[ We find Nebby and Fyril standing outside one of the clearer entrances to the Dark Foreboding Forest. The forest seems to be, aside from dark and forboding, full of a greyish mist that would be a terrible portent in Elven superstition, if Elves were superstitious. ] [ As previously noted by the others, the forest also has a certain tugley quality about it. But that will likely be disregarded, too. ] [ For, nothing shall keep our brave heroes (or Fyril, for that matter) from going in in search of their companions! Session start! ] (What does tugley mean?) ( It means you need to read more Lewis Carol. ) * Nebrinel takes a deep breath, and states, softly, "It has been a while. I am simply glad I didn't have to walk it." She smiles. * Fyril looks around himself somewhat fearfully, and tries to muster a smile as he takes it in. "Um... been a while? So, you've been here before?" He straightens his satchel nervously on his shoulder. * Nebrinel nods, and looks into the forest. "Couldn't have been more than thirty or so years ago." She turns to Fyril. "It might not be the safest of places. Are you ready?" (No, but it's got beautiful scenery and great public transit. Good schools.) (And the inhabitants are certaintly unique!) * Fyril looks past her a bit into the forest, his eyes widening a bit. He shifts a bit in place again, slouches a little, and nods halfheartedly. "Yeah, sure." He closes his eyes as he talks. "Thirty years... so, around when I started formal chef training." ( "Thirty years ago... about the time I stopped wearing diapers." "..." ) (Ethan's older than 30? @_@) ( No, that was supposed to be Fyril speaking. ) (Ha.) (I have this image of chibi-Nebrinel whacking horrendous monsters over the head with her rattle.) * Nebrinel nods. "Yeah. And a number of other things, I would wager. Ethan and Ada probably weren't born yet, if I can still read human age." She shakes her head. "That's not important. In we go, then." She starts walking through the forest at a steady, unhurried pace. * Fyril looks back down the path away, and then heads in with a look of half- concealed trepidation. "It's important. What were you doing?" * Nebrinel brings her hand down to pat Plaguebringer. "What else would I have been doing thirty years ago?" * Fyril doesn't look comforted by that. "You got that thing here?" * Nebrinel chuckles. "No, no, not this one, but the search for pieces... well, it goes everywhere." She pauses, then adds, "Especially after Kyrilaro died." * Fyril goes quiet for a bit, then tentatively says, "Was he going to help you?" * Nebrinel shakes her head. "Not him. Maybe I thought Vyrian was." She smirks nastily. "But I've already explained where that went." (If you want to know, catch the flashback in an earlier episode!) (*sneak sneak sneak... POUNCE!) * Fyril looks around the forest again, trying to see off farther. "Yeah. But maybe he managed to find something, anyway. He didn't really give you his plans." He perks up just a bit. "Maybe you'll find him again." * Nebrinel shakes her head. "He wouldn't recognize me like this anyway. Maybe it's for the best." * Nebrinel gives the forest a cautious glance around, lest she forget all her battle instincts. * Fyril eyes her a bit oddly. "You're not even curious?" If anyone else were asking, no. * Nebrinel continues walking, like she was before. [ Perception rolls. ^_~ ] 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6) and gets 3. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6-2) and gets 1. [ You all di-- dammit, Dice, don't do that. ] [ You both notice something odd off to your right - a brief seeming of movement, and something gleaming like polished metal. ] (You know I'm just waiting until something important to crit-fail their asses.) * Nebrinel draws her sword, which _doesn't_ give off the Morganti Feel. Certaintly different, that. (Sei is standing by with the Dicesuke Bat. >_>) * Nebrinel murmurs, "Something off to the right.' * Fyril steps back off to Nebrinel's side quickly, scanning off to the right. [ Vision roll, Fyril. ] * Nebrinel continues walking cautiously, actively looking around as well. 