[ We find Sei in his room, probably thinking about elf girls in the castle, and trying to figure out weather some of them are undead or not. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door! Who could it be? ] [ Session Start! ] * Sei stretches, winces, and heads over to the door. Which he opens. "Hmm?" * Nebrinel is standing there! Well, actually, she's not standing completely straight up, and is holding the treatise on healing that Sei gave her forever ago. Her cheeks are also slightly flished. She says a little lazily, "Hey, Sei. Came to clear up a few points in this book of yours." Ah, sure thing! Come on in. * Sei moves aside and pulls over a couple of chairs, one of which he sits in. * Nebrinel walks in, and sits down thud-like in the other chair, laying the book out. "Okay, okay, soo..." she flips through it slowly, until she reaches a certain point, then stabs her finger at the book. "Right. I've read it through at least three times, and although the healing concepts make sense, this is where it all falls apart. Why in the name of a god or three do they do it like this?" * Sei peers over, and looks at the bit Nebby is pointing at. (And Nebrinel cuts right to the 'I have a third grade knowledge of pattern magic thing. I knew being slightly drunk would be good for something.) (So what's she pointing at? ^_^) * Sei winces in pain as he peers over. (A moderate-level spell. It's no trouble for Sei, and you might even wonder why it's any trouble for Nebrinel, if you didn't know that she couldn't use pattern magic.) * Nebrinel eyes Sei's wincing, "What'd ya do to yourself?" Do it like...hmm. How do you mean? Do you usually construct spells otherwise? Oh, I was training with Ethan. * Nebrinel smirks. "Ah, ah. Why'd you do that? Sounds like a good way to get yourself beaten up." She pauses, then adds, "And why didn't you heal youself?" * Sei blinks. "It's not serious, but you have a point." * Sei casts Cure on himself. * Nebrinel rolls her eyes. * Sei grins. "We're all entitled to a little absentmindedness, no? So, the spell..." * Nebrinel nods, "Right, the spell." She leans towards Sei. "Well, see, I'm not sure how much of a magic theory person you are, because I'm less of one, but I don't use..." she seems to be searching for the term. "Pattern magic." I know some...oh! Oh, that makes things different, yes. * Sei hmms. "I could explain how this one works, certainly. I'd imagine one could do it without using pattern magic, but it would probably be less effort to just learn it." * Nebrinel leans back in her chair, and mutters, "You know, that's what I was afraid you'd say." * Sei shrugs. "Sorry. I wouldn't have a lot of offhand suggestions as far as reformulating the spell goes." * Nebrinel yawns and stretche for a second, then continues, "Right, but I haven't done anything with programming magic for many years." She smirks. "And the books in Xivilai's library are enormously unhelpful, as are every book I've ever found on the subject." * Sei nods. "Since they just assume that everyone has done it that way since they first learned." Pretty much. There's got to be some sort of primer, but I'll be damned if I can find it. * Sei grins, and rummages in his backpack for a second. ( "Oh, you mean 'The N00bs Guide to l33t M4g1c Sk33lz'." "..." ) (Actually, Sayuri ha(d) a copy, but apparently Nebrinel can't find it. c.c;) * Sei gets out his big book, and starts blazing through it at high speed. "Hmm, I know I have something like that..." ( Because Sayuri stole Xivi's copy back when Ada was a kid. =P ) * Nebrinel eyes Sei's booking, and goes back to frowning at the original book. * Sei stops at a page, and notes down a title and publication date. * Sei hands it to Nebby! And turns around the book, too. "I'm sure this is buried somewhere. It's basically a 'ground up' introduction to pattern magic." * Nebrinel eyes it, and says with exasperation, "Uhf. More books. You know, between the great weapons and the magic, I am starting to see books instead of fighters in my nightmares." Hmm. That would be nice... * Sei shakes his head. "Anyway, it's really not that bad. It just means a new approach." As you can probably guess, it takes a great deal less will - just raw power and some forethought. * Nebrinel looks at the note, and says with a hint of her normal dryness. "Well, perhaps." * Sei nods. * Nebrinel closes up the healing book around the note and stuffs it back into breastspace. "Well, I'd say thanks, but in a few seconds I'll be off to the library." She stands slowly. * Sei gets back up. "No problem at all. I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help, but..." He shrugs. "Different approaches to magic are pretty difficult." * Red is now known as Yu-Mei * Nebrinel smiles faintly. "It's not as different as you think." A frown immediately flashes across her face, and then she says, "Hold on a second. Ethan trained you in using Deathsbane?" * Sei nods. "Yes, he did." How odd. * Sei smiles. "For defense." * Nebrinel smirks. "If you're using Deathsbane for defense at any point, you're basically dead, Sei. And that's if you're lucky. Ethan's so weapon focused." She turns door-ward. "Well, good luck with that training." * Sei nods. "True enough...ah, well. Thanks!" ( I'll so focus my weapon upside your skull! *shakes fist* ) (Well, Nebrinel can run into Ethan training if you waaaant... o/~) * Nebrinel nods slightly and strides out, a lot less slumpy than before. Bom- chika-bom-chicka-bom... * Sei waves, and goes back to his angsty, pondery angstful pondering. (Sheesh. How can you _angst_ about having too many women around?) [End? End.]