crepes. "So much for me cooking my own breakfast." * Ginny is just muching on a granola bar quietly. (It does. We need to make that.) [ It is strange. Could this trully be the Breakfast of Champions? ] ... what the heck's a crepe? Sounds like the guy one rung lower than a mook. A crepe is like a pancake done properly. Define 'properly'. * Eric finishes his third slice, and moves onto the fourth without missing a beat. * Miya walks over and peers at them. "It... uh." She bites her lip, part of her telling her not to eat it because of the calories, the other part telling her not to be rude. Oh well. * Miya grabs chopsticks and sits down to eat crepe. * Daegal pokes at the crepe inquisitively. * Miya blinks. Oh! Looks... crepey. * Miya points out Bob. "Ginny, this is Bob." She points out Ginny. "Bob, this is Ginny." * Miya nods to herself and goes back to eating. H.. hi * Bob shows them all how to do it, using crepes and strawberries and goooood stuff. * Bob smiles happily. "Hello. Do you like crepes?" * Daegal shrugs, and goes to get some Grape Nuts. Mmm, crunchy cereal. * Miya somehow manages to eat crepes with chopsticks and no knife. It may be a mutant power. * Eric finishes his fourth slice, and works on the two last slices both at once. N.. no that much. * Bob frowns. * Daegal pours out the entire box, and gets to work. Does nobody here appreciate good food? * Miya raises her hand. "I like it." She munches some more. "I, um, want to cook in return sometime, though." * Eric gulps down the food. "Can I try some?" Yes, yes of course! * Daegal looks up at Bob. "Sure I like good food. Pizza. Cold cuts. Pasta. Chicken parm. Burgers. All good food." * Miya eyes Daegal. * Eric takes however much Bob is willing to give him, and starts eating away. He puts as much fruit on them as he can, and tops them off with powdered sugar and a bit of cinnimon. ...I am forced to wonder if you even taste the food before it is gone. * Daegal grins at Miya. "What? s'not like we have any 5-star restaurants in Red Hook. I'm got simple tastes'n stuff." * Eric takes a few bites. "Oh? Yeah, I do. I could give you a full account if you want me to, but that would take a while." * Miya finishes off her crepe, gets to her feet, and goes off to wash her dish and chopsticks. How do you do that without choking? * Eric starts chomping down. "Mrrfhlm." Well, yeah. Um... but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try something new, right? Well, yeah. But crepe sounds French. I don't eat frog food. *grin* * Eric swallows. "See the people in the eating contests? If it's wet enough, it'll go down smoother. Also, it's in the way you fold it to make it go down faster." * Bob shakes his head. * Eric eats more. ... There was no frog in the food. * Miya looks at Daegal oddly. * Bob STARES at Miya. Well, there wasn't. Right? Of course not. * Ginny is quiet, because you all scare her. Right. * Miya points at Daegal. "He said it, not me." * Bob shrugs. * Eric gulps down the last one. He is silly. * Miya giggles. French food, I mean. Pops used to call 'em 'frogs'. Russians and the French never got along too well. * Eric chuckles. I think they're still bitter over Waterloo. *grin* * Miya vaults over the counter and grabs Eric's stack of plates, heading back to wash them. * Bob idly polishes off the last of his helping. * Eric pauses. "Hey!" * Bob turns to look at Ginny. "You are not hungry?" * Ginny holds up the remains of her bar. "Th.. this is enough for me, thanks. I never had much of an appitite.." * Bob looks down at the bar, then over at Eric. "Perhaps that is why he eats so much? Maybe he is making up for you?" * Miya laughs. * Eric leans back. "Yeah, it's a hard job, but I gotta make up for all the people who don't eat enough. Can't let good food go to waste ya know." * Miya does, however, look at Ginny curiously once she calms down. "How... um. How do you eat so little?" A mildly odd question coming from someone about a foot shorter than you, but hey. * Daegal grins at Ginny. "Just make