Virginia "Ginny" Smith

Nationality: Caucasian American
Born: January 23, 1977
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lb.
Hobbies: Reading, Reading, Reading
Powers: Dynamic Metamorph (female book characters), Language Mastery, Super Speed Reading, Uncanny Luck

Appearance: Thin, cute girl with long blond hair and pretty blue eyes. Shy, but friendly.

History: Virginia had a pretty boring life until her powers manifested. Even afterwards, her life was pretty boring... from the outside. Thankfully, she manifested in private. She was reading a Star Wars novel when she turned into a female Wookie. Needless to say, that was a bit surprising. Noticing the rising increase in mutant hatred, she smartly kept her powers hidden. Her mother, however, knows about her powers. She just honestly doesn't give a damn. Her father, on the other hand, is a bit of a mutant fearer, and so both her mother and Ginny have kept her powers hidden. It's been pretty boring for her so far... but that looks like it'll change.