[ Last time, on Age of Chibi, Our Heroes were sitting about and chatting unsuspectingly, little realising that the GM... er, rather, that FATE had cruel plans in store for them! Well, moreso than usualm anyway. Er, right. ] [ However, Fate (a different one) has it in for the GM, too, and so he burned his hand, making his typing really awkward and slow. This was a problem, as the GM needed to be able to type quickly for his idea to work. ] [ So instead of fighting incredible dangers, Our Heroes are inside the witch's house, where they will likely talk for a while, as they are all feeling unusually talkative tonight. And just a bit tired, but not enough to go sleep, no sir. So. ] [ SESSION START. ] * Ada is there, and feeling tired, but not enough to go to sleep. It looks like she's had no trouble going for her walk and back, but she's looking at people like she'd much prefer to pretend to sleep, thank you very much. So... have a pleasant walk, Ada? * Sei is sitting around, just looking at the house in general, as he's already gone through and peered at most of the books. (Is witch lady here?) [ No. She's begged off for the night, saying she didn't sleep well the night before and therefore is very tired. ] * Ada takes a deep breath, but all she says is, "It was... fine." She pauses for a moment. "Things went well while I was gone?" * Sei nods. Well, nothing large and slobbery attacked, and I managed not to eat any ensorcelled pastries. * Sei raises an eyebrow at Ethan. "That's an interesting word." Though that Teleporting Crueller *was* rather tempting... * Ada shakes her head. * Ethan grins at Sei. "Was in a story I read as a kid. My vocabulary isn't entirely made up of military terms, y'know. Just about... 80%." * Sei grins. ... are magical pastries a common thing? 'cause a mage specializing in that would just be kinda silly. Not as far as I'm aware, no. (Argh, my attendance at dinner is apparently mandatory. It's tacos, though, so I can eat one, run back and respond, repeat. :P) ... good, good. I've pretty much wrapped my brain around all this magic stuff, but I think a Pastry Mage would break my brain. More. ... though that would certainly be a tasty way to go. ( "Death by Chocolate", indeed. ) (Twizzler's got that.) But yeah. Most of the time you were out, me'n Sei were just chatting about... random stuff. This'n that. Whole lotta nothin'. Yessir, not much at all. * Ada eyes Ethan. "You're a horrible liar. Out with it." * Sei peers at Ethan. ... who, me? [ Yes, you. ] Who do you think? * Ada folds her arms and eyes Ethan. (Go Ada Go!) * Ethan briefly adopts the facial expressions of a deer in the path of a Xivilai fireball, then sighs. "... buncha stuff, really." And this 'stuff', Ethan? Just... stuff. The curse. My life. Sei's life. And... well, you. * Ada blinks. * Ada tries to keep the curiosity out of her voice, but... "Really?" [ Ada FAILS HER ROLL. ] (Ada didn't even roll!) [ Yeah, but still. ] (Meanie!) * Ethan shrugs. "Yeah. Curse is obviously on my mind, as is all the crap from my life. Tryin' to learn a bit more about Sei... and, well, there's you." *slight grin* * Sei nods. * Ada puts on a more guarded expression. "What about me?" * Ethan pauses for a moment before speaking. "I... we don't know a heckuva lot about you, about your past, about how you got to be how you are. I've said as much to you, and you've given pretty clear signals it wasn't something you wanted to discuss. And I respected that... talkin' 'bout my past is cathartic for me, but that's just me. I guess it was... I dunno, me thinkin' out loud, tryin' to get a grasp on ya." So you were thinking? Huh. * Sei nods. "That covers it pretty well." * Ethan frowns. "Hey, c'mon. I may play the fool most of the time... and actually be the fool some of the time... but I'm not some brainless mook with a pointy stick." * Ada looks down at her hands. She twists her fingers together, then forces them still. "I know." * Ethan nods. "I know you know, and I appreciate it. Really. S'nice that you can look past the goofy exterior and see the... well, goofy yet intelligent interior. *smirks* * Ada smirks faintly and comments, "I didn't say you were intelligent." * Ethan clutches his heart. "You wound me, Ada. Truly. Verily. Zounds, even." (YES! Zing! Nebby maintains her respect for Ada.) (Zings are necessary. *nods*) (Indeed?) (*smacks Sei*) (Ow.) * Ada nods. She takes a deep breath, then blinks and shakes her head. "I don't know." Don't know what? How I feel. About? * Ada shrugs. "Everything." (Kumquats! --oh.) The most recent things most pressingly, I assume. * Sei nods. You'd assume correctly. * Ada sighs, then flops back, looking up at the ceiling. "I just don't know." Well... best way to deal might be to just wait and see. See what? Well, like with your mom. Obviously, you're pissed at her. And you have every damn right to be. ( "Whether we all get killed or not." "Oh.") * Ada frowns. "Right." (DevilAda: So kill her! AngelAda: Ssh!) (There's an AngelAda?) (Only because without her, DevilAda wouldn't exist.) But, she obviously feels awful about what she did, and wants to try'n make it up to you. Of course, it's a hard thing to forgive... maybe impossible. But she's gonna try anyway... and