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6-6) and gets 3. [ Fyril spots the shiny thing moving along - it seems big. It stops, briefly, and glares back at him with baleful, luminous red eyes. ] * Fyril speaks back, trying to keep his voice clear and soft. "It's big. Red eyes." * Nebrinel says, "Wasn't here last time. Keep an eye on it." She continues walking. * Fyril watches it as he adheres to Nebrinel's side. The one without the sword. He speaks slower now. "So... what were you doing here before?" [ At Fyril's question, a chorus of jeering snickers rises and falls all around you. ] * Nebrinel says, "Looking for pieces." She frowns at the chorus. "It was merely very odd last time, however." * Fyril looks around again quickly, then looks back for the big thing. "Figures big, horrible things would be stored in a place like this." * Nebrinel continues walking. "Makes more sense every day." * Fyril shakes his head. "Doesn't to me." [ About ten feet ahead of you, the thing Fyril spotted - it's shiny and it's eyes glow red and hateful, so it *must* be it - steps out of the forest to bar your way. It seems to be a great cat made of metal, with massive blades and jags of metal protruding from it's shoulders and elbows. It roars challengingly to you, it's voice containing just a bit of metallic twang and scrape. ] * Nebrinel eyes it. "Hello. I do not suppose you will simply let us by?" * Fyril stares up at it wide-eyed, scrabbling with the straps on the satchel with the other. [ It roars again, a jumble of tones that might almost sound like a language. Off in the far distance, other, barely-audible roars answer it. ] (It's a bandersnatch?) ( You betcha. And boy, is it frumious. ) I suppose that is a no. Circle around it, Fyril, fire if necessary. * Nebrinel starts doing the same. Circle-strafing, it's not just for Quake anymore! * Fyril takes a couple of steps backwards, trying to get the bow out and ready, looking at Nebrinel incredulously as he does so. * Nebrinel mutters, "Well, it's not like it's listening to me." [ Perception rolls at +4, both of you. ] 2d6+4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6+4) and gets 13. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6-2) and gets 3. * Fyril whitens a bit, and yelps out, "Behind you!" * Nebrinel dive-rolls in the direction she was moving. [ As quick as thought, both of the metal beasts pounce and leap at Nebrinel! She needs two melee/unarmed defense rolls! ] 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-4) and gets 2. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 2. [ Nebby managed to avoid getting mauled! And now that the surpsise round's over, it's Init time! ] d6+9 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (d6+9) and gets 12. d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (d6+5) and gets 7. [ Nebby, Go! ] [ Use your tackle attack! ...wait, nevermind. ] [Cut. Nebby knows Cut.) [ Right. Use Cut Attack! ] * Nebrinel grimaces, and brings both her hands up towards one of the metal things, fists together, and then pulls them apart, screaming, "Mangle Metal!" ( ... that spell sounds like a wonderful reason not to wear plate mail. ) (Indeed.) (Remember the rules of Armor.) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-5) and gets 6. [ Boils appear on one of the creatures and burst open, making the thing howl in a parody of the jungle cat from which it takes it's shape. It immediately leaps towards Nebrinel, seeking to stem the pain's flow. ] 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-4) and gets 6. [ Nebrinel avoids the pounce, but the other creature leaps at her, this time. She needs another roll! ] 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 3. [ Fyril's turn! Fyril, do something! ] * Fyril backs away from the battle while readying his bow. (Blind it with pepper!) (Who am I, Katie?) (You're the WonderChef!) (Which is why I'm not going to waste that pepper. You know how hard it is to find spices in misty foreboding forests?) [ Nebby's turn again! ] * Nebrinel comes to her feet again, and gives it another good rending, still moving in the direction of where she's going. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-5) and gets 2. (Hooray.) (I make metal boil! I'm awesome.) [ However, this time the same thing doesn't happen; the beast shivers and begins to boil, but then regains its former, untouched shape. Uh-oh. ] * Nebrinel frowns. "Wonderful." [ Meanwhile, the two beasts pounce again! Nebby, Defend yeself! ] 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-4) and gets 2. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 9. [ Nebby gets ripped into by one set of metal claws and one set of iron fangs. It hurts, just a bit. ] * Nebrinel bleeds quite a bit, showing messy gouges from the attack. "Can't take another of those, and the attacks aren't working. What a day." [ Fyril! DO SOMETHING! ] (Hit them with your flaming chainsaws of DEATH!) (Fyril with chainsaws! Haw!) * Fyril hesitates briefly, then shakes his head hard as he jams his hand into his pocket. He closes his eyes briefly, and bites his lip. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6-1) and gets 1, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "That was close. One cycle later and you'd have fit nicely into a sandwich." (...damn.) (... Something's dead.) (I love you, Fyril.) (Yeah, yeah. Save it for later, dear. ^_~) (... You know how *creepy* that is?) (Yep! ^^) (You two keep telling me that.) (Not as creepy as Dark Elden. ^_^) (Believe me, I wouldn't actually do it. But it fits here. =P) [ ...Nebby feels all better! ] [And I mean ALL better! Shucks, she hasn't felt this good in a while!] (Evil!Elden was less creepy and more doofy.) [ The kid must have magic hands, or something. ] (*coughchokehackwheeze*) (You don't know the half of it.) (...) (Er, wait, what were we talking about?) [ Blame Winamp. ] [ ANYway. It's Nebbywhoisfeelingmuchbetter's turn! ] ( "Is that a magic ring in your pocket, Fyril dear, or are you just happy to see me?" ) (And to think all this time, Sauron's been chasing that Frodo looser.) (Sorry, making up new magic.) * Nebrinel growls. "Fine. If magic won't work, we'll do it the old fashioned way. More or less." She starts to glow a mix of silver and blue, then leaps at the nearest Bandersnatchy thing's, slashing it with Plaguey. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-4) and gets 0. [CLANK. Nebby cuts a good ten inches into the beasts' metal hide, and the great cat howls in pain! Unfortunately, there's even more metal underneath.] ( Am I the only one who finds it amusing that Nebby's only hope for survival resides within Fyril's pants? =P ) (I was ignoring that, but since you mentioned it.) ( ...don't make me hurt you, Jesse. ) ( o/~ ) ( Hey, as long as Nebby doesn't pull another great weapon out of Fyril's pants, Utena/Anthy style... ) ( c.c; ) (Sadly, I don't think the concept of SoulWeapons exists here. If they did? Nebby wouldn't be using a neutered Great. ^_~) ( c.c;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ) (So, when do the bandies rend me limb from limb? ^^) [ Right friggin' NOW. ] (AWESOME.) 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-4) and gets 4. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 9. [ The Bandersnatches quickly savage Jesse. Then they return to mauling Nebrinel. ] [ Nebby only gets tore into once this time, tho! Lucky her. ] [ Fyril, go! ] * Nebrinel doesn't seem to show any effect, other than an observant observer noting the blue in her aura diminishing slightly. (MAULiNATING the Nebrinel!) (Nothing maulinates me for... *calculates* 5 more turns.) (When I drop like a rock.) ( Hmmm. Jabberwookie? ) (There are no Jabberwookies.) ( Yet. ) (I have some choice words for the person in the middle of this forest.) (Very choice.) * Fyril cocks his head, and looks like he's trying to stretch out his neck somewhat after doing so. ( ^_________________^ ) 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6+1) and gets 3, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "My momma always said, you gotta take the good with the bad. Here's some good." (Nnnyep.) (Fyril, I know you haven't been giving Dice any bribes, so can you send some of that luck my way? ._.) [ The sound of a Bandersnatch roaring in the distance floats on the air... which confuses the bandersnatches greatly. ] [ Nebby, Go! ] * Nebrinel aims for her previous damage point, her aura strengthening back to full, and slashes right at the Bandersnatch. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 7. (A glorious hit, for a glorious Redmage.) (Wow, you guys are really missing Pretty Melee Tank Ethan-chan. =P) [ Nebby hits! And digs a deeper gouge! The bandersnatch falls, wailing pitifully. Poor kitty. ;_; ] (I'll poor kitty it into an early phantasmal grave.) ( Red Mage, indeed. ) [ The other kitty attacks Nebby again! ] 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-4) and gets 0. (Yeah.) [ But Nebby avoids the blow. Go, Red Mage! ] (Fyril. Fyril's turn.) (I think Fyril's more of a Thief, myself.) * Nebrinel deflects the blow, and looks into the thing's eyes. "Just leave, already. We didn't come here to hurt anyone." She smirks. "Which is odd, but true." [ A chorus of voices, small and high in pitch, rises around you again, hissing 'Liieesssss'. ] * Nebrinel hufs. "They're not lies? Who attacked who, here, exactly? We weren't the ones who struck first." [ "You think that, don't you?" says one of the voices. The others find this amusing, and laugh in response. Meanwhile, it is Fyril's turn. ] * Fyril scans around the area, trying to see if he can spot the source of any of the voices. [ He sure can't. ] [ Nebby's turn! ] * Nebrinel growls, and yells, "If you're going to keep forcing us to defend ourselves, that's how it will be!" She aims for right between the eyes of the Bandesnatch, and strikes with her sword. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 4. [The Bandersnatch's head is nearly cleaved in twain! ...not that it seems to mind. The injury doesn't even keep it from howing in rage at Nebrinel.] [ It counterattacks! ] 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-4) and gets 1. [ And misses. Poor kitty. Fyril, go! ] * Nebrinel drives her sword in the path of its attack. "Just go AWAY. We came to retrieve Ada, not hurt you." [ A variety of jeering calls in all sorts of languages rise up all around you. ] * Fyril watches her fend off the cat thing, then purses his lips and cranes his neck out again. 2d6+1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6+1) and gets 10. [ Fyril suddenly can't stop hiccuping. ] * Nebrinel grins, and stabs once more at the Bandersnatch, right where she hit it before. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 10, a CRITICAL FAILURE!!! "Your logic is faulty, your intelligence is doubtful, and your sumo is insufficient." [ Nebby's attack comes too soon, and the bandersnatch bites her, each half of it's head sinking its half-set of teeth into one of her shoulders! ] (Haw.) (You're going down!) * Nebrinel 's aura goes solid grey, and the jaws seem not to do much other than _be_ there. No bleeding or anything. "Damnation!" [ Fyril, do something! ] (<.< >.>) * Fyril shakes his head, and twists his hand in his pocket. He focuses his eyes on the pair, and whispers something under his breath. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6-3) and gets -1, a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!! "Fight! For everlasting love and peace!" (Geez, Fyril. o_O) (Loving it.) (What did you feed him?) (Dicey, you whore. I can't say slut, because you only give it to Fyril.) (... God damn. Dicesuke *LOVES* Fyril. That's, what, the 3rd crit- success he's had this session?) (Yep.) [ ... ] (It's REVENGE.) (REVENGE for critfailing all my characters constantly!) (I KNEW there was a reason I picked up Fyril!) [ The Bandernsatch freezes solid. It no longer moves. The voices around you howl in anger, but then suddenly stop. ] (*cough*) * Nebrinel ... gets frozen with it? Oh dear. She tries to extricate herself. "... well done, Fyril. Have you been practicing when I wasn't looking?" [ A shadow grows over the two of you. Big. ] * Fyril unclenches his hand, and takes one hesitant step towards Nebrinel before paling again, and scanning around. * Nebrinel 's aura also fades, and she looks up, hopefully soon to be extricated. "Aw, God's blood." [ The Bandersnatch shatters, leaving Nebby free. A huge, draconic form rises from the ground... for some reason, it's intelligent-seeming gaze reminds you of someone. ] * Nebrinel backs away, and eyes the dragon, looking very tired. "Are you going to fight us too, despite our not seeking a fight?" * Fyril shoves his hands back in his pocket, edging away. He looks somewhat panicky. [The creature opens its ponderous jaw and speaks. Unfortunately, it seems to have little choice but to do so rather loudly. "THEY HAD REASON ENOUGH TO ATTACK YOU. I DO NOT. IF YOU INTEND TO SAVE ADA, YOU HAVE VERY LITTLE TIME."] [ Session end! ]