sure you're eatin' enough. Can't save the world on an empty stomach." ( Even stranger considering it's coming from a gymnast. ) (^_~) I.. I just don't get hungry a lot. ( Pretty much every gymnast I've ever known has had some sort of eating disorder. :P ) * Eric leans back. "Tell that to my sister. She eats even less than you." * Bob offers his hand to Ginny. "I am now called Bob." .. Now? . Uh.. I mean. H.. hi. I'm Ginny. * Ginny shakes hands. It was down to either Bob or Iggy. Yeah, and Bob was easier to remember. * Miya finishes cleaning the dishes. Thanks Miya. * Miya smiles hesitantly. "No problem." Anyone catch what it was everyone left to fight? No? I was in the gym when they left, I think. * Eric shrugs. "Ya got me." N.. no.. I.. I don't think so. * Daegal hmms. "Wonder when they'll let us start fighting bad guys... prolly make us start with the losers. Like Stilt Man, or Paste Pot Pete." * Eric snikers. Stilt Man? That sounds dumb. Stilt man? Paste Pot Pete doesn't even make sense. ( That was a PPG villian. ^_^ ) ( Sadly, there *is* a Stilt Man. ) ( Yes, there is. -_- ) ( I think he was one of Daredevil's early enemies. ) Stilt Man's the guy I told you about who tried to rob the bank in the South Bronx and got shot at by all the people in the bank. Paste Pot Pete... I remember hearing about him a while back. Some guy who shot glue and robbed banks. Uh. How did he rob a bank if all he could shoot was glue? ...now that's an interesting superpower. Man, that is pathetic. You could just glue everyone to the walls. * Miya scratches at the back of her head. "Wouldn't the police shoot you first?" * Daegal nods at Bob. "Was some kinda super glue." Not if they're all glued to the walls. That's second. I mean first... never mind. Hey, I said he was a loser, remember? Yup. * Ginny simply stares. * Daegal shrugs. "Just gettin' antsy, I suppose. Usually I'm on the streets everyday, beating up lowlives... all this inactivity's gettin' to me." You know, if you keep saying that stuff something will happen. Won't it happen anyway? We have a whole morning. We don't have any lowlifes, though. * Daegal grins. "Kid's gotta point. We're real life superheroes now. Well, kinda. Trouble's gonna find us no matter what." * Bob leans towards Ginny and whispers, "What's a lowlife?" Yeah, I guess so. * Ginny whipsers back. "A.. a bad person." Suddenly, there's a knock at the door that leads from the kitchen to the back yard. Or field. Or expanse. Or whatever it is really huge estates have. * Daegal goes silent for a moment, then smacks himself in the forehead. "Ah dammit. I never called back to the dojo to tell 'em where I'd be. Shi- huh?" * Miya blinks. "I'll get it!" She vanishes. So, who do you think it's gonna be? Mailman? Is that a supervillain? N.. no. It's someone who delivers the mail. Oh. Only if he's sending chain-letters. Miya teleports to the door, which is about ten feet away from where she was. She can see through the glass on the upper half of the door that whoever is outside is dressed in tights - mostly black, but there's white teardrop shapes where the eyes should be, and a white spider emblem over the chest. Or toting a machine gun. ( Hoboy. ) Or handing out exploding packages. * Miya blinks. What a weird costume. Oh well. * Miya opens the door and looks up (way up) at the guy. Hey Daegal. Did we ever tell them about the incident at the theater? Oh yeah. The evil Oreo Brigade... we should probably tell the Prof about that, shouldn't we? The guy looks down at her, and now that the door's open, Miya can see that this fellow seems to have two more pairs of arms than he ought to. "Uhm, yeah, hi. Is the prof in? Or maybe the Beast? I've got this condition I've developed and I really think I should see someone about it." Yeah. ( Spider-Guy? ) * Eric looks over to the door and sees the big-spider-thing-type-man-guy. "You definetly need to see them." * Miya looks up at him, then at the arms, then back to his face. "No? They're fighting people right now, or something. Do you