* Ziegfried piles into the room, in search of burgers, ribs, or as a last resort, chicken. * Eui-Tae takes a look at the table. You see... fruit! And vegetables. And what's probably steamed rice. There is some cold-cut meat there, yes, but it's probably in lower quantities than you're expecting. (Any bread?) (Yup. Rye and wheat, pick one.) * Ziegfried is terribly disheartened. Cold cuts are horribly inferior to BBQ. But it will work. (Works for me.) Cold-cut it is! Ja, dips on the roast beef. Alright, but I got the ham. * Eui-Tae looks around for some Mayo. * Ziegfried walks over to the table, gets six slices of white bread, and all the roast beef. (No white bread Amad, only Rye & Wheat) * Ziegfried fails to find his white bread, and settles on... uhhh... three of each. * Eui-Tae grabs two slices of rye and two of wheat, half of the ham, half of the turkey, and some tomatoes and lettuce. Hey, did you see some Mayo? * Ziegfried begins to assemble a sextuple-decker beef, tomatoe, lettuce, and whatever Eui left of the ham. * Ziegfried adds the word "sandwich" to his previous statement. Well, no matter, some cheese will fix that. There is cheese. ^^ A number of different kinds, in fact. Hrm? Cheese, where'd that go? Hrm... some swiss, provalone, and... ah hell, a little of everything. * Ziegfried assembles a single sandwich about 12 inches deep, and nods in satisfaction. * Eui-Tae grabs a little cheese of each variety, looks at his quad-deacker sandwich, and gets a little cold chicken to put in the middle along with previously gathered ingredents. Alright... now all I need is a knife. There are knives and forks. But the knives are butter knives. * Eui-Tae gets a butter knife and butchers his sandwich. It's butchered. @_@ Meh, oh well. There are, by the way, chopsticks, too. * Eui-Tae eats the remains of his sandwich. (I'll use those later.) Hrm... * Ziegfried attacks his sandwich, head on, and consumes it in as few bites as possible. Ja... Ribs would have been better though. It's quite a feat, but Ziggy manages to do it. * Eui-Tae still seems a bit hungry after his meal. "Man... Now, what else is there... * Eui-Tae eyes some sushi that hid itself in the corner. "Bingo!" Hrm... I think half the turkey is still free to be eaten.... You have it, I got the rest of my meal. * Eui-Tae gets some chopsticks and attacks the sushi-platters. * Ziegfried grabs the rest of the turkey, consumes it straight, and then eats two slices of rye. It all ends up in the same place in the end anyway. Ziegfried's eating habits disgust the GM, but that doesn't stop him. * Eui-Tae consumes about one quarter of the sushi, then stops eating. "Well, I'm done." I'm not. * Eui-Tae pats his stoumach. "That should put me over till... well, whenever I eat next." (What, you've never seen Bob do that?) (I have) Go ahead, pig out, I'm gonna see how the new girl 's doing. * Ziegfried eyes the sushi, contemplates an angle of attack, and just gives up on the chopsticks (/me kicks the typo demon) Ja, have fun... ... I'll be... right here. (There are also some other kinds of sea-food, don't forget.) (Ask Ard if something's there.) * Eui-Tae walks back to where the rest of the group is. * Ziegfried grabs the sushi's, and just tosses them into his mouth two at a time. Hrm... now, where can I get a good soda...? * Eui-Tae has left #Planet2 No soda! Water and juice. * Ziegfried keeps looking for a coke machine for a bit, then finally grabs two pitchers: one of apple juice, one of orange juice. (If you don't see it coming yet, you don't know Bob.) * Ziegfried gets an empty pitcher, and pours a third of both juices into it. Hrm... grape juice... (Oh, but I do know Bob.) There's grape juice, yup. * Ziegfried finishes his concoction with a third of the grape juice, and a few crumpled up grahm crackers. * Ziegfried looks at his finished masterpiece, grabs a couple glasses, and starts downing it. * Ziegfried searches around for any type of meat which may still be left available, and settles upon the fish Eui had been talking about. Eew. Just... eew. * Ziegfried grabs a big ol' wad of salmon, goes through it to pull away any lingering bones, and tosses it into his maw. * Ziegfried washes it down with another glass of "Ziggy's mystery juice" and moves on toward desert. (Dessert, even) There... isn't any dessert. Unless you're talking about fruit, which there's plenty of. (Always second best...) * Ziegfried finally settles upon some oranges, pockets two of them, and begins eating the third as he finishes off his pitcher of whateverit'scalled. * Ziegfried finishes the orange, the pitcher, and a handfull or two of lettuce dipped in thousand island dressing. * Ziegfried nods. "I'll be back for the rest of you in a bit." * Ziegfried pulls one of the oranges from his pocket, and starts eating it as he heads back out to the group. (Have yourself walk on into the main channel. They're still standing and talking outside the enterance.)