[ Miya gets off the train at Tokyo Station. From here, she can see the Imperial Palace grounds and Tokyo Tower. She's also close to Tokyo Harbour, but that's only important if she plans to stow away on a ship or something. ] [ Tokyo Station looks about how you'd expect-- it's big and has lots of train tracks running through it, as well asloads of people going this way and that. Unlike lesser stations, there are no bums here. ] [ It's all very easy for a young girl to get lost in. ] [ Session start! ] * Miya shifts the duffel bag on her shoulder and looks around, eyes wide behind those shades she's become accustomed to wearing. So *this* is Tokyo. Wow. * Miya stands there for a bit, nearly getting trampled by the constant stream of people, so she just goes with the flow. It's not like she has a destination in mind, anyway. [ Indeed, this is Tokyo, in all it's... Bigness. ] * Miya grabs a brochure or two on her way out of the station, and starts poking through them for a not-too-expensive hotel. Luckily, the flow takes Miya outward. From there, it kind of disperses as everyone goes their own way; they all seem to know where they're going, sadly. [ A large clock above the station proclaims that the time is six in the evening. It's early fall, so there's still some sunlight left. ] * Miya sighs lightly. Even if she does get to play tourist, this is going to suck. * Miya looks at one of the small maps provided for a nearby park where she can sit and gather her thoughts in. [ Prolly, yeah. Poor Miya-chan. ;_; ] The park has a few people in it, but not many. * Miya walks briskly to one of the benches, where she sits, setting the duffel bag beside her. Okay. Hotel, hotel... oh, who was she kidding? * Miya sighs. "I've got nowhere to go," she mumbles to herself as she pokes through the brochures a little more. Her eyes water a little, making her contacts more irritating - stupid things - and she pushes up the glasses to rub at her eyes. There's a science to rubbing one's eyes when contacts are in there, but sadly, she doesn't know it yet. Ow! Ow! Ow ow ow! (There is, actually. @_@) * Miya pulls off the shades and starts resetting the contacts. Gah. How embarrassing. * Miya blinks a few times. Her eyes are still watering, though whether this is from contacts or what she was thinking about earlier is unknown. She glances around. Nobody is eyeing Miya with suspicion. * Miya sighs with relief, and her stomach grumbles. She makes a decision: food first. Sleep later. * Miya grabs her duffel bag and starts out of the park. Time to find a place to eat. A cheap place to eat. * Miya absentmindedly puts the shades back on as she walks. Miya drifts slightly harbourward, and eventually finds a bar and grill sort of place that looks seedy enough to be awfully cheap. * Miya also absentmindedly walks in there. Hey, it's not like she can't take care of herself anyway. The inside is smoky and loud. There's a mean-looking guy waiting tables, and a skinny, cheerful-looking fellow tending bar. There's a pair of foreigners at one table; one short, stocky and hairy, the other tall, lean and frankly rather handsome. The tall one has strange eyes. * Miya blinks at the foreigners. She blinks again. Okay, so this is Tokyo, but still. She isn't used to seeing gaijin. The short one is dressed in a white Gi and sandals, surprisingly enough. The tall one is wearing a trenchcoat, tall boots, and heavy gloves, all of leather, along with black pants and a shirt, and a red scarf. * Miya shrugs and goes to find a seat. Not in a non smoking section. Japan has no non smoking sections. * Miya makes sure she takes a seat so she can watch the foreigners, though. Especially the- okay, both of them. They're just weird looking. Mind/vision/awareness roll. ( Congrats! You made it. You notice that four people sitting at a booth are eyeing the two gaijin. They're lean, dressed in black, and have 'tough' written all over them. They don't seem to like the two foreigners. ) * Miya meeps and looks back at the foreigners. Maybe she should tell them? Then again, this isn't really a place to get involved... uh... * Miya looks for someone to take her order instead. After a bit, the mean guy comes by, and stares down at Miya. He works his jaw a bit, then shrugs. "Whaddya' want?" * Miya looks up at the man, freezes for a moment, then looks back down at the menu. "Um... kitsune udon. Please?" * Yu-Mei man snorts an almost-laugh at the 'please', then says "Sure. Anything to drink?" * Miya eeps. "Tea, pl-" She stops herself. The man frowns, but it's not, surprisingly, a mean frown. "No tea. I'll getcha' some water in a clean glass." * Miya smiles hesitantly. "Okay. Thanks." He then tells Miya how much this'll cost her. * Miya checks to see if she has enough. Yeah, she has enough. * Miya hands him the money. Paying first is a weird practice, but if he's telling her this now, he probably wants to be paid now. Miya easily has enough, and the man accepts the money with a nod and goes back to fill the order. * Miya sets her elbows on the table and semi-watches the men and the foreigners for lack of anything better to do. The two foreigners continue to talk in English, seeming at ease. The only bit you can make out is the short one saying "See? Toldja this was a good place." * Miya blinks. English? Good thing she paid attention to that class. At that moment, somebody's cel phone rings. Since this is only 1993, everyone in a one-block radius doesn't check to see if it's theirs. (*laughs*) It's one of the punks at the booth. He listens, says 'hai', and hangs up. He nods to his companions and they all stand up. * Miya watches them, a little bit of panic rising up. She has a bad