[ We find Our Heroes deep in a clump of forest upriver from both their own camp and that of their enemy. They are here because Fyril had previously found a conveniently fallen tree that was large enough to bridge the deep, fast- running river here, and sturdy enough to support people walking across it. This is also a good place to put the final touches on any plans, if you feel you need to. ] [ It's a dark night, with few stars and a hazed-over moon. And it's about an hour past midnight. Session start! ] * Ada looks around, sighing heavily. Her hood is pulled over her head, for whatever that's worth. ( It's worth a lot, considering the color of your hair. ^_~ ) (^_^_v) * Sei is looking...unusually impish, actually. * Ethan peers around, glaive resting on his shoulder. He's eschewed his backpack for this mission, deciding to travel light. He's not eating at the moment, either. * Nebrinel isn't wearing that damn sash or hat. She has dumped her bow and pack as well, instead going with her dark black cloak. She's been very businesslike and silent. ... okay, so where do we go from here? [ You all carry kerosene with you. Currently, you're carrying it in overlarge wineskins with shoulderstraps, since the clay jugs or glas jars usually used to carry the stuff would be more likely to make noise. You can't smell it through the skins, but that'll likely change once you take the caps off. ] * Fyril adjusts the wineskins of kerosene he's carrying, and moves back and forth on his feet. He's grinning widely. "Over the tree, around to the side of the camp. Staying away from the main entry areas, since the guard's heavier there. We can just go in one of the sides." * Nebrinel makes a small mming noise, and nods in confirmation. They don't have any sort of wall or anything around the camp? * Fyril shakes his head. "Nah, that's only at the front. It looks like they think there's not enough room to get around and attack from the side with a large group." * Sei nods. * Ethan hmms. "But a small group... sloppy sloppy sloppy." *grin* * Nebrinel says dryly, "Elven blindness." * Ada snerks. * Ethan looks around. Is the tree already in position? (Tu-whit, tu-whoo. [6]) * Fyril looks off into the distance, and his eyes sparkle. "Maybe they're just too honorable to think of people like me." I can't say I like this, but since we're going to do it, I might as well enjoy it. [ It certainly is. It looks like it's been there awhile; it's weight has caused it to sink a fair way into the soil here, giving it a very solid ancoring point on both sides. ] Nothin' dishonorable about bein' sneaky. * Nebrinel shifts the shouderstraps. "Depends who you ask." She smiles slightly. "Let us go." * Ethan nods. "Fyril, you know the way. Wanna take point?" * Fyril nods happily, and hops up onto the tree, making his way across. * Ethan follows. * Sei follows. * Nebrinel follows as well. * Ada brings up the rear! [ You make it across the log without falling to your early and unheroic demises. Go you! ] (Yay!) (Happy undeath!) * Fyril slinks off further away from the main camp entrance, along the side, scanning around him as he goes. * Ethan hrms and whispers. "Y'know, if we end up running for our lives, knocking out that tree as we go across would buy us some time." [ As you make your way through the forest, Fyril gives you some basic tips to being sneaky. You now have -1 to sneak rolls! 'Scept Fyril, who still has his normal rolls. ] * Sei casts a quick spell. [ After Sei casts his spell, he becomes slightly more difficult to see.] * Ada closes her eyes for a moment and makes a small gesture. * Ethan eyes Ada and Sei quizzically for a moment, shrugs, then makes a quick hand-gesture himself. Alas, nothing happens. [ Ada follows Sei's example and likewise becomes less visible. Ethan just looks silly. ] * Fyril stalks through the forest, looking towards the camp once in a while for nice, unguarded points. ( Fyril gets to make a sight roll to see if he finds anything juicy. ) * Ethan restrains himself from doing the over-exaggerated 'Sneaky Walk'. Not easily, but he does. [ You come out of the forest and are approaching the camp. Most of the campfires have died down to the point of only being brightish embers. ] * Ada peers at the camp, then looks to Fyril. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6-4) and gets 7. * Nebrinel looks over the camp slowly. She's made no action as if to spell herself. * Fyril points silently off towards an overgrown area near the camp, with a tree and some big shrubs that look like good cover. Then he starts moving stealthily over towards them. * Ethan follows. A carrot appears in his hand, and he's about to bite into it, but catches himself and puts the carrot away... somewhere. [ ... ] ( In FoodSpace. Duh. =P ) * Ada sneaks after Fyril! More or less. * Sei follows. * Nebrinel crouches low and sneaks along too. Stealth checks, everbody! 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sei (2d6-3) and gets 6. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-1) and gets 5. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ada (2d6-3) and gets 8. 2d6-1 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ethan (2d6-1) and gets 7. [ Ada steps on a twig, which rolls to one side instead of snapping as Drama demands. However, Sei then steps on the same twig, which *then* snaps, making Drama happy. ] * Nebrinel frowns very slightly. 2d6-5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6-5) and gets 5. * Yu-Mei waits to see how everyone but Nebby reacts to the twig-snapping. ;P (*grabs Dicesuke* If they attack, you're goin' down!) * Sei twitches. * Ada glances back at the sound, then goes back to business. ( o/` Blame Dicesuke! Blame Dicesuke! o/` ) * Ethan twitches, then glares at the offending twig. * Fyril starts, looks back quickly, then scans the area again. [ As luck would have it, one of the picketmen on one side of you has a sudden coughing fit, while on the other side one of the pickets begins to complain about an offensive odor that his companion has suddenly emitted. ] [ And thus, neither is able to notice the sound made by the snapping twig. Drama goes and sulks in a corner. ] ( Another reason why Good Soldiers Don't Eat Beans. ) * Nebrinel continues on to the bush. * Ada keeps a-goin'. [ You may now continue skulking. ] * Sei moves on. * Fyril breathes out softly, then moves further in, looking around as he goes. * Ethan continues on, keeping an eye our for any more Evil Twigs. [ You follow a relatively empty path, until you notice that it leads up to a mess group where the fire still burns bright and the soldiers still gossip about this or that. One seems to be wondering how their colors up and disappeared the night before. ] * Ada looks to Fyril. [ One of the other soldiers is insisting that some banal creature from some obscure piece of legend snatched them. Another is stating how amazingly stupid this theory is. ] * Fyril grins widely very briefly before hiding it. (I still *love* the adjective "stabby.") ( It's a fun adjective. ) * Nebrinel has a very flat expression on her face as she sweeps her eyes around. [ Your choices are basically to break off to the left or right and proceed further into the camp from there. ] * Ethan eyes the talking people, gauging how much trouble they'd be in a fight. * Fyril looks around the area for a better way through... whether the left or right looks quieter. * Sei looks about, as well. [ Neither one looks distinctly quieter, nor does either seem especially dimmer. ] * Fyril shrugs, tries to picture where the food would be in his head, and gestures across his body quickly to the right. Then he starts sneaking off that way. * Ada glances around, then follows. Quietishly. * Ethan follows, sparing a glance back at the eating soldiers. * Sei follows cautiously. * Nebrinel follows as well. [ This path takes you uneventfully for a ways... and seems to end at the field given over to the latrines. ] * Ada wrinkles her nose. How disgusting. * Sei raises his eyebrows and indicates the latrines, then the kerosene. * Nebrinel doesn't seem very affected. Boy, she gets focused when it's on, isn't she? * Fyril vaguely considers blowing them up for the distraction. Then he looks around the paths away from it. * Ethan rubs a bit of rasberry jam in his mustache. Ah, a more pleasant smell. [ Fyril looks towards the center of the camp and sees... a supply wagon! ] (Weirdo.) (Total weirdo.) ( Wierd, but not having to sniff elf shit! =P ) * Fyril blinks, and scans the area down towards supply wagon to see if there's anything else in the way. [ Fyril sees nobody. ^_^ ] * Fyril screws up his eyes for a moment, and thinks. * Fyril relaxes a bit, and gestures off towards the wagon. He moves off the main path a bit, and starts heading towards them. * Sei follows along. [ More sneak checks, everyone. Further -1 bonus due to circumstance. ] * Ethan follows, looking around for anything moving and bearing sharp pieces of metal. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ethan (2d6-2) and gets 9. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 7. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sei (2d6-4) and gets 0. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ada (2d6-4) and gets 3. [ Nebrinel trips over Ethan and they both fall down with a thud. ] ... * Sei facepalms. Quietly. * Fyril looks over his shoulder and stares at them in horror. * Ada jerks, looks back at them, then glances around. ("Nebrinel! How could you!") [ Many elves would kill to be where Ethan is now. Unfortunately, he's a human. ] * Ethan winces, then shoots a quick glare at Nebby as he scrambles to his feet as quietly as he can. * Nebrinel 's eyes widen, and she moves to her feet as well, not acknowledging Ethan's glare. * Fyril looks around quickly, moving a bit farther forward to gain a bit more range. * Ethan follows. * Sei follows carefully. * Nebrinel follows too, keeping a little more distance away from Ethan. >.> ( ... oh no. Nebby's fallen into the "I've tripped over a guy and fallen on top of him and now I'm attracted to him" cliche! ;_; ) * Ada follows. Hopefully not tripping over anybody. (Attracted to cutting out his heart, maybe. Mmm. Blood.) [ As it turns out, someone noticed the commotion... and then noticed Nebby. He follows after her, ignoring the rest of you. "Ah, excuse me, my lady?"] * Ada makes herself scarce. She is *not* sticking around Nebrinel in this case. * Sei does likewise. Oh, this is gonna hurt. * Ethan blinks, mentally curses, then hides. * Fyril attempts to melt into the mess of tents. * Nebrinel turns to the man, and her face shifts drastically as she gives him a very nice smile, whispering, "Yeess?" ( "Oh that this o so sullied flesh would melt, melt and resolve into a tent..." ) [ Fyril succeeds, but not literally. The soldier who approached Nebrinel is quite handsome. He says, "My lady, I do not believe I have seen you around the camp until now. For that, I hold myself to be quite unfortunate." ] (Melt would flesh this too too this that O?) (Sei considers, and then holds up a 6.4.) ( "Do you have any Ehlfony in you, by any chance?" "No." "Want some?" "..." *WHAM* ) (Did I manage to say anything before I died? c.c;) * Nebrinel gestures almost absently, and smiles even more brightly, keeping her voice low. "Oh, I don't know how I ever could have avoided meeting... " she lets her eyes scan him up and down, "...one such as you." (Ooh. *wince* 8.5!) [ The soldier is embolded by this remark, and allows himself a slick smile; a tooth manages to sparkle even in this dim light. "Nor do I know how I could have failed to notice your radiant beauty; I should think I would have noticed you shining from clear across the camp." ] * Nebrinel blushes slightly. "You flatter too much, I think." * Ada listens and rolls her eyes. This is horrible. [ "I beg to differ, my lady; rather, my words fail to do you adequate justice." ] * Ethan pantomimes shoving a finger down his throat. * Fyril listens and looks off towards the wagon from within the tents. * Nebrinel looks up at him and says, moving closer, "I wish not to be too forward, or dismissive, but I must be going. I am expected elsewhere. However, perhaps we could meet..." she brings a finger up to his chest. "...tomorrow, here?" [ The idiot adopts a pained look and clutches his chest as if wounded. "How, expected elsewhere? Could it be that you are on your way to be held in the arms of another?" ] ( Oh for the love of... just stab him in the face! =P ) (Shut it, you!) * Fyril idly fingers his dagger, looks at the guy, then off towards the wagons again. * Nebrinel shakes her head and says, "Oh my, no, it is just that my mates keep a very strict watch, and if I am gone for too long..." she looks around as if nervous. "Tomorrow, though? And don't tell anyone..." She winks. "They might be