Last time, on Planeteers! Tyler got naked and learned Illyria mines a very different type of oil! You reached Illyria, and Fatima (belatedly) explained that, hey, she's a sultan's daughter which makes her a princess and there's lots of guards which you need to sneak by in the quest to get Fatima- * Ardweden eyes Fatima. Quiet, you. (You're just jealous because you don't have a harem, now.) ( .. Curse you Todd, I was drinking. ) ( Harem? Lady, I OWN this country. Or will, as soon as Jose puts an arrow in Daddykins. ) (But you're repressed, and I'm a slut. ^_^) Anyway. Tyler's theoretically back at the helipad, in the plane. You think. Never can tell with those paranoid types. (Hired Assassin eh?) (I'm rewiring the School Bus to spell out "LUV THE RAMONES" in the vapor trail.) You're all (along with Jae-Eun) approaching the palace, theoretically where Fatima keeps her stuff. And you're being relatively sneaky about it, given there are guards around. Good thing it's night. Session start. ( Solid Snake has NOTHING on the Planeteers. ) Pssst. We there yet? * Jose checks his back for nasty guards with big scimitars and such. * Fatima frowns and looks around. "I never thought I'd be sneaking into my own home." She blinks. "Not after that one intruder was found at the bottom of the well in the courtyard, anyway." * Tyler kicks back in her Vehicle O' Ecoterrorism and does research on the history of these stupid rings. She mainly finds references to villains with really lame names. * Jae-Eun yelps. "It wasn't a *deep* well, was it?" * Eui-Tae is following along with Jose, trying to get a good look at all the structures and such. * Fatima ducks across a hallway, then waves the others across behind her. "Not after they filled it in." (Ah nuts... I didn't bring my bow.) * Eui-Tae twiches his hand. (No, you didn't!) * Jose scurries across the hall. ... Uh. You have a super secret code thingie to get by the traps though, right? * Fatima glances back at Jae-Eun. "It's called a 'door key'." I- I mean, not that I believe you're a princ- oh! Okay. * Eui-Tae looks at Jae-Eun. "Didn't I always tell you the most improbable stuff is usually real?" Sure, right before you squirted me with ketchup and called me a gullible idiot. Nice stealth talk guys. * Fatima hmmms and looks around. "We'll take the servants' entrance. That should be inconspicuous enough." Quite right Jae. * Eui-Tae looks around. "Man, this would be a great place to have a UQ3k3 tourney..." * Fatima looks at Eui blankly. "UQ3... no, I think I am better off not knowing." She gently turns the knob and opens the door. (The music I am listening to is definetely not setting the mood for sneaking around a palace.) (Feel like I should blow up the place with a rocket.) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tyler (2d6) and gets 5. The door opens! Because Fatima was smart enough to unlock it (*weren't* you, Fatima?). You see a dark, creeepy corridor. Well, not really dark or even all that creepy. But it is a corridor. Further down, you can hear people talking in a language most of you aren't familiar with. * Eui-Tae looks down the hall and twitches his right hand. Cleaning people... do they carry blowtorches? * Fatima stares at Eui. "*No*." Or an interrigation chamber? ... (Smacks the typ demon.) * Jose elbows Fatima. "Just kiddin'." * Fatima hmms thoughtfully. "Servants down this way." She oofs at the elbowing. "Um... we need a distraction or something." * Eui-Tae nods. "Right. So they pack Uzi's instead?" Throw a rock. No no. Water balloons. I was thinking more Jell-O balloons. * Jae-Eun pouts. "Wish I brought my Super Soaker 51k." (Or send a Moogle Distraction Squad!) ( Just set them on fire already. ) I could knock them all down. ( We have a super soaker 51k. But she's in the plane. ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tyler (2d6) and gets 8. ( I AM THE EUI-TAE! I USES THE RINGS THAT MAKES THE PEOPLE FALL DOWN. ...I'm so very sorry. ) * Fatima furrows her brow. "I think you have played too many video games. They're just servants. They're good people who work for a living... who all know my face, is the problem." (No you're not.) (That's PEOPLES...) Uh... then why don'tcha just tell them? I mean, that you need to get your stuff, and that you're taking us with, and stuff? Quiet, do you want to runi our wacky plan? And then if they will freak if they see us is another question... (Err, ruin) * Fatima blinks. Actually... that's a wonderful idea. You three stay here and out of sight for a bit. Roger. (Stealth Camoflauge activated!) * Eui-Tae nods. * Jae-Eun beams. "" she mutters to Eui-Tae in Korean. * Eui-Tae backs up and starts twichin' his hand. * Jae-Eun does the best she can to hide. Aheh. * Eui-Tae hides, if it wasn't apparent before. * Jose smakes Eui and Jae. Keep it down guys! * Fatima fluffs the front of her shirt and tries to look casual, then sets off for her room. * Jose peeks his head around the corner hallway for any trouble. 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Eui-Tae (2d6-6) and gets -2. Fatima's walkin' down the hall o/~ She comes across two servants: middle aged, male, fairly thin, both cleaning up for the night. * Fatima smiles and locks her arms together behind her back. She's actually going to try and walk by them casually in the hopes they don't bother her before she makes a scene. One of them raises an eyebrow, and the other says, "Out late tonight, Princess Fatima?" * Fatima blinks, then turns around and smiles distractedly. "I've been out with the horses quite a bit. I may have to sit up with one, so I thought I should get some things from my chamber." "Ah. Pity to hear that." He looks at the other, who shrugs. "Have a good night." (I will note that none of the rest of the group could understand that exchange.) (rgr.) * Jose wonders when we will be clear to pass. * Fatima smiles again. "Thank you. Enjoy your vacation." She traipses on by. lalala, NPCs are the scum of the earth, it doesn't matter if another one dies... (My harem understood it fine.) They would be sad, if either of them realized they don't have last names. As is, they just go back to work. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tyler (2d6-2) and gets 7. And Fatima continues on her way! Do I need to open another channel for this? ( Depends. Are you waiting to ambush me with Dad? All I really want is some clothes. ^_^ ) (Depends if she ever clears the way for us.) (Nope. ^^) (I say, one session we make her run FIVE CHANNELS AT ONCE.) (No ambushes here o/~) (Yes, and that's the session you all die.) * Jose stays put in the dark recesses of the hallway. "Hopefully Fatima is alright." ( Just like Sailor Moon! ) * Fatima returns with a rather large rucksack. (No! Sailor Moon they all die? That sucks.) * Jose eyes the rucksack. "Plan on sticking with for a long time eh?" ( But they come back to life, and die again. Then a little pink haired demon from hell appears and I kinda lose track. ) (Gotta hate those pink haired demons from hell.) ( Sailor Moon has almost as much returning from death as Dragonball. ) (Almost.) (Princess Mononoke: anyone see that movie?) ( Vorpal Arrow! ) (Wait... don't lose track of game. GoGoGo!) Ready Fatima? * Fatima nods. "I'll... contact my father from Hope Island. I can't just leave him in the dark, but if he finds me, we'll never get to leave." 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Eui-Tae (2d6-2) and gets 8. Sounds like a plan. Shall we? * Jae-Eun looks around nervously. "Okay." * Eui-Tae snaps out of the trance he was in. "There's something up at the cruiser. We better return with haste. Lead the way Fatima. * Fatima blinks. She said something about guards, then logged out. Alright... we'll just have to be a bit more daring on our way out. * Fatima bites her lip. "That is not a good sign." Let's just *go* already! Com'on people. Let's move! * Eui-Tae twitches his right hand a little. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tyler (2d6-4) and gets 4. * Jose blinks. * Eui-Tae shakes his head. "Com'on guys." He starts running in the direction they came. * Jose pursues. I think our cover may be blown! * Fatima blinks. "What cover? We never had any cover." * Jae-Eun runrunruns. Give me perception rolls. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fatima (2d6-2) and gets 9. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Eui-Tae (2d6-4) and gets 1. ( HAR. No. ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jose (2d6-2) and gets 6. (Eurika!) Eui-Tae and Jose hear shooting. Eui-Tae recognizes it as coming from the direction of the helipad. * Jose runs toward the shooting. * Eui-Tae swears creatively in a mix of Korean and English. "Com'on. They're shootin' at the plane!" "Don't bring your bow this time Jose..." Thanks so much. Plan? I don't want to cook some people as of now... Oh yeah, putting arrows into guards is gonna make us heroes of the freakin' year! * Fatima sighs and shakes her head as she runs. "I knew this was a bad idea. I should have been honest from the very first." She looks at Jose and Eui-Tae a little exasperatedly. "You're becoming a bad influence." Ok, we can talk them into not shooting us then. The ESPAI... You know. The big yellow bus. I'm a bad influence? I taught her everything she shouldn't kn-... I'm not a bad influence. * Jose arrives at the scene of the shooting. As you approach, you see a swarm of guards all looking up. Some of them are shooting at... well, the big yellow bus. It's getting away. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tyler (2d6-4) and gets 2. Fuck. There goes our ride. ( You're LEAVING us here?! ) * Eui-Tae looks around for something flamable. (Hey, you try being shot at.) * Jose waves fist at the situation. * Fatima grits her teeth, then runs out in front. "Stop! Stop this MINUTE!" One of them, the one closest to Fatima, looks down at her and blinks. He turns and barks orders to the rest of them, who lower their weapons. Then he turns back around and just... looks at Fatima, frustration evident on his face. * Eui-Tae begins twitching his hand again,. * Fatima sighs and looks back angrily for a moment, then at the soldier in resignation. "This is nonsense, and these are friends of mine. You had no right to fire on them like this!" She carefully doesn't mention the very likely possibility that they asked Tyler for ID and she told them to go to hell. (Heh. Or the possibility that, thanks to the types of clubs she plays, Tyler is gun-shy. ^_-) The guard blinks. "" * Fatima does not look convinced. "By shooting it out of the sky?" ( Has the bus basically ditched us all at this point? ) (Yes.) He scowls suddenly. "<*Yes*, by shooting it out of the sky. If it were a terrorist...>" (Is the bus visibly wobbling?) He shakes his head. "" (It's out of sight.) * Fatima sighs. "It is a bit too late for that, sir. I doubt she will return even if you asked politely." ( I'm speaking English, even if he's sticking to Arabic. ) He nods. "" then looks to the rest of the Planeteers for the first time. "" Fatima, I could get Tyler to come back here. * Fatima sighs, and looks over her shoulder. "I could too, if you'll remember..." She glances at the guard captain. "I'll meet with my father. Please see that these three are made comfortable and that if the plane returns, it is to be welcomed as an honored guest. This nation's longstanding tradition of hospitality is not going to be shattered by paranoia." * Eui-Tae nods. "Right." Well said. He scowls, but nods. "" He turns and barks a few orders to the other guards, some of whom nod and step aside. * Fatima glances at her friends imperiously. "That goes for you, too. Try not to cause any trouble. This is going to be quite difficult as it is." The captain looks over at the sorry lot of you and says, in English, "Please follow them to your temporary chambers." * Eui-Tae nods. "How would we get in trouble?" (Gee. I wonder.) * Jae-Eun nodnods, wide eyed at that. "Yessir sure thing sure." Thank you. * Jose follows the leading guards. * Eui-Tae follows the guards. He turns to Fatima. "" He heads off. * Jae-Eun scurries after the guards. Whoo, scary. (Split again! Yay!) (Yes, but I'm not dealing with it today. I told you this would be short.) * Fatima nods and