We find Ginny at Anymall, USA. This particular mall has a nice selection of bookstores and manga/anime shops, which is prolly why Ginny's there and not ay Anyothermall, USA. * Ginny is buying books, but not browsing through them. Because explosions and public transformations are bad. Ginny is a bright young girl. Out of curiosity, how is Ginny likely to have arrived at this mall? Walking, driving, taking a cab? ( Walking. ) ( Righto. ) As it happens, the entrance closest to her home is through the food court. If Ginny wants to shop some more, tho, that's fine too. * Ginny shops s'more! Because shopping is fun! Wai! Shopping! * Ginny heads out the door to go home. Once Ginny gets into the food court, she notices that something is amiss. * Ginny notices something is amiss! A very large man -- and by 'very large' I mean six and a half feet tall and almost that wide in the gut -- seems to be arguing with one of the register workers at one of the food court 'restaurants'. He seems to be very angry about something. * Ginny idly walks on by. None of her buisness. The man is, in fact, so angry, that he drives his fist through the metal and tile counter of the store, while busily shouting a spray of epithets at the poor fellow working the counter. ... * Ginny decides that running might work better! Unfortunately, a lot of people beat Ginny to the door. And when the really fat guy starts prying the counter up off the floor, Ginny finds herself stuck inside by a wall of humanity trying to make it's way out of the room. ( Haw. You're not getting away that easily! Well, maybe you could. But, y'know. ) * Ginny goes to hide in a shop then! Waiting for someone to try to kill her. If Ginny botheres to look back (which, for the sake of narrative, she does), she notices that two people are not fleeing. Instead, they're calmly standing up to the huge guy. * Ginny stares out a (probably empty) shop window at the two people. The two people are both women, surprisingly. One of them is caucasian with long red hair, and the other is a tall black lady with hair of a surprising white color. By this time, everyone else is pretty much gone, including the poor clerk who use the big dude's distraction to get away. * Ginny watches curiously. The big guy gets fed up with the women, and takes a swing at them -- and his fist slams into thin air with a resounding 'thwack'. He yowls. * Ginny blinks. * Ginny pulls out a book out of her bag (Star Wars), but doesn't read it yet. The big guy starts whaling away on whatever invisible barrier he's come up against, and the redhead suddenly looks like she's under a great deal of strain. Meanwhile, the black lady starts glancing around to see if anybody's watching. She apparently doesn't notice you from where you're kinda'-but-not- really hiding. * Ginny continues to watch curiously. The black lady raises her hands, and a fierce wind comes out of nowhere. The window you're watching through rattles and warps under the sudden pressure, and the poor abused counter coes sliding across the floor with a painful grating noise, but the fat guy doesn't seem moved by the wind. * Ginny peers.. thinks for a second.. then reads the book. * Ginny opens the book and reads quickly. There is a bright flash of light, and when it vanishes, she is dressed differently. She's got simple black clothing on, and oddly enough, a red wig. In her hand, she's got some kind of machine. * Ginny rushes out of the store and activates the machine. A blade of light springs up from inside it, humming. Anyone who's every existed can recognize it as a lightsaber. "Hey! Ugly! Over here!" Meanwhile, back outside, the fat fellow has finally battered down whatever was keeping him from hitting the women. This is evidenced in the fact that he has the redhead by the throat. He glances over at Ginny as she rushes out. Who you callin' ugly, runt? You, fat boy. The gat guy snarls and throws the redhead right at poor Ginny. * Ginny hops over the redhead and rushes at the big fat fellow, slashing with her saber. The poor redhead slams into a table, bowling it over. The big fat guy tries to dodge, but he doesn't seem to be very good at it. Ginny's lightsaber slashes through a thick layer of fat, producing a terrible smell as it does. (Eew.) ( Yum! ) How disgusting. The fat guy, for his part, doesn't particularly seem to like being cut. He takes a swipe at Ginny, and connects, and boy, does it hurt. The, holding his gut closed with one hand, he takes off right through the wall of the restaurant he'd been complaining to earlier, and gets out of sight. ( You gonna do something? ) * Ginny goes flying into a wall! * Ginny sits up as best she can, and turns off the lightsaber. ".. By the Force, that hurt." Ginny does indeed. And it hurts, too. But she thinks she's mostly alright. And the fat guy seems to have taken his leave -- call this a victory, yoush. * Ginny looks around, turns back to her normal self and gets the hell out of there before,say, the police show. [ End intro-session. ^_^ ]