jealous." (I vote for stabbing him in the face.) ( Stabby stabby! ) (In any other situation...) (It'd improve the elven race.) (He's an Elven Ethan.) ( Just think. Guys like this are out there, BREEDING. ) ( Hey, Ethan's not THAT bad! ) (Not even. Elven Ethan would say some doofy line and then turn into a blushing, stammering goober.) ( ...niiice call, Nebby. ::CACKLES:: ) (I thought so.) [ The man grins doofily. "Yes, of course! What time?" ] (I could take him aside and give him a few pointers.) (With some force, in the small of the back.) * Nebrinel says, looking thoughtful, "How about exactly this time? If I'm prepared, I can get at least... " she rolls her eyes, "oh, an hour of time." [ The man apparently misses the rolling eyes; possibly becuase he was looking at some other feature of her anatomy at the time. "Wonderful! And, my lady, if I may be so bold as to ask your name?..." ] * Nebrinel says with a faint smile and a slight headbow, "Melia Diyamora." [ "Ah! A beautiful name; it flows like honey from your lips, my lady."] * Ada wrinkles her nose. * Sei looks to be seriously considering violence. (Sei is insulted on a professional level.) (Yes.) * Ethan pantomimes shoving his glaive down his throat. * Nebrinel says, "And may I have your name, quickly, before I must go?" [ "Thack, my lady. Baronet of Cloven Sword Hill." He sketches a bow for Nebby. ] * Nebrinel bows. "Thank you, Thack. I eagerly await our meeting tomorrow." She looks around nervously again. "I must be going." (Leave! Leave you pommy son of a bitch!) [ The di, er, man nods and bows once more, before walking off, clearly eagerly anticipating what he thinks will happen tomorrow night. ] ( No nookie for you! ) * Nebrinel grits her teeth in what can only be described as anger, and turns back, eyeing everyone, and gesturing towards the wagons. (That's what you think. We'll be keeping a close eye on Nebrinel tomorrow. =P) ( ;_; ) * Ethan eyes Fyril, waiting for him to make the first move. * Fyril waits a few beats for Thack to really be gone, then swings out of the shadows between the tents and stalks down towards the supply wagons. * Ethan follows. * Sei follows. * Ada sneaks after him. Seems like the best idea at the time. * Nebrinel follows too, with gritted teeth. [ Nebby's anger manages not to spark the kerosene she's carrying. Soon, you arrive at a cluster of supply wagons. There's a guard - a lady - standing over near one of them, but if she's standing guard, it's news to you guys. ] (As in... she's asleep, or unattentive?) [ Unattentive. ] * Ethan nudges Fyril, and shrugs his shoulders questioningly. * Fyril eyes the woman, trying to size her up. Then he sidles over to Sei, and murmurs, "Think you could distract her?" * Nebrinel grins faintly to herself at that. Briefly. * Sei peers at the woman. * Ada smiles faintly herself. [ The woman's kinda' pretty, but nothing to get excited over. When you're Sei the Suave, anyway. ] (He's a brand of shampoo!) * Sei slips out of the shadows and wanders nonchalantly towards the wagons. * Fyril holds a hand to his forehead as Sei leaves, then looks over the others with their wineskins and shrugs. [ The woman doesn't notice Sei until it's too late. He gets first shot on this one. ] * Nebrinel shrugs as well. * Sei waves calmly. "Dull evening?" * Ethan rubs his temples. This is one *odd* infiltration. [ "That's an understatement," says the woman, thankfully not resorting to flowery language. "You not on picket, eh?" ] * Sei nods. "Surprisingly enough. You'd think they could find something to do...ah, well." [ "Heh. Like what, a night raid? Not with the river between us. Can't sneak across a flagstone bridge." ] * Sei grins. "Good point." * Fyril smiles at that, and motions to the others to follow him as he starts moving around to the side, out of the woman's view, circling to the right of the wagons. * Nebrinel nods, and follows Fyril. * Ethan follows. Quietly. He hopes. [ "Of course," says the woman, "if those clouds bring rain, we could get put to work building up the bulwarks in case they try an attack. And won't that just be fun." ] * Ada follows him, yup. * Sei winces. "I'm not sure I want to think about it..." [ Fyril circles the wagons. I could no doubt dredge up some old square- dancing song to sing about the