want to come in?" * Daegal nods. "Yeah, anyway... me, Splodey and Miya are goin' to see a movie, when these dipshits in black and white costumes block us, spout something about us joining their mutant strip club, then toss us into a wall and disappear." Mutant strip club? * Eric glares at Daegal. "Do you want me to make you 'splode? Eh?" "Well, y'think they'll be back in an hour or two?" * Miya ponders. I dunno. They didn't say. * Eric checks the fridge for notes. They always have notes, right? * Daegal makes placating motions at Eric, then turns to Bob. "Called it the Hellfire Club. Sounded like the name of a strip club, so I cracked a few jokes at 'em." I think they wanted us to join the dark side or somethin'. Oh. They wanted to turn you black? There is a note on the fridge. "Off fighting Acolytes, back before dark, don't leave the mansion. --Hank" And since Hank is a doctor, the note is nearly illegible. They're gonna be back before dark, not like that means much. Fighting some guys called Acolytes. * Daegal turns around... "Dude! Spider Man! How ya doin'? ... er, aside from the extra arms..." * Miya looks over at Eric, then nods and turns back to the spider guy. "Eric says..." She blinks. W..weird. * Miya turns again, looking at Daegal this time. "You know him?" Friend of yours? He's Spider Man! Fights crime'n stuff in Manhatten. *Spider-man waves with the hands on the right side of his body. "Hey, howzitgoin'?" Oh. * Ginny boggles. * Bob gapes. * Miya turns back to Spider-Man. "Cool." Wow, I wish I had an extra pair of arms. "No, you don't. Trust me on this." * Daegal grins. "Cops down in Red Hook love ya, Spidey. Make their lives a ton easier, even if ya don't usually come inta Brooklyn." * Eric looks over to Spidey. "Ah, the spiderman. I remember hearing some stuff about you up north. Most of it isn't very kind, though." Spider-man gives three thumbs up. "Hey, it's nothing any other upright wall-crawler wouldn't do, right?" * Miya tries again. "Would you like to come in, Spiderman-san?" *Spider-man shakes his head. "No, but thanks. If I have the time, I could go see Reed about this. Maybe he can figure something out." * Daegal gets up and offers a Hand of Friendship(TM). "As the semi-official street vigilante of Red Hook, I gotta shake your hand." If you're sure. Eep. * Miya scoots to one side to make room for Daegal. Not like she was taking up much to begin with. *Spider-man shakes Daegal's hand. "Heh, sure thing. Just don't tell Jameson I was here, right? He'll have flocks of reporters here trying to route out some evil scheme or something." * Ginny continues to boggle. * Eric chuckles. "Right." * Bob pokepokes at Ginny's shoulder. "Are you temporarily dysfunctional?" * Miya looks confused. "Who's Jameson?" No prob. And if you're ever in Red Hook, and the goons are bein' uncooperative, just mention the name Scarface. They'll start talkin' reeeeeeeeeal quick. *biggrin* "Local newspaper editor. Has something against me, I dunno why. Anywhoo, I gotta book. Take care, you guys." * Miya waves. "Bye. Nice meeting you." See ya. * Daegal waves. * Eric waves. * Bob waves, then picks up Ginny's hand and waves it. Kick the Kingpin in the head for me sometime, will ya! The face. Kick him in the *face*. The face, right. In the face. Boot to the head? Err.... uhh.. goodbye. * Miya nods. "No, kick to the face." W.. wow. That was a real ... wow. Oooohhh, kick to the face. I never did get that right. *Spider-man swings off towards adventure! Or medical treatment. Whichever. * Miya closes the door after Spider-Man leaves. He was pretty nice. He didn't have a very creative name, though. ... dude! That was Spider Man! *goofy grin* ( Daegal is a scary fanboy. ) * Miya wanders back to the room, notices Daegal's out of it, and goes back to drag Daegal over to the kitchen. * Eric smiles. "Yeah... I guess that was Spiderman. He didn't look too good though." Having four arms would be so cool. I dunno. I don't think I want four arms. * Daegal is dragged, which is rather humorous