[ We find Miya waking up! It's a few minutes past noon, same day as the last session. Miya-chan got to sleep in. ] * Miya yawns and rolls. And rolls. And rolls. * Miya lands with a thud on the ground and blinks sleepily at Hikaru, who got tossed off the bed a while ago. * Miya grumbles sleepily and pulls herself up to her knees, then blinks at the clock. She yelps and frantically starts to get dressed. * Miya sets Hikaru on her pillow, pulls her blankets onto the bed and kindasorta makes it, and grabs her brush, pushing it through her hair a few times before deciding that's good enough. She dashes out of the room and towards the gym. Miya dashes! She reaches the gym without running into anybody, too. * Miya mutters to herself in Japanese. "" She slows down a little as she reaches the gym. "" * Miya sighs and pushes one of the doors open. She peeks in. Nobody's in the Gym. * Miya shrugs and wanders in, picking a little spot out for herself. This time she stretches and makes sure everything's in order before starting her morning exercises. (As opposed to last night, when she just threw herself into stuff.) * Miya starts with the simple stuff. Basics. She gradually moves into more and more complicated katas, building off the previous. * Miya frowns a little with concentration. Do something wrong and she'll force herself to start over. She might be a dedicated student, but she always hated doing that. The door to the gym opens, and Kurt walks in. He has a rapier worn on his back. * Miya glances at Kurt, but since she's not wearing the contacts, it's kind of hard to tell. She doesn't break rhythm, though. Kurt notices Miya. "Ah, guten morgen, Miya." * Miya goes about finishing the kata. "What does that mean?" she asks in English. "Good morning." Kurt draws the rapier and positions himself under one of the cieling light so that he is facing his shadow, imprinted on a wall. He begins 'fencing' with it. Ooh, okay. * Miya finishes that one and moves straight into a new one. This doesn't last long, though, as she puts a foot in a wrong place and curses quietly in Japanese. Kurt smirks. But not at the Kata. "Missed you at breakfast this morning. Decide to sleep in?" * Miya keeps glaring at her foot, but answers. "Yeah. Well, not really. I mean... um..." * Miya looks up at Kurt and smiles sheepishly. "I didn't mean to sleep in. I just did." Kurt chuckles. "That's alright. You havent' started classes yet, have you?" * Miya shakes her head, then realizes Kurt's busy fencing. "No sir." She decides to watch him. The kata can wait. "Well, then you don't have to worry about sleeping in yet. And Hank isn't about to get uptight about it." * Miya fidgets a bit. "Okay. I mean, I don't sleep in much, but time changes and everything..." Kurt nods. "Ja. Jet lag's a pain." * Miya nods and keeps watching. "Wow. You're really good." Nightcrawler grins. "Well, I like to keep my hand in." Um. Hand in what? Kurt blinks. "Huh? Oh! It's just an ...expression. Means to stay practiced." Oh, practiced. I see. Kurt nods. * Miya tentatively moves a little closer to get a better look. "Speaking of which..." Kurt punctures his shadow a few times, then salutes it and lowers his weapon. Ge turns to Miya with a grin. "Have you practiced teleporting?" * Miya rubs at the back of her head. "Well, a little. I haven't tried teleporting while moving yet." Kurt nods. "Well, give it a shot." * Miya nods and takes a deep breath. "Here goes." She starts running, then looks right and tries to teleport herself to the other side of the room. Miya appaears on the other side of the room, still running! But she trips and falls. * Miya yelps and tumbles. Kurt urks. "Are you alright? * Miya rolls to her feet and blinks a few times, orienting herself. "Yeah, I'm okay." But... I fell. That was weird. Kurt nods. "You don't usually fall?" I've never fallen at *all*. Well, unless I mess up on the bars or something, but that's just because I screwed up on a flip, not because I fell. * Miya tilts her head, a small frown on her face. Kurt shrugs. "Whatever the reason, I'm sure it is something you can overcome with practice. Hank might even be able to use the mansion's labs to figure out why it happens." It's just... really weird. I'm gonna try again. * Miya turns and starts jogging - not running - this time. She tries to port to the other side of the room. The port succeeds. Miya alost stumbles and falls, but regains her uberbalance in time to right herself. * Miya blinks a few times and stops. * Miya looks over to Nightcrawler. "Um, does that happen to you?" Nightcrawler shrugs. "I don't have your sense of balance. I'm good, but not that good. I've gotten used to moving out of a teleport, tho." He demonstrates by cartwheeling, teleporting at just the right moment with a pink flash and a "BAMF", and then landing hands-first across the room. "It's always tricky at first, and your power probably works different than mine." * Miya watches him do that. "Cool." Kurt flips to stand on his feet. "Danke. The trick is to not be touching the ground when you move, if you move while teleporting. At lease, for me, it is." So... * Miya tilts her head. "So, um. My balance doesn't work when I port?" Kurt frowns. "Could be. Or it could just be disoriented be the, uhm, change of scenery?" * Yu-Mei is now known as Sergeant * Miya considers. "Nah. Being disoriented never made me fall before. It's like... it just doesn't." Kurt frowns, then shrugs. "I do not know what would cause it, then. I am sorry." * Miya smiles a little. "It's okay." Hank told me that this stuff... it doesn't make sense. Right? So, um. Maybe this is to make up for me not being blue and furry. Kurt chuckles. "Maybe." See? And... um. Are we still gonna play tag? Kurt grins. "Of course! When's good for you?" * Miya giggles. "Maybe after I eat lunch." Kurt nods. "Alright. See you then! Do you know where the kitchen is?" Um. Remy told me. I should be able to find it. Kurt nods. [ End session! ]