follows like a dutiful criminal. Er, daughter. Jose, Eui-Tae, Jae-Eun, you're all taken to what must be one of the guest chambers. It's *nice*. Very cultural, even. Bright colors, plush carpet, king-size bed, the works. The guards station themselves outside of your room. Looks like there's no sneaking away for you folks. (Hookah pipe.) ( Tigers. ) * Eui-Tae takes one look around the room. "Nice" Comfortable but confining. * Jose eyes the guarded door. It's a pretty jail cell. ^^ * Jae-Eun goes to bounce on the bed. Oh, Jae... Did you wanna talk to Tyler? Huh? You're talking to Tyler? Duh, what did you think I was doing, wastin' newb's? 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Tyler (2d6-4) and gets 4. Yes. ... Well, do you want to talk to her or not? Uh... sure! I just dunno what I'd say. Aside from GET YOUR ASS BACK DOWN HERE WE'RE LONELY! That we are sorta prisoners too... * Eui-Tae writes down an IP address and a few other things on a sheet of paper. "Ya know how to code this, right?" * Jae-Eun snorts. "What, do you think I'm stupid?" * Jae-Eun pulls out her computer and starts typing. * Eui-Tae looks at Jae-Eun. "Hey, that'd be an improvement." He shields himself from the attack of... stuff to come from that. * Jae-Eun throws a pillow at Eui-Tae. It hits! * Jose blinks. * Eui-Tae is hit with a pillow. "ooch!" * Jose searches for any useful items in the room. Jose finds a toothbrush. Congrats. * Eui-Tae pulls out his laptop. "Oh, Jose... if ya want to use this to watch ya can." * Eui-Tae flips it open. It has a chat room open on it. * Jose has obtained the toothbrush! * Jose scratches his head. "Chat room?" * Jae-Eun looks up a bit belatedly, then goes back to typing. Yeah, haven'tcha ever used one before? I don't really use computers. * Eui-Tae looks at Jose... "Okay, here's the basics." * Eui-Tae goes to his computer, does some mad programming-skeelz type stuff and gets a tutorial running. (Jose? You there?) * Jose scratches his head. Alright... so what do I do exactly? Okay, are you completly computer illiterate? Well, not too much... Its just that I havent used one in 6 years. * Eui-Tae gives Jose the 'You've got to be kidding me' look. * Jose takes the laptop and begins to type very slowly (you know, that peck- typing method) and manages to get out a simple "Hello." * Eui-Tae types a few more things on the station. "Alright, here's the basics. It even tells you how to use the mouse." And I mean the bare basics. Jose, roll mind+2. (Should I account tech bonus?) (No, I already accounted it. ^^) 2d6+2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jose (2d6+2) and gets 8. ( OW. Toe. Ow. ) Who knows what Jose hit while typing "hello", but the computer fritzes and an error message comes up. * Eui-Tae gets the message. "Man, what the heck did you do?" * Eui-Tae does some rapid typing and it goes away. (Blue screen of death!) Sorry man. I wonder when Fatima will come back. Hopefully we wont become wormfood. ( Nonsense. ) ( At best you'd be put on the rack. Then we mount our horses, put on some tubrans, and ride off to kill Charleton Heston. ) Eui-Tae, have you been talking with Tyler at all? Wormfood? I was thinking more pushing the dasies. Yes. So has Jae. What's our status? She's comin' down. Yeah. And now, I kick ass. No, I kick your ass. * Eui-Tae moves his fingers a bit. Anyone notices the screen changes suddenly to a FPS screen of UQ3k3. "Die sucka!" No, I kick yours. We really need out of here. Those guards have been looking at us funny for awhile now. Don't worry. I can easily blow this up to be an international incident if I need to. * Jae-Eun keeps typing. "Gee, I wonder why. We're not exactly, y'know, brown and Muslim or anything. And we kindasorta snuck in. Give me a break." You'd be surprised what a few messages to the wrong people can do. * Jose takes out the toothbrush. * Eui-Tae smirks. His laptop suddenly shouts "Ultra-Kill" and "Godlike" all at once. Looks brand new. This will be a great addition to the mundane section. Gaming is to be had. As well as scrubbing with a toothbrush. Session End.