due to the size differential. "I mean, he's like my role model! Aside from the extra arms, of course... Spider Man!" * Miya rolls her eyes and plunks Daegal into a seat. A real super hero.. wow.. * Bob blinks. Aren't you already living in a house full of super heroes? He gets at guys I couldn't even get close to, and then *WHAM* *POW* leaves 'em for the cops, then just swings off into the night and I'm really rambling aren't I? But.. that was Spider-Man. H.. he's.. like.. a real real Super hero. Yes. Yes, yes he is. I don't understand the distinction. He's got fame. Well, that's not surprising, since he has four arms. I'm sure that makes it difficult to avoid attention. * Daegal nods at Eric. "Everyone in New Yawk knows about Spider Man. He's been around forever, and he's caught more bad guys than anyone can count." And he only has 2 arms normally, I think. At least in all the pictures I've seen of him. Yeah, well we only heard the bad stuff up north... and now that I met him I bet those are just rumors too. ( Six arms, actually. And that's apparently something new. ) Yeah, well, politicians'n stuff are always badmouthin' vigilantes. I'd probably even have a bad rep if anyone paid attention to Red Hook. * Bob stares off into space. "I wonder what it'd be like to have that many arms." It'd be like having well... six arms. More complicated. * Miya sits down... or up, on the back of a chair, planting her feet on the cushion. I wonder if you'd have to keep them from arguing with each other. * Eric smirks. * Miya blinks at Eric. Arms don't talk. Yeah, I mean if they- Nevermind. ... ah damn! I forgot to ask Spidey the question! What's that? Why he never just kicks the bad guys in the nuts. * Miya cracks up. * Ginny blushes. * Eric chuckles. * Bob blinks. I mean, it'd make his job so much easier... just *WHAM* and they're down for the count. Yeah, but then the villans would start getting nut-guards. Yeah, maybe. But why not use it when you can? Why are all these villains carrying nuts, anyway? * Miya laughs harder. Especially if they're so vulnerable to assault. * Eric cracks up. * Bob looks confused. ... not nuts, Bob. Jimmies. Family jewels. Lower extremeties. Oh, family jewels. Why don't they keep them in a safe deposit box? * Miya laughs even harder. * Daegal facepalms. "Between the legs, Bob." * Eric cracks up even more. * Bob blinks. Why in the world would they keep family jewels between their legs? * Eric settles down... then starts laughing again. * Miya hears that and nearly dies. ( I feel sorry for who whoever ends up having to teach Bob about the birds and the bees. ) ( Hah! ) (Not me. Soooo not me.) * Daegal bangs his head against the table. "'Family Jewels' is a nickname for... er, the vulnerable spot between guys legs." * Eric starts to calm down. Oh, the testicles! * Miya gasps for breath. ... yeah. That doesn't seem like a very sporting place to hit someone. Sporting schmorting. Bad guys're tryin' to destroy the world or somethin'. * Ginny blushes. Nothin' wrong with fightin' dirty when ya hafta. I mean... imagine if all the little children started emulating his example. The human race could cease to exist. * Miya calms down, then blinks. "Ack! I forgot!" She vanishes in a white flash. * Bob blinks. Hey, where was the hangar? What is it with girls who keep forgetting things and having to run away? Dunno. And dunno. (They're afraid of you, Bobby.) Suddenly, the doorbell rings. ( ;_; ) I'll get it this time! * Bob runs over to the door and pulls it open. * Eric sits down and leans back. Unfortunately, the door here in the kitchen doesn't have a doorbell. Only the front door does. * Daegal gets up, and walks over to the door to make sure Bob doesn't try to throw the guest or something. * Bob flies all the way to the front door and throws it open, then. ... wait, wrong door. I got it. *jogs for the front door* * Ginny follows after the others. Before very long at all, Bob, Daegal, and Ginny are all at the front door, while Miya is looking for whatever she forgot and Eric is, uh, digesting. The doorbell rings again. * Daegal opens the door! On the other side of the door is a tall, lovely black girl about your age. She has perfect posture and is dressed elegantly -- in all white. ( She's evil. Kill her. ) ... if you're one of those Jehovah's Witnesses, we're not interested. "Good day. Are... what? God no." Ah, good. 