[ The battle is over! No, really. ] [ You all sit on the still-smoldering section of the battlefield that you fought Faydra on. She has, sadly, been stabilized by the medics of her forces, who have moved her to a tent far away from the lot of you. Right now, the remnants of Faydra's forces are trying to figure out who gets the chore of surrendering. ] [ The battlefield has become a boring place. Sei's off tending the wounded, Nebby's still unconscious, and Napper is sulking about the fact that the war was so short and lacking in brutality. ] [ Mini start. Have fun, kids. :P ] * Ada sits a good distance from the center of that nasty spell she cast and looks over her instruments, making sure they haven't been damaged. They haven't been damaged, have they? Someone's gonna suffer if they have... * Ethan is slowly pacing the area around Ada, surveying the battlefield, glaive slung over one shoulder. "Y'know... all things considered, that could've been a whole lot worse." About five thousand times, yes. * Ada plucks at her mandolin experimentally and allows herself a tired smile. Still good. I mean, I just spent several minutes in melee combat with someone who, if she'd been thinking straight, could've taken a couple of steps back and blown me all the way back to Urik. As it was, I barely laid a glaive on her... luckilly, the 'Ethan distracts her while everyone else lobs spells' stratagism worked wonders. *grins* * Ada lets out a sigh. "I'm just glad it worked." She sets her mandolin in its case and looks to Ethan. "I barely had any magic left." And it didn't even require me to absorb an ass-kicking, like I envisioned when I thought it up. I mean, Sadira pretty much breaks the entire left side of my rib cage, and Faydra doesn't lay a finger on me. What're the odds? * Ada smiles faintly. I imagine she concentrated more on the magical arts than swordplay. * Ethan nods, walking over to Ada. "And for that I'm thankful. She was freaking STRONG... and yeah, you gotta be dead on your feet right now. I know that big firey column of death thingee takes a ton outta ya." I could probably cast another if we really needed it. * Ada looks over her flute. "But no more." * Ethan grins. "Lucky we had our own ridiculously powerful mage, too. And human to boot." * Ada snickers. Oh, I think that we just proved that I can't combat Faydra alone on my best day. My Lady's intervention is what was really needed. Think about it. A huge war between two elven magesses of incredible power, and what does it come down to? Two humans leading the charge. Downright inspiring, if I do say so myself. * Ada laughs. And Nebrinel and Sei? Supporting characters! *powerposes* ... don't tell Nebby I said that, though. She's likely to kill me in my sleep. And any other opportunity. * Ethan looks around from left to right, making sure Nebby hasn't regained conciousness nearby. But seriously... if I wasn't so freaking exhausted, I'd be giving a rambling speech on what a victory this is for humankind this was. As is... I think I'll sit down. * Ethan does so, setting his glaive down next to him. * Ada yawns. "One of the first intelligent things you've said all day." * Ethan dusts off a spot for Ada to sit down next to him. "Hey, I thought that attempt to distract Faydra right before your casted your big spell was pretty witty." *sticks out tongue* * Ada has a seat. Witty, maybe. But intelligent? ... okay, granted. Making disparaging remarks about the sex life of Faydra was pretty close to the stupidest thing I could've done. * Ethan shrugs. "Looked like she was chanting some kinda counterspell or something... had to try something to distract her, and it was either than or charge in and try to whack her, and hope I survived the hot fiery death." * Ada chuckles. "I knew what you were doing." * Ethan grins. "Good. Wouldn't want you thinking I'd just gone insane or something." *whistles* * Ada eyes, but to her credit, refrains from making the *really* obvious comment. Seriously considered just charging in there, though... dunno much about magic, as you know, but I figured I stood a better chance of surviving your spell than you did if she cast some kinda magic reflecting thingee. No. You would have died. So would I. Then it's a good thing I decided to go with plan B. *grins rakishly* * Ada looks at him for a moment longer, then goes back to turning her flute in her hands. "I'd say so." ... so what happens now? We go back to looking for Great Weapon pieces, like before? Probably. We wait for things to cool down. The political implications are going to be... incredible. But in the end, I'm going to continue looking. Mmm. So some time off. Sounds like a plan to me. Find somewhere nice and quiet to relax... no wars, no elves in black, no evil-laughing regenerating psychotic would-be suitors... * Ada