[ We find Our Heroes sitting in the Library. Again. They've been recovering from their terrible horrible soul-numbing quest, and now they need to figure out what they want their next terrible horrible soul-numbing quest to be! ] [ It's been two days, so you're all fully recovered. Even Nebby. ] [ Session Start! ] ( Shit, he escaped. ) ( Quick! Get the stun-gun. I'll get the duct tape and potato sack.) ( *breaks Zeg and Atom's legs* ) ... why couldn't Pantryfiller be cursed to turn me into a trebuchet? That'd be pretty cool. I could be Trebuchet Teen... dashing goateed warrior by day... stone-hurling war machine by night! * Sei stares at Ethan over his book. Ethan, you're an idiot. (Wow, simple, effecient, and offensive.) * Nebrinel looks recovered, indeed, for someone who has spent the last few days mainly in the library. She eyes Ethan, and then smirks. "I agree with Ada completely." ... what? You prefer my turning into a hyperactive gnome? ( More of a halfling, actually, but still. ) ( I thought of him as a pixie. ) * Ethan smirks. "Besides, last I checked, trebuchets didn't have mouths. I thought you all would appreciate that little fact." (Farrie.) * Ada snorts. "I rather think we should just find you a cure and be done with it." Well, yes. * Ethan snorts. "Bah. You people have no imaginations." If I'm gonna be stuck with a curse, I'm darn well gonna find some good in it by using it as a basis for some amusing thoughts, musings, and one-liners. * Nebrinel shakes her head. "What a waste of a curse. I do not know about a cure, though. I think you would be hard pressed to find one outside these walls." Mmm. That's most likely where we'll find one. Hmm... * Ada looks at Ethan. "If the curse was made by a witch, then most likely, one can unmake it." * Ethan raises an eyebrow at Ada. "Nothing in my life is *that* easy." No. The hard part will be finding one, and then convincing him or her. Well, until then, I can deal with the curse. I hate not bein' in control of myself, but... * Ada shrugs and leans back, closing the book on her lap. She turns her gaze to Nebrinel. "I suggest we start looking for one soon." * Ethan grins. "Question is, will I find a witch to help with the curse before it drives you all insane to the point where you try to kill me?" * Ada shrugs. * Sei shrugs. "I don't mind." * Nebrinel looks back at Ada levelly. "With the magicians we have in these walls, what you say can only mean one thing. Going across the Ironwall." (Dinner at keyboard. Specifically, steak and baked potato. Excuse slow typing. :P) ( :9 ) * Ethan gives Sei a thumbs-up. * Ada smiles. "I always thought you were a perceptive one." * Sei pages through his Book. "Witches, witches..." I've got nothing, except that east is definitely the way to go. * Nebrinel glances over at Sei, and rubs her temples. "I could have told you that. Not many elves go across the Ironwall for fun. Even less to look for magic." * Sei nods. Back east then... hmm. * Ethan shrugs. "Well, it'll give you all an opportunity to see how the hell I ended up like I am, if nothing else." * Nebrinel frowns. "The east." She looks down at herself, and smirks, looking back up. "Well, I guess I am completely out, then." * Sei raises an eyebrow. * Ada shrugs. "Fine." She looks at Sei. "You?" I'm in. It will, at least, be interesting.asl (ack.) * Nebrinel looks back at Sei. "I was a tall woman hundreds of years ago. There is no way I'm blending in now." ( Dammit, Sei! No cyber-macking on Ada! ) * Sei grins. "There's next to nothing in the literature about the east. I'll be famous." * Ada chuckles. ( Interesating.asl: file format not recognized. ) (Sei, trying to sneak in references to American Sign Language. Very smooth.) Well, Nebrinel... I'd say I'm sorry that you're not coming along, but we both know that'd be a lie, ne? *grins* (I hit return and also hit the keyboard with a fork, and it fell backwards. :P) Probably. I'll miss your smiling face, Nebrinel. (He appears to be sincere.) * Nebrinel shrugs. "At least you won't be plagued with cries of 'Elves!' wherever you go. I imagine it will help you