'sup? Hello! She looks the three of you over, her eyes coming to a rest on Daegal. "Ah, you. You're one of the three Blink described. These aren't the others, though, I assume?" ( I can't believe the fucking Hellfire Club got to her. ) ... Blink? Whacha talk- aw geez. You're not from the Oreo brigade, are ya? Is she from the dark side? Or somethin' like that, I think. *turns back to the girl* Your friends were the schmucks at the theater? * Eric shouts from the kitchen. "Who is it?" * Ginny looks confuzzled. The young lady sighs. "No, we are not the 'Oreo Brigade'. I am here as representative of the Hellfire Club, a private thinktank organization dealing in mutant relations with certain levels of government." ... with a name like that? * Daegal calls back to Eric. "Oreos!" * Daegal looks back at the girl with a blank stare. "... in English?" W.. why would the government call themselves the Hellfire Club? I.. it really makes no sense. * Eric gets up and walks to the door. "Oreos?... Oh, those oreos." The girl rolls her eyes. "Yes, with a name like that. The founders have a bit of over-fondness for drama, I'm afraid." She waves dismissively. "Anyway, I'm here to ask you to reconsider your dismissal of our offer to join. And to the two of you--" she points at Bob and Ginny "--I extend the offer in the first place." * Bob looks strangely at Eric. "Why are they called Oreos? Do they have a delicious creamy center?" ... you have a brochure? Pamphlet, maybe? 'cause it might be nice to know what the hell yer askin' us to join before we make a decision, y'know? "I understand that you would turn down Chris, mind. He can be awfully rude, sometimes. He probably even had someone attack you, didn't he?" Yup. Big guy tossed us into a wall by clickin' his tongue. Must have a lotta trouble with lollypops. She nods sadly. "Of course. I figured he'd do somehthing like that. Honestly, some people never grow up." She shakes her head. "But nevermind. As for what we are; we are an elite group who takes political action in the interests of those like ourself -- that is, on behalf of all mutants." ... so, what, you want me to run for mayor? Nah, must be for president. * Miya calls from down the hall. "Guys? Where are-" She walks in on the conversation. "Oh." * Daegal sighs. "Couldja just cut out all the cryptic bullshit and just tell us what your group does?" She chuckles. "Of course not. Not unless Red Hook becomes it's own city. You would likely be involved in protecting us from those who tend to offer violent opposition to us." She pouts. "It's sad, really, how some will persecute even the noblest of intentions." *looks back at Miya* Visit from the Oreos. * Miya blinks at Daegal, then blinks up at the girl. ... Y.. you want us to be bodyguards? You guys unionized? "Heavens no." * Daegal scowls. * Eric folds his arms and raises an eyebrow. "And you think we'll join your group because..." "Because it's in your own best interests, of course." * Miya slips into the front of the group to get a better look at the girl. ( Yu, you're such a bastard. ) Um, maybe I'm a little late in coming into this, but... um. That sounds like a threat. * Daegal nods at Miya. "Kid's gotta point." I don't like threats. I don't like it when people try to make me do things I don't want to do. Here we are, talkin' 'bout a job offer, and you're making threats. "I would never make a threat to anyone, I assure you. It was a simple, unbiased statement." Yeah, and the fact that one of your own organization attacked with no provocation doesn't suit you very well as an employer. (He is. But this is cool anyway.) ( ^_^ ) * Daegal frowns. "Let's cut the