snickers. "I was surprised to see Sadira there. And with a Great Weapon, no less." * Ethan mutters. "That was all I needed. I'm finally starting to get over my hangup about fighting women, and now she can grow new hands." I don't suppose that, with Faydra's defeat, Sadira's Great Weapon will conveniently lose all its power? Unlikely. Crap. But there has to be some way to counteract it. Perhaps there's some information on it in Black Peak... not every Great Weapon flashes plaid. * Ethan grins slightly. "Just Pantryfiller. Fear the power of plaid." Which reminds me... you hungry? Thirsty? * Ethan chugs down a tall glass of JUICE. * Ada thinks about that. "Thirsty, maybe. You can make drink, too?" Yup. With containers, too... would be kinda useless if the juice just appeared in midair above my head. Got a preference? (Here come the Elves in black. o/~ Ph33r the EIB.) * Ada looks curious, now. "Fruit juice would work." Which fruit? I don't care. Pick one. * Ethan closes his eyes, and concentrates... then opens his eyes and sees no glass of juice in his hand. He looks mildly disappointed, which looks even funnier than it should since there's a glass of some kind of juice sitting on his head. Darnit... usually works. * Ada snerks. "Don't move." * Ethan blinkblinks, but follows the instructions. * Ada reaches up and plucks the glass from the top of Ethan's head. * Ethan looks up. "... well that was unexpected." *eyes Pantryfiller* * Ada giggles. Yes, giggles. She has a sip of juice. "Hey, not bad. You're doing better with your control." * Ethan grins at Happy Ada. "I know... before, food would just appear in my hand from a stray thought, but I couldn't concentrate and actually summon it. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it... although my targeting needs some work." * Ada waves vaguely. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. * Ethan idly munches on a stalk of celery. *chewchewswollow* "I hope so. Last thing I need it so summon a glass of hot tea upside down." 'sides... if this thing comes with a curse, least it can do is work with me. * Ada nods. How does the curse work, anyway? * Ada blinks. "Wait. How did you even know you were under its effects? You didn't realize the time before." Dunno... last time, it was just like someone knocked me out, and then BANG, I woke up under the table. This time... last thing I really remember is being under a pile of elves, trying to get out... and then it was like I was watching from inside my head. I couldn't really tell what was going on, but I got bits and pieces... and, well, it fit with what you guys were saying after the first time. ... what am I like when the curse activates, anyway? (SPLEEN!) * Ada says dryly, "You were about two to three feet tall, with a head about twice as large as the rest of your body. You spoke in a very cute, high-pitched voice, ended various names with -chan, and were nearly impervious to any damage anyone could cause. And you were stronger in that form, too." In short, it's like someone turned you into a three-year-old, cast an invincibility and strength spell on you, and gave you a bucket of sugar. ... I dunno whether that's really scary or really, really neat. The first, I'd think. * Ethan frowns. "Well, at least I'm not a liability in a fight when I'm like that, right? I'd feel like an ass if you or the others got hurt because I turned into a large-headed, nigh-invincible toddler. No, but I will say you are a liability in anything remotely resembling a social situation. ... so, basically, just like normal? *smirk* * Ada thwaps Ethan with her free hand. "If only." * Ethan rubs his head. "Could be worse, I suppose. As curses go." It could. We should look for a cure, while we're at it, though. I'll ask my Lady once all this is over. Suppose. Though if it's something inherent in Pantryfiller... I dunno. I don't really understand all this Great Weapon stuff. * Ada chuckles. "You just hit things, hmm?" As long as it doesn't turn me into a wolfman, or some kind of raging pervert, it's not that big a deal. * Ada snickers. * Ethan grins. "Yeah, pretty much. I'll leave the magical musings to the experts. I just poke stuff with a pointy stick." There's no reason you can't learn. * Ada goes back to sipping her juice. She frowns slightly. "Speaking of which, Sei needs to be careful with his pacing. He can't burn himself out with an entire battle left to fight." Yeah. Woulda been bad if things got ugly and he had no healing spells left. He has Deathsbane, but yes. You'll just hafta whip him into shape. Just hasta spend more time practicing and less time getting hit on. * Ada grins, and something about that bodes poorly for Sei. "I'd say so." Maybe just coop him up in Black Peak. I think even Sei'd be scared to hit on Xivilai's staff members. Now that would be an interesting