feeling about this. Miya apparently has good feelings, since the toughs move over to the gaijins. The one who had the cell phone starts spouting rhetoric about how unwelcome they are here. The other three look an awful lot like they're reaching for hidden weapons. * Miya looks from them to the gaijin and resists the urge to stand. Aren't they worried? The gaijin look just fine with it. The short one translates for the tall one, who begins to grin. (Does it look like that group is carrying guns?) Aw, dey say such sweet things here in J'pan. Yeah, don't they? I think they want a fight. Do we? No, but that won't stop 'em. ( No, but they apparently have blades. ) (Whew. Guns are highly highly illegal. ^^) ( Well, yes. So is what these four people do for a living. ) (Well, duh.) * Miya glances at the door, pondering sneaking out now while the sneaking is good. I think that you need to leave, Gaijin. Not yet. Haven't finished my ramen. Miya notices something else; the tall one is holding cards under the table. Inexplicably, the cards start glowing. * Miya starts getting to her feet, then notices the cards and freezes. She stares. The thug leader draws an honest-to-goodness katana out. It looks like it was forged by a professional, instead of a machine. "This is your *LAST* warning, Gaijin." Alright. Your concern's appreciated. * Miya 's mouth drops open. Glowing cards... a katana like that? It must be worth a fortune! Initiative! The lead goon attacks! With his really sweet-looking katana! The short guy holds up his left hand, balled into a fist, and the katana is deflected with the screech of metal on metal. You suddenly see metal blades that have sprouted from between the knuckles of the short Gaijin, who's standing up awfully fast. * Miya somehow manages not to scream. Glowing cards is one thing, but this is blades popping out of skin! The tall guy stands up fast, too, and throws the glowing cards at two of the goons. The cards -explode-, and the two goons drop. They don't look hurt, but they're knocked on their backs and don't get up. Meanwhile, the short guy delivers a move to the goon who had the katana that you're familiar with. Definitely not what you'd expect from someone with such a brutish look to him. Meanwhile, the last goon pulls out a gun -- one of the fancy little machinegun jobs like you see in the movies. He points it right at the short guy's eye! And it's Miya's turn! * Miya 's brain practically freezes, but her training kicks in and she's on her feet faster than she thought possible, running to the back of the guy with the gun. She kicks at his legs in an attempt to get him to buckle... or at least throw his aim off. Miya kicks the guy in the back of his knee, and he starts to fall, his aim knocked off completely. * Miya times his fall and spins, kicking at his head this time. Miya kicks the guy real good, and he's knocked forward and to the side, landing chin-first on the gaijin's table. End Combat. * Miya blinks at the guy, looks around at the other fallen goons, and eeps. The tall gaijin looks amused. The short one looks down at Miya -- not far down, mind, but down -- "That was a stupid thing to do, girl. But nice job." He then asks, in English, "Do you understand English?" * Miya just now notices the two foreigners again and takes an involuntary step back. "H- hai. I mean..." She switches to English, which is heavily accented, but understandable. "Yes." Good. 'Cause Remmy here doesn't know Japanese. An' Logan don' miss a chance one to remind me, non? * Miya blushes a little, not even trying to completely figure out what the tall guy is saying. "Um. I guess I'd better go." She makes a hasty bow. "It was nice meeting you." You know who those were, girl? Huh? Oh, no. Just that... um, that they were watching you. * Miya looks at Logan's hand nervously. The one those claws popped out of. The claws are gone without a trace, but Logan notices the look. Remmy grins. "She's sharp, dat one." Logan shrugs, and says "Did you see the other one? By the door?" * Miya shakes her head frantically. "Alright. There was another one. By the door. And he saw the whole fight, and he saw what you did in it. And he's gonna go back to his boss, and he's gonna tell 'im all about you. And oh, by the way, they were Yakuza." * Miya 's eyes widen. "They were?" she squeaks out. "Yeah. You just got yourself into a world of trouble, girlie." * Miya stares at Logan blankly for a minute. "They... they're the yakuza?" "Part of 'em, yeah." * Miya stays that way a moment longer, then breaks into disbelieving laughter. Remmy and Logan both smirk at this. Seems neither of 'ems above a chuckle, either. * Miya keeps laughing, and before long, she's crying instead. She grabs the table for support. Logan eases her into a chair. * Miya doesn't resist, as she collapses into the chair and starts sobbing into her folded arms. Her sunglasses get pushed up by this. ( But she's still got her contacts in. ) (Yup.) Remmy says, quietly, "Look, Logan. Maybe her parens can take care o' her, eh? Maybe she doesn't need to worry so much." * Miya tries to comment, but she's not doing a very good job on the speech front right now. So she shakes her head. No dice, eh? Don't suppose you wanna tell me why. * Miya sniffs. "They- they don't want me home anymore," she manages: Japanese at first, then English. Remmy shakes his head sadly. Logan says "Fine. I'll take care of you, then." * Miya looks up at Logan in disbelief. "You will?" "Sure. Not gonna let some poor little homeless--" he notices Miya's eyes, and pauses for just a second. "--girl get whacked by the Yakuza. Not for helping me." * Miya bites her lower lip. Hard. She nods once. [ Session end! ]