crap. Why should we join up with you guys, and why's it better then staying here at this spiffy school?" "As I already explained, that was an isolated occurrence. I'm sure Chris and Ruckus would even be willing to offer formal apologies." The girl eyes Daegal. "There is no 'crap' to 'cut', as you so eloquently put it. I have explained already what we do, why you should join, and what you would stand to gain from it." She shugs. "It isn't my fault if you can't read between the lines." I can read between the lines and the space between the lines says you're no good. * Eric snickers. ... right. We need a minute to talk. Stay right there. *slams the door* * Daegal turns to the others. "So?" So what? Anyone about to fall for what she's pitching? * Miya speaks with unusual venom. "I like it where I am. I don't like her very much, but she didn't attack us, and I'm not gonna be classmates with those dorks." * Ginny shakes her head. Ginny? Eric? * Eric shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but joining them is not in my agenda. They attacked us, and that's that. I'm not joining them if they're going to be doing that on a whim." What am I saying. What do I have to be sorry for? * Eric grins. ... Ginny? * Ginny already shook her head. * Daegal shrugs. "Okay then." *opens the door again* *When you open the door, there's nobody there. There is, however, a note on the ground. * Miya picks it up and looks. ... aw dammit. And I had a really good line I wanted to use before I slammed the door on her again. We don't want any?" " Nah. Somethin' about their fashion sense. The note is carefully folded and written in an elegant script. "I understand and concede to your reasoning. Should you change your mind, you will realise where to find me. --Monet" ... even her writin' is snooty. Geez. * Miya works for a moment to figure out the more complicated words. "Oh." Yeah, what is she, perfect? (Yes.) ( More or less, yeah. ) (I know. ^_^) ( Of course I am. ^_^_v ) ( Bah! Bah I say. ) ... we should definately tell the Prof about this. They really shouldn't know we're here, much less be coming to our front door. ( Insufferable bitch. I'm glad we get to beat the hell out of her. ) * Miya idly shuts the door. "What kind of a name is a... Money-T anyway?" Yeah. I think we even have a "No Solicitors" sign out there too. We do? Dunno. Maybe she's a rapper. ( Word, yo. ) M.. monet. It's pronounced Monet. Oh. Monet. ... ah. Eh-heh. *nervous laugh* It's a perfectly good name. The door bell rings again. I was just wondering. Is it French? * Miya blinks and looks up at the door. * Miya goes to get it, because she doesn't like standing behind the taller people. Why are people suddenly ringing the doorbell today? Miya opens the door! On the other side is a guy with a suit, a suitcase, and a big grin. * Miya looks up at the guy. "Hello?" * Eric looks VERY suspiciously at the man. "Hello! Have you thought about investing in a new vaccum cleaner? Sure you have!" We don't want any. * Miya slams the door. Without warning, the man puts his foor on the doorframe, preventing the door from shutting! Aww! ... geez. Doesn't Chuckles have a frikin' gate or somethi- * Miya kicks the foot out of the door. Yeah, really. The man gradually begins forcing the door open. "The Orreck 3500 in the perfect vacuum for all your sucking needs! It has an eight-horsepower electic motor and weighs only nine poinds!" ... Bob? Please close the door. * Miya sweatdrops. * Bob walks over to the door and starts pushing it closed. * Eric looks at the salesman. "Get lost." "It comes with a lifetime warrantee, ten-- yes, ten!