experiment. Interesting as in "I better have my glaive ready to save him?" * Ada smiles. "Maybe." Or we could just go for the gusto and try to fix him up with Xivilai. * Ada eyes Ethan. "... No." * Ethan grins. "You're cute when you're horrified." * Ada snorts and finishes her drink, then hands the glass to Ethan. * Ethan tosses it aside. It... just disappears. * Ada watches Ethan do that. "Definitely useful." She looks up at him. "So, what are you going to do, now that the war is over?" I dunno. You still need a bodyguard? *smirk* Did I ever? Well, no. Want a bodyguard? * Ada laughs. "Why not?" * Ethan grins. "I work cheap, and I can cook too." Your weapon cooks. Fyril cooks. You don't. * Ada tilts her head. "I wonder where he went. Deserters aren't looked highly upon." Hey, I can cook... a bit. Pantryfiller's just a bit better than I am. Right. * Ethan mmms. "Dunno... can't really blame him. He was a like a fish in a bottle of milk out there." You could just say 'fish out of water'. (Good ol' fashioned bulgerian MIIAAK!) * Ethan winks. "Did I forget to note my unique wit and charm?" * Ada blinks. "Wit? Charm?" She looks around. Yup! Witty and charming! That's me. And in denial, apparently. * Ethan grins evilly. "And, to top it all off... I'm a master of a lost and forbidden martial art." Before you stands... well, sits... a master. A master of... Tickle-fu. *lunges; tickles* * Ada yelps and tries to dodge, but ends up laughing uncontrollably as she tries to smack him away. "Ethan!" * Ethan cackles, tickling. "Is that laughter I hear?" *biggrin* * Ethan lets up after a minute, before it goes from amusing to annoying. * Ethan helps Ada up too, 'cause he's a gentleman. =P * Ada lets him, still giggling. She pokes him in the side. "Don't do that!" * Ethan just grins, and brushes some stray hairs out of Ada's face. * Ada blinks. "Ethan... what are you doing?" * Ethan shrugs. "You had some stray hairs hangin' in your face. I brushed 'em away." ^_^ Yes, but I can fix it myself. * Ethan blinks. "... okay. Was just being gentlemanly. Or clumsily flirtatious. One of the two. Maybe both. Dunno." (Ethan, you have the worst taste in girls... Right behind Fyril, anyways.) * Ada looks almost embarrassed. "Well, thank you anyway." (He really does.) ( Well, duh. ) * Ethan grins. "Perhaps I've still got a bit of work to do on the whole 'charming' thing, ne?" * Ada tucks some hair behind one hear. "More than a bit." It lacks sting, though. Well, then, we all have our missions during our time off. You help Sei work on his magical endurance, and I'll get charm lessons from Nebby! (Ethan is the funniest man alive.) ( ^_^_v ) * Ada blinks, then bursts out laughing. (Well, okay, he would have been the funniest man alive if he had said 'Xivilai' or 'Napper', but Nebby's not bad.) * Ethan glares overdramatically at Ada. "Grr. I'll eat your soul. Grr. Grr." * Ada tries to stop, but can't quite. "No, please don't!" she wails between laughter. ( You missed Ethan suggesting they fix up Sei with Xivilai a bit earlier, Mecha. =P ) (Meanwhile, Nebrinel lies unconscious and thankfully out of earshot.) (Damn Faydra ruining a perfictly justifiable homicide opportunity.) * Ethan reaches down into his mithril tunic. "Stop laughing, or I'll pull a sword out of my splee- darn, where is it? I know it'd down here somewhere..." *rummages around* * Ada laughs harder. * Ethan takes off one of his shoes, and peers into it. "Heeeeeeello? Sword? You down there?" * Ada gasps for breath. "Oh. You had *better* hope Nebrinel is still sleeping." (Through the wonderful magic of Deus ex 'Can't revive someone while the GM's not here', she is! ^_~) * Ethan grins. "True, true. I mean, if I really tick her off, she might beat me up and trap me in her magical cleavage for all eternity." * Ada cracks up again. ... though I have to admit, that *is* a pretty nifty trick. Though there's NO WAY I'd try to hide Pantryfiller in my pants. WAY too risky. * Ada manages to calm herself down enough to say, "Please don't." Besides, it would just look really strange if, confronted by an enemy, I started rummaging around in my pants. Just not the image I wanna project. * Ada nods, the laughter dying. Eh, Nebby's not all bad. She's just too caught up with the whole "Grr. I'm a grim badass." thing. According to you, everyone is. ... well, comparatively. *grins* (Grr, I'm a grim badass.) (Very good! You can play Nebbie!) (Woot! So, when does Nebbie turn into a guy? :P) (-_-) * Ada grins. "And you'd better not let her hear you call her 'Nebbie', too." ... I just called her "Nebby"? Must be left over from the curse... Sure it is. (* Zegon gives Ethan a spleen plushie.) Well, anyway, we have our agenda for our time off. You help Sei with his magic, Sei helps me with my charm, and I help Nebrinel with her sense of