greatly." Well, if nothing else, it's been interesting travelling with you. If ya ever find yerself in trouble that requires a completely unsubtle touch, track me down. * Nebrinel gets a faint smile. "I will think of you first. Of that, I am sure." * Ethan chuckles. "A warrior can ask for nothing more than to be memorable." * Nebrinel says dryly. "I can think of a few things." ... shh. I'm trying to be deep and philosophical here. It's not working." Empahsis on trying. Go with what you know, Ethan. It'll serve you well. And good luck on your curse. * Ethan grins. "If you want, I can give you a few pointers on your training routine, try'n inject a little short life-span urgency into it. Who knows... in a few years, you might be able to take me." *winks* * Nebrinel chuckles. "I have other things to worry about, now that the blasted war is over." She eyes Ada, and Sei, then Ada. "Would you object to me taking Denlar's Healing Blade?" She smirks. "I don't happen to have a healer following me around." And thanks. No curse good. Sei can take it, but a few more appearances and I think Ada'll use me for target practice s'more. Right lass? *grins at Ada* * Ada tilts her head. "You need two Great Weapons, Nebrinel?" Hmm... * Nebrinel says, "Not normally, but with luck like that last battle..." she frowns "...I may find myself in need of it anyway." ( "Winners Don't Give Away Great Weapons!" ) (We have anywhere from four to six great weapons hanging around. c.c;) * Sei considers. "I have to say, I've grown rather attached to it..." * Ada gets to her feet. "Perhaps something else, Nebrinel." And she vanishes. ( Or Nebrinel, I never knew you wanted Sei's sword that badly. ... die. *pimpgrins* ) (Do it!) * Nebrinel shrugs at Sei. "If not, I will do without." She glances over at where Ada used to be. "And best of luck to you, Sei. I imagine Ada will not need it." * Sei smiles sheepishly. "Thanks for your understanding. And, thank you." (With two suckers like you, who needs luck?) ... y'know, I really gotta learn that trick. Seems like it'd be really handy. * Ethan downs a sandwich. Mmm, sammich. * Ada returns to where she was before, completely without fanfare, and holds a large book out to Nebrinel. [ The book is a ponderous treatise on the healing arts written by a famous healer. ] * Nebrinel reaches out and takes the book. She looks at it front and back. "Quite hefty. And useful." Does it include sections on making elven barmaids swoon? * Ada eyes Ethan. "No." She sits back down. Not this edition. Ah. Sei's been studying the advanced texts. Gotcha. * Sei grins. "Advanced field research." * Nebrinel chuckles faintly, and stuffs the thing down into her breasts, and it vanishes. "I suppose that deals with most everything. I think I will not waste any more of your or Xivilai's time, and be on my way, then." She pauses, and adds, "You know how to contact me if you wish." * Sei bows to Nebrinel. "Good luck." * Ada nods. * Ethan waves. "Don't forget to chew before you swollow any souls." * Nebrinel smiles faintly. "It would be nice to have good luck, yes. And you won't need to worry about that." ( I'll swallow your soul!) (ChibiNebby would look a lot like that old chibi picture of Ciara.) ( "And for god's sakes, don't release anyone trapped in a staff! ) * Nebrinel starts to turn, and then stops. "And in case you didn't know, Ethan, to the north of yours is a dangerous country where witches are told to be common." She smirks. "Out of a fairytale, almost." May the wind carry you safely. * Nebrinel strides out of the room. * Ada watches her go. "And you as well." She doesn't sound very sincere. ( I am doomed. ;_; ) ( DOOM! ) ( *weeps* ) (This group doesn't have that much tying it together, Yu. ^^;) ( True. Stupid group! Start bonding! Now! ) (Right, Nebby didn't fall for Sei. ;_;) ( Because she has a brain. ) (I saw no seduction rolls, babe. You didn't even try.) ( Make something explode Yu. ) ( That'll work well. ) (It would have been unfair, Nebby. At -5?) (Nebby has a -6. Opposed skill check... o/~) (......impressive.) (I bow before your superior mad wind ninja