maybe she'll figure out a way to earn your forgiveness. * Sei nods. I've been researching that god, but I haven't had any luck so far. * Ada eyes Ethan for a moment. "It's hard to forgive someone when they avoid you." She turns to Sei. "Really? Maybe we know him under a different name." * Sei blinks. "Good point..." ... point. She's prolly avoiding you 'cause she doesn't know where to begin making up for it, though. ... not that that excuses it. Just sayin'. * Ada bites her lip, then shrugs again. "All right." * Sei nods. * Ethan shurgs. "And maybe it'll turn out she don't deserve your forgiveness. I dunno. But the way I usually deal with these things is to avoid thinking about it as much as a I can, and concentrate on the task at hand." ... of course, actually *having* a task at hand would help. *chuckles nervously* Curing your curse. s'not really "at hand", because we still don't have any idea if it's even possible, let alone what it would entail. Likely talking to the witch. Heck, I don't even understand the curse yet. Curing it seems like a long way off. * Ada shrugs. The original curse turned that bandit guy into a little silly miniature version of himself whenever he attacked someone. I just seem to turn into it at random, and I can still fight while the curse is activated. Fight really well, even, if what you guys said was right. So you want to keep it? It may have a dark side, though. (Turn your power to the dark side!) Keep it? ... hell, I dunno. I mean, it *is* a curse. And curses are supposed to be bad, right? * Ada nods. "Right." Generally. At the same time... well, you guys actually saw me fight when I was like that. How was I compared to my normal fighting skills? It's hard to say whether it's a curse, or just a special spell, as the effects will be different for different people. Of course, there may be a bad side to it that will affect you - and the more infrequent it is, the nastier it's likely to be. ... nasty is bad. Probably. But really, this is kinda important. When I was all small and big- headed, was I as effective a fighter as I normally am? More so? Less so? * Sei raises an eyebrow. "More so. It was quite impressive, and the intimidating effect helped." Your priorities were also... strange, and I can't say the amnesia is a plus. * Ethan blinks. "My priorities?" * Sei nods. "You actually went for their spleens. Literally." ( "GO FOR THE SPLEEN! GO FOR THE SPLEEN!" ) ... I wha? Yes. I can identify a spleen when I see one. Or three. ( *wonders if he should have you all roll to see how much SAN you loose when these things happen* ) ( Call of Spleenthulu! ) ... wow. That's just... I mean... GEEZ. * Sei nods. ... well, on the one hand, that kind of fighting ability could certainly come in handy in a pinch. Problem is, I can't exactly call on it at will... * Ethan winces. "And if it were to kick in at a moment that called for, say, stealth or diplomacy..." * Sei nods. "That would be bad." Horrible, yes. ("Sir, they forced our ambassador to vent his spleen." "Well, that's all well and good, but I don't see why some strong words -" "I meant that literally, sir." "...") ( Hey, ChibiEthan doesn't randomly attack people. He might chew on the ambassador's head a bit, maybe, granted... ) (Eew?) ( And by 'chew', I mean 'engulf whole in his gigantic mouth'. =P ) (I see EthanGuu in my head and I want to hurt something. <_< >_>) ... so yeah. Keeping the curse seems like a very, very bad idea. Unless it becomes controllable, or at least predictable. Hm, yes. I mean, having the ability to turn it on and off for key battles... even if just for psychological intimidation, by scaring the living hell out of an opposing force... * Ada shakes her head. "Whatever, Ethan." Flop she goes. ... did I... er, it seem to take the fight seriously, or was it goofing off, putting you guys in more danger than you needed to be in, that kinda stuff? It was hard to say. You certainly weren't wasting any time, though. Mmm... dunno if that inspires confidence. Even if my skills were the same, or greater, I wouldn't want a less battle-savvy version of myself in key fights... could be really dangerous. * Sei nods. May not always seem like it, but everything I do in a fight... how I swing my glaive, which enemy I attack, which way I try to deflect an incoming attack... it has a purpose. And that's key to how I fight. That makes sense to me... If it's a gigantic brawl, I gotta make sure not to overextend myself on the attack, so I'm in position to try'n knock away attacks aimed at you guys if it doesn't look like you're gonna be able to get outta the way. In a fight against one enemy, though, with you guys hanging back and lobbing spells, it's an entirely different story. * Sei nods. * Ada yawns. She looks like she's only paying partial attention. * Sei sighs, and leans back. 'cause, of course, I'm the designated punching bag for this group. *smirks* (Nebby: Yay!) (Nebby: Maybe he can take a hit for me once!) * Sei grins. "And thanks for that, Ethan." ( Wouldn't Nebby try to hit Ethan for 'protecting her'? =P ) (Maybe, but it's better than dying. ^_~) ( Save me, Ethan! I'm very very very very scared! *shivers*) [ And then something terrible happened! Session end. ]