humor. (Dude, you completely picked the wrong time to 'work on Nebrinel's sense of humor'.) Just pray she won't kill you. I went toe to toe with Faydra today, and I survived. Suddenly, Nebrinel isn't quite as scary. *grin* * Ada smirks. "Well. It's your funeral." Could be. But deep down, I think Nebrinel's really just a big softie. * Ada snorts. "No. She isn't." ... okay, no, she isn't. But isn't it amusing to envision her skipping through a field of flowers, singing jaunty tunes? Skipping through flowers and singing tunes? * Ada grins. Maybe cuddling a puppy or something, too. Nebrinel, friend to animals. Why, Ada. Do I detect a note of sarcasm? Me? Sarcastic? I know, I know. Perish the thought. I mean, really. I've never known you to be sarcastic. Never. Not in the least. Nope. Nosirree. I mean, sarcasm? You? S'like someone accusing me of being too silly. Absolutely preposterous. * Ada nods. "Yes, see? Now stop overdoing it, Ethan." * Ethan grins. "Overdoing it? Me?" I know. The idea is along the lines of you being silly. Yup, sounds about right. * Ethan mmms. "Y'know, I never did find out why Faydra ended up in that staff..." * Ada chuckles. "She attacked her mother." ... well that was pretty dumb. I thought so. I mean, hell, I don't get along with my parents, but if my mom could call down pillars of light and blast hills into itty bitty bite-sized morsals, I'd maybe think about just lodging a formal protest or something. So back into the staff for her now? * Ada shrugs. Who knows. I doubt my Lady would kill her, but... * Ada sighs. "Likely just a harsher punishment. (Morons! Fools! A pox upon Xivilai's stupid head!) ( I heard that. ) ... harsher? Yeek. Perhaps entrapment in something that can't be brought to her stronghold, for example. I'm sure we'll find out eventually. ... yeah. How *did* Faydra's staff end up where we could find it and accidentally free her? That I don't know. * Ethan blinks, then facepalms. "And why is it only now that I wrap my head around the idea that all the crap that's been going around lately, including Sadira getting, if possible, MORE annoying, is partly my fault?" * Ada blinks. "How so?" Chopping up the golem protecting Faydra's staff. Helping out with finding the staff. (Wow, Ethan. Your memory is like swiss cheese. >.>) ... And you just now realized this. (It is, it is.) * Ethan blushes slightly, and strokes his goatee nervously. "Had a lot on my mind lately... been too busy thinking about the next minute to think about the grand scheme of things." * Ada eyes Ethan for a moment, then sighs and shakes her head. * Ethan shrugs helplessly. "I've got a curse, a great weapon with all sorts of ridiculous powers, a psychotic unwanted suitor who can now regenerate faster than I can talk, a war, that elf in black... plus you. Lots on my mind." *grin* Me? I should be the least of your worries. (Which is why he put her last!) * Ethan strokes his goatee thoughtfully. "Perhaps... but perhaps not." Although you're not trying to kill me. Or marry me. Or both at once. ( Like they're so different? ) * Ada laughs. "Exactly." * Ethan lays down, staring up at (wait for it...) the sky. "I just realized something else, too..." * Ada doesn't do the same, and looks down at Ethan. "Hmm?" * Ethan turns his head to look at the suddenly taller Ada. "I know practically nothing about you." * Ada smiles slightly. "You would be right." Yer a mystery wrapped in an enigma stuck inside... err... something else that means the same thing as enigma. I'm surprised you even know that word. * Ethan smirks. "Picked it up readin' a book of military theory. Something about 'Victory is an enigma that can only be solved by staying alive to see it.'" Don't let the impish demeanor fool you. I may not be in your class, either in terms of natural smarts or stuff ya know... but I'm no slouch in the brains department." * Ada looks vaguely amused. "You say that as though I'd tolerate you if you were." * Ethan taps his head. "Whacking people with a pointy stick doesn't take much brains. Military theory, tactics, analyzing fighting styles... that does." * Ethan snerks. "Well, I didn't think you kept me around for my classic good looks." * Ada seems to consider that. "Well, I don't know. They're not *that* bad." * Ethan blinks. "Really?" He looks genuinely surprised by her response. Sure. Unless I'm being sarcastic again. * Ethan eyes Ada. "... have I called you a meanie recently?" * Ada smirks. "Fairly." Okay then. No need to repeat myself. * Ethan sits up, and rolls his right shoulder. "... y'know, I think I've put on some muscle these last few months." (In fact, if you look closely, Ethan has definately put on some muscle since you first met him... he's still slim, and hardly what one would call "buff", but he's gone from stringbean to wiry.) * Ada chuckles. "War does