-- replaceable filters, and an Orreck upkeep kit! All this for only tewnty-nine-ninetyAUGH!" * Miya giggles. This last comes when Bob closes the door onto the man's foot. From the other side of the door, you hear shouting; "I'll be back! I swear I'll get you rotten kids! You haven't heard the last of SalesMan!" This is followed by gradually departing maniacal laughter. * Bob blinks. * Miya blinks. ... So that's what a lame villian is? ... Yes? * Daegal bangs his head against the door. I.. hope he was joking. So Salesman is evil, but Mailman is not? I don't. It was funny. (No, it's SalesMan.) Figures we'd get the villian with mutant sucking powers. ... seriously. Shouldn't the gate be keeping these people out? There's a noise at the door that sounds like someone's trying to tap politely on the door with a steel battering ram. ... Good question. We should probably... uh. * Miya opens the door. Again. ... On the other side of the door is a towering behemoth of a man, wearing brown armor with a domed helmet and a red stribe across the middle. "Uhm, 'scuze me. Sorry t'bother yuh like this. But I don't suppose you'd know if muh brother Charlie is here? Er, at this moment, that is." ( Aw SHIT. ) No, he's not. * Miya looks waaaaaaaay up at the guy and nearly gets neck strain. (What the hell?) He's not here at the moment. * Daegal blinks. "... uh, no, he went out. Sorry. Can we take a message?" * Bob turns around and looks up. And up. And up. And up. * Bob gapes. The huge guy frowns, and looks down at the bunch of you. "Uhm, y'sure? Er, is there a grown-up here I could talk to?" Uh. * Miya looks upside down at the other teenagers. I don't think so. * Miya pulls her head back up to look at the big guy, which isn't too far, sadly. "Yeah. I mean, there isn't." Sorry. They all ran out this mornin'. The huge imposing guy in armor frowns more, looking a little crestfallen. "Oh. Well, alright. Whenever Charlie gets back, lettim know his brother Marko was by tuh see 'im, alright?" He starts to turn away, remembers something, and then turns back. "Oh, and someone took down your 'no solicitors' sign. I'd put it back up, but I don't got a screwdriver." He turns and walks off, his footsteps sounding thunderously against the stone walkway. ... ... * Miya goes out to look for the sign. ... We should put that up. ... that was a very, very large man. Yeah. Really big. * Eric goes to the sign. "And he's the prof's bro?" Yeah. Strong family resemblence. * Miya picks it up and stands on her toes, trying to fit it where it's supposed to be. "Does anybody have a screwdriver?" * Daegal goes searching for one. ( I can't believe we were just visited by the Juggernaut. ) ( Cordially, even. ^_^ ) ( No kidding. ) The sign, sure enough, is down. Someone unscrewed it. There's another folded note tucked underneath it. * Miya takes that and opens it with her free hand. * Daegal mutters as he scrounges for a screwdriver. "Owns a freakin' mansion and can't get a freakin' decent gate..." The note reads "Sorry about the sign, but I had to have someone take it down before I could approach you in good conscience. -M" * Miya stares, then bursts into laughter. ... Insane. * Eric smirks. "Well, at least she's well-mannered about being rude." I don't like her. * Daegal jogs out with a screwdriver, and eyes the note. "... okay, we really need to kick their asses." *uses the screwdriver* * Miya tucks that note into her pocket, along with the other one. "I wonder if she left one at the gate, too." Daegal has the sign back up in no time, and a flock of salespeople who were converging on the mansion all go "Awww," and start shuffling away. ... right. Let's go inside before Thor comes by asking for a cup of sugar. Who's Thor? ... ( ...HA. ) (Now Yu's gonna do it. :P) Thor. Norse God of Thunder. Big blonde guy with a hammer. He's on the Avengers. Oh. * Miya considers for a moment. "I'm gonna check the gate." She goes to do that. What would a god need with a cup of sugar? Don't ask. Too late. * Ginny decides to go in and try to sleep.. and forget any of this happened. Suddenly, a tall, muscular, bearded blonde guy comes out of the sky and lands near you all, holding a hammer and wearing a shiny helmet with wings on it. "Uhm, sorry t'bother you guys, but I just came from the Avengers mansion, and we're out of condensed milk. You got any we could borrow?" ... ... ... * Daegal sighs. "Be right back, Thor." [ SESSION END. ]