I listen to people. I have a lot of experience with it, as I volunteered at a hospice. They tell me their life stories as they lay in bed, ever glad for the company. I listen to them recall what has happened to them... some things with fondness, others with sorrow. Embarrassing situations with honest laughter, difficult times with wry humor, and I wonder how they manage to do it. I'm envious of them, I suppose, and their ability to let things pass. It doesn't work that way for me. People say that wounds fade over time, that eventually the hurt will become a distant dream. But that isn't the case with me... every memory comes back as fresh as the day it happened. I'm not saying I have an exceptional memory, because that isn't the case. Places, names, even faces... they can all blur. But the feeling -- the raw emotion -- is always there. Waiting, lurking, for when I decide to reminisce. Don't get me wrong; it's not all bad. Sometimes it's a wonderful gift, as I can feel joyous and content easily enough, with the right recollection. But other times... other times I wish it wasn't the case, I wish I could bury my emotions deep, deep within me or wash them away. I'll never be able to do that, though. Not to the extent that others find so easy. I suppose it's just the way I am, and the way I always will be. * * * * * Wings of Fate Chapter 9.3: Know She Breaks By Ardweden Created by John Evans and Ardweden * * * * * I was worried. Okay, I was *very* worried. It had been two days since I saw Judou last. I didn't go back to the hospice, even though I knew the people over there were overworked and counting on me. There simply weren't enough volunteers. But... I couldn't go. I would be more of a hindrance than a help, what with how upset I was. I wasn't in the best state of mind. Or at least, that's what I told myself. So I waited. For what, I wasn't sure. For something to happen, I suppose. *Anything* to happen. I was constantly on my guard, jumping at the slightest noise or movement out of the corner of my eye. You may think it's silly, but the fear and desolation... it was all very real. I didn't know who was after us or why, I didn't know where or when or how they'd appear, or even *if* they'd appear. And I was alone. A perfect target. I wanted... no, I needed company. So badly that it was eating me up inside. And the worry... oh, I wanted Judou there then. Judou and Shuukou and Kenchi and even Soshi, if he was of mind to show up. But most of all, I wanted Judou. He could always make me smile, make light of such horrid situations, and I wanted to make sure he was all right. I tried calming down, reminding myself that it was two days, only two days. But it was two days alone, two days fearing for my life, two days *without* him. I tried calling every waking hour, and he didn't pick up once. For two days. I'm sure you understand why this upset me. I... I... they could have taken him and done anything they wanted to him and I didn't know if he was okay and- It's okay. I'm calming down. At any rate, I was taking a frozen dinner out of the microwave. I know how to cook, but at the time I was much too agitated to do much of anything. I was shaking at that point, my mind plagued with fear and worry for Judou. So I'm sure you can understand why, when the doorbell rang, my food fell to the floor. I made no effort to pick up my chicken dinner; instead, I rushed to the door, and in a fit of childishness did my best to peek through the peephole without the person outside being able to peep back. It was Judou. Relief washed over me, relief and no small amount of giddiness, as I opened the door. "Akari," he greeted, and I knew something was wrong just by his voice, but at the time I didn't care. I hugged him and held him, and didn't want to let him go. He was okay, so everyone else had to be okay, and I didn't need to worry about it anymore... "Akari," he repeated, firmer this time. I realized that I actually giggled in reality instead of just in my mind, and I felt my face burning as I let go, taking care to avoid eye contact. "We have to get going." I blinked and, unable to resist the temptation, looked at his face. He looked just as haggard as I felt, which was no small feat, as at that point I was in a state of mental and emotional exhaustion. I had managed to keep myself on edge for a good two days, and I was about ready to collapse. But I couldn't yet. "Go where?" I asked, innocently enough. "Kenchi's place." He took my wrist and practically yanked me out of my apartment and down the hall, talking on the way. I wasn't in the mood to fight it, so I simply listened, as I knew Judou wouldn't intentionally harm me. For all his tricks, I trusted him. "There's been lots of trouble. The forest caught on fire, and-" "The forest?" I interrupted. I shook my head, my eyes widening. Despite Judou's prediction earlier, I still thought the forest was probably our safest bet. It was green and wild, and Shuukou guarded it so ferociously... "Is Shuukou all right?" Judou was silent. He continued walking in those hurried steps, but he didn't reply. I felt something settle in my chest: something cold and hard and almost metal, and my eyes widened as I prepared for the worst. We made it to the parking garage, where Judou opened his door before he responded. "I don't know." "You don't know?!" I think my voice almost cracked at that point. Judou made hushing gestures and turned on the car before I caught myself and climbed in. He pulled out, and I vaguely noticed that his driving was sub-standard, but I was a little too distracted to do anything about it. "She's alive," he assured me. "She's burned, but I think you can heal her." "Thank goodness." I smiled. His eyes twitched once in my direction, then fixed themselves on the road again. He was hiding something from me, I was pretty