seduction skillz.) ( Besides, Nebby likes 'em young. =P ) (This has become obvious. ... oh yeah. I remember that legend. (You spend 400 years as a teenager and see how well you do.) (Sigh. ^^;) Really. Never put much stock in it. I mean, humans that can do magic? How silly is that? Exceptionally talented present company excepted, of course. *wink* * Ada smirks. "Of course." * Sei grins. "Well, since we now know it's possible, it sounds a lot more believable." So we travel across Ironwall. I'm afraid we're going to have to rely on Ethan as a guide, Sei. * Sei raises an eyebrow. "Afraid?" Just look at him. (At least you don't have to go _far_ into the eastern countries. ^_~) * Ethan gnaws on a piece of beef hanging from the end of his glaive. "Hmm?" * Sei considers. "Well, he may be seven innovative kinds of weird, but he strikes me as the sort who's actually a great tour guide." Only seven? *pouts* * Sei grins. "Offhand." * Ethan grins back. "But yeah, I do know the general area pretty well. Required learning'n all. Good soldier knows his terrain." So. * Sei nods. * Ada folds her hands. "When do you want to get started?" I'm more or less all set. * Ethan shrugs. "Well, I'm ready whenever, but I had figured Xivilai would want to talk to us at some point before we left. If not, I can leave as soon as I find a place in my pack for that magic book containing that huge military tactic book series. * Sei grins. "That, I'll carry." Okay then. If we don't need to talk to Xivilai, then I can go whenever. ( And if not... where are our medals? ;_; ) * Ada smirks. "If you like, I can ask her." She closes her eyes. ... that's a nifty trick too. Sure beats yelling across the castle. ... which, upon further reflection, would probably get me fireballed here if I tried it. * Ada opens her eyes. "Your voice wouldn't carry *that* far, Ethan." ... are you *sure* about that? Yes. I've been told I'm pretty loud, y'know. Big mouth, too. And your point is? Nothin'. *whistles* * Ada rolls her eyes. ( Y'know, for all the grief you give me about Ethan's taste in women... what about Ada's taste in men? ^_~ ) (Now you're assuming she genuinely likes Ethan to any appreciable degree.) (Yeah. If I found a guy that made me invulnerable in battle? He'd think I liked him too.) So? Do we wait for her? (Hee!) ( Point. =P ) Mmm, yes. She's currently entertaining Nebrinel. Ahh. ( They're playing Scrabble. X-I-V-I-L-A-I. Triple word score... 730 points. I don't think that's in the dictio- *GLOWS* ... I'll let it go this time. ) (Yup!) (Ha!) Ah, okay. * Ethan hrms. "Either of you ever been east of the Ironwalls?" Not yet, no. Never. Well, I can't promise the nifty ruins we found in elven lands... but there's some damn nice scenery. * Ada nods. And probably fewer people with Great and Morganti weapons, thankfully. And more stampedes, apparently. * Sei grins. Not that many, actually. That tactic is a Swordbreaker exclusive, for the most part. *grins* * Ethan mutters. "Though the Swordbreaker imagination apparently skipped my pops' generation..." It happens. * Sei nods. I'd invite you guys to visit my homeland, but... well, as I've mentioned before, there're issues. I understand. Hopefully it can be avoided. * Sei nods. * Ethan grins. "Though it would be kind of amusing to just walk in, spit in the old man's face, then walk out. Could say hi to a few friends while I was there, too." * Sei grins. "Could be dangerous, though." Maybe. I can take him, though. And considering the skeletons I know about in his closet... * Ada coughs. "So, we leave tomorrow morning, then?" Sounds good. One last night in a real bed sounds like a plan. Definitely. * Ada nods and stands. "I'll start preparing, I suppose." * Sei nods. "I'll copy what the library has on the Eastern Kingdoms." Need any help? I'm fast and useful for carrying heavy objects. *grins* * Ada chuckles. "I don't think I'll be bringing any heavy objects. But thank you for the offer." * Ethan nods. "I'm almost tempted to see if I can carry a bed along with me... I don't think Xivilai would appreciate me stealing one, though." [ End session! ]