subject, but I won't, since I'm so nice. ] * Fyril slinks around till he's out of the woman's view completely, then looks around again quickly to make sure there's no one else around. (Awww. No swinging my partner?) ( No. No swinging your partner, no do-si-do. ) [ Fyril does not se anyone else around. He does, however, see a kitchen bearing a pan and fowl sign denoting it as the company kitchen. ] * Ethan eyes the kitchen. Bingo. [ The kitchen does not wither under Ethan's gaze. ] ( It should. He hasn't eaten in almost 20 minutes! ) * Nebrinel is in a slight crouch, with a slight frown. * Fyril looks at the kitchen longingly, then looks back to the wagons. He slinks across to the wagons, and starts unloading his wineskins. * Ada follows Fyril's lead, hoping Sei continues to distract elf guard lady. * Ethan does the same, moving on to the wagons Fyril hasn't doused yet, while keeping an eye out for peoples. [ As the kerosene begins to pour and it's distinct odor begins to catch on the air, Sei's companion says "Nothing to think, really. We're just here to fight, after all." She rolls her eyes, apparently not agreeing with her own words. ] * Nebrinel moves too. Gotta light 'em all! * Sei nods, and sighs. "Unfortunately." [ "Well, not *all* of us. You in the medics corps?" ] * Ada prays Sei manages to pull her away, or distract her from the smell, or something. * Sei smiles. "Yes, actually. Although, I've had to fight a few times...it being war, and all." * Sei sighs. "Well, I'm bored...want me to take over? It'll at least give me something to do." [ The woman nods. "I can respect that," she says in a mildly respectful tone of voice. She looks him over and arches an eyebrow. "Take over?" ] * Fyril goes on doing it. Pour, pour. He runs through his skins quickly. * Sei smiles. "I can guard...it'll at least give me someplace to sit down where people aren't busy sharpening things next to my ear." * Nebrinel keeps going too. Sooner she gets rid of this stuff, the better. [ The woman smirks. "Guard? Ha. If I were guarding, there'd be someone else here. You must not know that since you're in... say, do you smell lamp oil?" ] *pourpourpour* [ The woman sniffs the air and looks around for the source of the rather distinct odor. ] * Sei sniffs the air carefully. "I don't think so. Some of the trees around here have a pretty strong scent, though." [ "Really." The woman's sword arm starts slowly moving. "And which kinds of trees are those, handsome?" ] (Hoo, damn.) (SEX TREES.) * Sei sniffs. "Come to think of it, that's pretty strong. I was thinking a kind of pine." * Sei looks around. * Ethan finishes off with his pouring, then eyes the woman, winces, and tries to hide as best he can, glaive at the ready. [ "Right. You mean like the ones that grow up north?" Her sword arm seems unconvinced. ] * Ada finishes, resists the urge to make any sound, and goes back to hiding. * Fyril finishes, and just starts to pull back towards the kitchen, moving along to the side, watching as he goes. * Sei blinks. "That's right...want me to go check?" * Sei sniffs the air. "Yes, that's no tree." * Ada scoots after Fyril. Really, now. * Ethan follows quickly. [ "No, I think you're going to stay right here while I raise the alarm. Aren't you?" ] * Ethan looks back, and stops before leaving the cover of the wagons. How far between him and Sei? * Ada glances back at Sei and grimaces. * Sei nods. "Good idea." * Nebrinel eyes the woman, and starts moving up behind her. ( Ethan is about ten feet from Sei and the woman. Nebby, too. ) * Fyril doesn't look back. He checks quickly for people, and (if there are none) starts moving out towards the tents again. * Ada follows Fyril with a slight frown. * Ethan notices Nebby making the move before he can, and holds his ground. * Nebrinel starts pulling out the sword from her chest. [ When half the blade has been produced from cleavagespace, the woman draws her own sword and whirls with on Nebrinel with surprising speed! ] * Fyril just keeps moving out, through the tents, trying to avoid people as best he can as he goes. * Ethan mentally curses and circles around, trying to sneak up behind the woman... * Ada keeps going! [ The woman scowls for Nebby's benefit. "What, you didn't think anyone would notice a Morganti blade?" She