sure, but at the moment I didn't care. So long as my friends were safe, it didn't matter. Whoever that was after us could wait. "So, how are things?" Judou asked in a desperate attempt to strike up idle conversation. "I haven't seen you in a while." I winced. How does someone answer a question like that? Oh, I'm fine, I was just afraid of you being killed or captured by whoever's out to get us. Nothing's wrong, really, I was just jumping at the threats that weren't quite there. I'm okay, but my microwave dinner is all over my nice kitchen floor... Compared to Shuukou's forest burning down, all my troubles seemed pale. "Fine," I said hoarsely. I coughed, clearing my throat. "I've been fine." "Are you sure?" He looked at me again out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah." I gave him my sunniest smile; well, the sunniest one I could manage at the time. "Nothing happened, really." Don't worry about me. I don't know if he was convinced or not, but I think the smile did relax him. "Good, at least one of us has been doing well." I wanted to laugh at that remark, I really did. I was filled with this bitter laughter just waiting to burst out, but I held it back. I was glad he seemed a little less tense, though, and the rest of the car ride passed in silence, with me dozing off in my seat. "Thanks." "Wha?" I snapped awake, and blinked at Judou, who was smiling at me. From that angle, with the odd shadow the dusk cast on him, he looked so incredibly avian... I wonder, now, how all of us save Soshi could have missed it, as his nature affects everything he does. "What for?" "For being you," he said simply. He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. I blinked, then got out myself. To this day, I don't know why he said that. I didn't do anything, really, just tried not to look like an idiot, and still he thanks me for being me. I mean, I'm not that wonderful a person at all. I have my faults, and I do dislike people and treat them unfairly. I lie and deceive at times, and I don't think I'm that good at hiding it. Am I? I mean... I can be so incredibly selfish at times, and I want to give back to people, but just like in the situation with the hospice, I couldn't overcome my own problems to help those in need. But that's not really the point right now. Judou reached the door first, as would be expected, and he opened it. My stomach tumbled with unease, getting worse with each step I took up the walkway to Kenchi's front door. Something was wrong. I could feel it. I took a cautious step in and looked around. Not a thing was out of place, but that feeling simply wouldn't go away. "Where are they?" I asked Judou, fighting to keep my voice above a whisper. "We should probably see Soshi first. He was injured the worst." I nodded and followed Judou to the living room, all the while trying to calm my nerves. But they wouldn't listen, and the more I tried to calm myself, the worse the feeling got. We reached the entrance to the living room, and I was so preoccupied with the feeling of dread that I ran into Judou. "Why did you stop like that? Judou?" He gave no indication that he noticed me. Instead, he stared ahead, as if he were in a trance. I poked him in the side, something that usually at least gets him to jump, but he gently brushed my hand away. He turned to look at me, and his eyes were wide with... horror. "Go find Kenchi. Now," he ordered. "No," I protested. The feeling was almost unbearable then. I wanted to run outside and breathe the breeze, but I couldn't. I had to know what was happening in that room. "Really. We have to go," Judou began, taking hold of my arms. In a sudden burst of strength, I tore myself from his grip and pushed past him. I stopped halfway in. Soshi, covered with some of the most awful burns I've seen on a person, on the floor with Philippe, hands locked around his neck and squeezing for all he was worth. And he was laughing. *Laughing*. But it wasn't normal, healthy laughter, or bitter laughter, or even that mocking laughter Soshi loved so much. It was triumphant and desperate and primal if laughter could be such a thing. I wanted to look away. But it was like watching a car accident; no matter how horrifying it is, we manage to find some fascination with it anyway. And then Soshi... his hands tightened around Philippe's neck even more, and there was a grunt of effort, and a snap, and a low gurgle. And Philippe's neck was... hanging... at an unnatural angle, and... and I know I always disliked him, but I never knew him. Ever. I've never taken the time and the effort to get to know him, I never found out just who he was. I guess I figured that if I wanted to know him, then I would, given time. But time ran out. And I realized that I'd never, ever know him because of it. Because Soshi killed him. Because we now had murder on our hands. When that revelation came to me, I started screaming. My eyes filled with tears and I was shaking with fear and rage and loss, and I think I was talking about other things, but I don't remember what they were. I don't think Judou could have understood me even if he tried. It was... oh, it was horrible and terrifying. Murder. This wasn't some stupid shadow beast, this was a human, a person, and... and a possible friend, I guess. And he was dead. And we were responsible. Oh, don't try to tell me it was all Soshi's doing. *We* were in this together, and we were going to get out of it together. I think all of us, even Shuukou, knew that there was no way we would survive on our own. *That* realization hit, and I crumpled to the floor. We killed him. *Killed*. Murderers, scum, I promised myself never to help or facilitate the killing of human beings, only to promote life, and then this happened, and I didn't know what to do so I didn't do anything. I cried out and screamed and thrashed