that. I might have." She looks down at her arm critically. "But probably not." (Has she? =P) (Heavens no.) * Ethan pinches Ada's bicep lightly. "Oh, definately. You're buff." *grins* * Ada chides, "Now Ethan, don't lie to me. That's not good for you." ... meep? * Ada eyes him. (Get him! Get him!) (Mecha's on my side!) ( Me too!) Okay okay. You've got arms like a mage. That better? *sticks out tongue* * Ada laughs. "Maybe. I'll have to think about it." s'no shame. You're a mage. Your line of work doesn't involve tons of heavy lifting or hours of katas a day. More mentally taxing than physically, right? If you like, I can show you how it feels. (I just need a frying pan...) (Shh. ^^) Do I get to put you through one of my training regimens if I agree? *smirks* * Ada considers that. "Now, that sounds like physical work. I don't know if I'm up for it." All the more reason. Gimme a month or two, and you'll be able to take Nebrinel hand-to-hand as well as magically. (I remember mentioning Ethan being the funniest man alive? I might need to upgrade that.) (^_^_v) * Ada snorts. "Right." * Ethan chuckles. "Amusing thought though, ne?" It's a nice one, yes. Just unlikely to happen, oh... ever. *shrugs* I wouldn't say that. For someone as good at magic as you are, you're damn good with that rapier. Shows some natural talent for the blade. * Ada shrugs. "No. It just shows a good teacher and a more or less willing student." She picks at the grass. "I admit that I do have actual talent for magic, though." Gee, ya think? I mean, with the lightning and the earthquakes and the giant fiery column of hot flaming burny death... I don't know magic, but even I can tell you're good at it. * Ada chuckles. "Thank you. Not nearly as good as I'd like to be, but..." She shrugs. "I don't appear to be in as much a hurry to get there as Nebrinel." She is a bit on the power-hungry side. Isn't it kinda odd for elves to hurry about anything? That's putting it lightly. * Ethan shrugs. "Well, as long as she's on our side, power-hungry's not really a bad thing, right?" Not necessarily. Not until she decides not to be. Which will happen eventually, I'm sure. Hmm? * Ada rubs at the back of her neck, then sighs. "As an example. Faydra is power hungry." ... so basically, you're saying that Nebrinel's eventually gonna decide that we're in her way? It tends to happen. If you need to get ahead, and a few people are shown as an obstacle and, let's say, you were working with them out of convenience, what would eventually happen? But how're we an obstacle? I'd think having a skilled mage and warrior travelling with you would make things easier. ... and somehow, I doubt she wants to take Pantryfiller from me. *chuckles* (How 'bout it, Nebby? Want Pantryfiller?) (Only if it doesn't talk.) (Chibi-Nebrinel!) * Ada smiles humorlessly. "Well, we'll see." (What a terror that would be.) Well, if push comes to shove, I can take her. I don't know about that. Women, remember? * Ethan frowns. "s'true. But I'm getting better about that, slowly... plus, she *knows* I can take her." *grins* If it were a purely physical contest, yes. But the magic... * Ethan strokes his goatee. "Plus the whole soul-sucking thing. I like my soul on the bottoms of my feet, thankyouverymuch." ... I suppose that's one way to put it. s'just creepy, really. I mean, beating a guy, stabbing him, slashing him, that's one thing... sucking out their soul? *shudders* * Ada nods. "There's a reason I don't use Hunger." Pantryfiller can do that, too... but I can turn it off. And I do. * Ethan grins. "Besides, it wouldn't be much use against Sadira. Blood from a stone and all." * Ada winces slightly. "Your ex-fiance leaves quite an impression." I know... don't suppose I'd be able to convince Xivilai to call down one of those pillars of light on her? * Ada snerks. "Unlikely, but you can try." Worth a shot. *grins* * Ada stifles a yawn. "When we return to Black Peak then, more than likely." Tired, I see. * Ada waves vaguely. "I'm fine. It was a tiring battle, that's all." Want a ride back to camp? * Ada blinks. "A ride?" I'm a master of the rare and powerful art of Piggy Back rides. *sitting- powerpose* * Ada rolls her eyes and gets to her feet, picking up her mandolin case. "No. I think I'll walk." * Ethan gets up, whistling and leaning his glaive on his shoulder. "Just offering. Like you said earlier, casting all that magic is taxing." Not so taxing that I can't stand. Or walk. * Ada proceeds to demonstrate that, heading back to camp. More slowly than normal, admittedly, but! 'course. But I'd hardly be chivalrous if I didn't offer, hmm? Chivalry. In the form of a piggy back ride. Well, yeah. Chivalry isn't dead; just simplified. * Ada shakes her head. "Only you." * Ethan bows. [ And they lived happily ever after! Well, maybe. Session end! ]