takes a deep breath, obviously about to shout an alarm... ] * Sei places a hand above the woman's shoulder. "Mono Volt." (So Sei's really, really bad at stealth. >_> <_<) (Just hope you didn't kill yourself by igniting the wagons. ^^;) [ The woman is jolted; she shudders and falls to her knees, trying to catch her breath. ] * Ethan rears back and tries to KO the woman with the blunt end of his glaive from behind. ( roll attack, -3 bonus for a prone target. ) 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ethan (2d6-6) and gets -2. (...ow.) (Well, that result wasn't in question.) [ The woman is definitely KO'ed. Meanwhile, someone in another part of the camp has apparently noticed Sei's attack, as they start shouting "Alarm! Alarm! 'Ware sorcery!" This is where you run, I think. ] Damn. * Ethan curses under his breath. *whisper* "Fire, someone?" * Nebrinel says, "Just MOVE!" * Sei casts his stealth spell again and starts running. * Ethan RUNS in the direction Fyril and Ada went. * Nebrinel starts running in that direction too. ( Umm, isn't someone gonna light the kerosine? ^_^;;; ) (I was planning on it after I got far enough away it wouldn't _KILL ME_) (Ada will, as soon as we're out. =P) [ Yes, you have. Meanwhile, the other three run like the proverbial dickens as all around the alarm is taken up. Everyone in the camp who knows a light spell starts it going. ] (We'll get to it later! Run now!) [ Sei and the them reach the latrine fields. They can try to go around it, or they can risk stepping into a hole filled with something they won't like!] * Sei glances quickly behind him, to see if there's any pursuit or especially archers. [ Ada and Fyril are halfway back to the clump O forest by now. ] * Nebrinel curses softly in annoyance, and hovers straight across the damn thing. [ Sei mostly sees people running around in confusion, trying to figure out what the alarm's about. ] * Ada scoots into the forest. Yay clumps of forest! * Ethan runs through the latrine field, licking the jam off his mustache as he run and concentrating on not falling into deep shit. * Fyril is way ahead of Ada there. ^^ * Sei shrugs and follows Ethan, being as careful as he can. [ *rolls* Sei and Ethan manage not to step in elf doo! ] * Ada ducks into the forest and turns, facing the camp. She holds her pendant with one hand as she starts chanting under her breath, heat building around her. * Fyril edges away from Ada, but stays in the trees. * Nebrinel ... uh, continues going? * Ethan runruns. Assuming Ada had indeed not crossed the bridge yet, he runs until he gets to where Ada and Fyril are, then drops into a ready stance, peering around for any pursuit. * Ada brings up one hand and whispers with some strain, "Inferno." [ Everyone gathers together in the forest! ] * Sei is at least several feet behind Ada, having seen this happen before. * Nebrinel drops to the ground with another soft curse. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ada (2d6-4) and gets 2. (Goodbye, camp.) Ligh and fire gathers in Ada's hand, building in intensity!... and then shrinking into a little firefly of a mote and streaking towards the camp with a faint 'pweeee'. ] [ About half a minute later, there's a loud roar as the kerosene ignites on the carts. ] * Nebrinel lets out a sigh, and says softly, "Well, at least that will occupy them. And make them desperate." She grits her teeth. "Hope it catches Thrack in it, too." * Ada sighs as she leans against a tree. "That should keep it burning for a long while," she says quietly. * Sei breathes. "I'm sorry about the...trouble, there." No problem. Let's get goin'. You okay on your own, Ada, or d'ya want a ride? I'll be all right. Modifying a spell like that is hard work, though. * Ada straightens, slumps a little and shakes her head, then starts back to the tree, grumbling. "Don't just kill them outright. Bah." Then let's get goin'. I'll push the tree bridge into the river after we cross to cut off pursuit. * Sei nods and heads on. * Ethan follows, running towards said bridge. * Fyril looks at the fire, his eyes sparkling in the light, then turns back through the trees, heading back towards the tree bridge. * Nebrinel heads back to the tree bridge too, and shoves the sword away. She looks very angry. [ Session end! ]