and then someone was shaking me, I couldn't tell who, my vision was so blurred with tears. I don't believe I was thinking rationally at the time. I don't remember; it's all a whirlwind of emotions, strong ones. But I remember someone else yelling, and I don't know how I heard him over my own sorrow. And then I was slapped in the face. I looked up, hand to my stinging cheek and dazed, at Judou. He lowered his hand. "Get a hold of yourself, Akari," he said. "There's time for that later." I nodded as I tried to fight down the bile that threatened to rise past my throat. Standing shakily, I spotted Kenchi, who somehow managed to pull Philippe from Soshi's grip and was laying him on the floor. Almost against my will, I looked over at Soshi. He was surrounded by a blackness, a shadow, oozing in and out of him, occasionally flaring out. I ran to his side; his breathing was ragged, and his face one of intense concentration. The blackness was flowing upwards, enveloping his upper body, and I placed my hands on his forehead. I wasn't going to let this thing kill him. I admit it. I disliked Soshi. It's not something I'm proud of, since he really didn't do anything to create that dislike. He never *did* anything to me. He never even said much. Just... stood there. There was something about his presence, about his smirk... but that still isn't a good enough reason to dislike someone. Perhaps he couldn't help it. I didn't know. And if he died, I would never know. I closed my eyes and concentrated on his body, forcing my will in. There were burns and cuts and bruises almost too numerous to count, not to mention extensive damage to the eyes, but I wasn't interested in those just yet. But then I found it. The foreign influence. There were two, actually. One was a spell that was fading very quickly; I left it alone, as while there didn't seem to be anything particularly beneficial about it, it wasn't malevolent either. But the other was dark and hateful and filled with purpose. I extended to it, almost afraid to touch it but sure that if I didn't, it would succeed in whatever it was doing. It looked like... I don't know how to describe it, but it looked like smoke, very dark smoke, trying to get through some sort of barrier. But Soshi's mind, I think, wasn't so easy to penetrate, and it was having some difficulty. It didn't notice me; it was so busy with its task, that I was able to reach out and grab it, touch it. It writhed and squealed, filling my head with horrid sounds. I winced and held on tighter, and it continued with an assault on all five senses, terrible images I don't desire to go into, engraining them in my brain. Some of them... no. No, not now. Just... I knew fear and hatred and terror and loss and anger and sorrow all in one moment, one long moment where I could do nothing but soak it in. It continued protesting, becoming more and more frantic, and I clamped down on it. I forced more of my will into Soshi, pinning the shadow thing down, filling it with light. And it was gone. I might have snuffed it out, but its struggling was so strong... I was fairly sure it managed to flee somewhere. I took a slow, shaky breath; my breathing was very heavy, and I was sweating and shaking. I vaguely noticed Soshi getting up and lying on the couch... I don't know what possessed him to move, as his wounds looked awfully painful, but move he did. I closed my eyes, composing myself, trying not to think of the terrible things that have been happening, and shuffled forward, placing my hands on his chest. Once again, I forced my will in, but this time I paid close attention to his physical wounds: speeding the healing process, soothing burns, closing cuts, and repairing tissue. Things weren't perfect, but they were well on their way to recovery. And then I reached the eyes. They were burned... sunk into their sockets, covered with what must have been dried blood. I didn't know if I could repair them, but I was going to try. I concentrated all my will upon them, cutting off any contact with the outside world. Slowly, meticulously, I helped regenerate the delicate tissue, the nerve endings. I worked on repairing the membrane, the vitreous, every vital part of the eye, but... but I couldn't fix the pupil. I just couldn't. As I looked at him, simply looked, all he had for eyes were plain white orbs. He couldn't *see* with them. I tried to give the pupils to him, putting more and more will into it, looking deeper and deeper, magnifying it more. I felt fatigue setting in, and I was helpless, unbelievably helpless. The only thing I was good for in our little group was to heal people, and if I couldn't do that then what good *was* I? None. So I forced in everything I could, extending my abilities to their limits, and I almost had it. Almost. I collapsed onto Soshi, drifting into unconsciousness. * * * * * Author's Notes: Okay. This is late, too. @_@ I have reasons! Really! ^_^;; Real Life crashed down on me, and in a big way. I can go into a list, if you like... just e-mail me about it; I don't want to bore anyone else that just might be reading this. ^_^; But at any rate, because of these Real Life complications, I was unable to get to work on Wings of Fate until the night it was due. Of course I, in my absent minded absent-mindedness, thought that it was due the next day. Ah well. Thankee to Mechalink, Chameleaon, Ravi, and Stephica for prereading. Thanks to Ravi, Phoebe, John, and Damien for encouraging me along. ^_^ And thanks to Dan, who posted this even though it is a bit late (sorry about that!). This is a *fun* story. I was uneasy about writing a chapter (even though I co-wrote the starter) because I wasn't sure if I could continue it, but I have to say that the writing can flow wonderfully well in this story if you give it the chance. ^_^ Thankee for reading! Ardweden