[ Nebby and Fyril have walked off to do something! Hopefully it's not kinky, 'cause then the Captain might get jealous. Minisession START! ] (Rats! Foiled again!) (Poor Fyril. Desired by so many, available to so few. =P) * Nebrinel holds her arrow in her hands, and walks, with her bow smacked on her back again. * Fyril walks along a bit behind, looking at the ground, and scooping up likely looking stones for a target as he goes. * Nebrinel hums a little as she walks towards the dirt pile. * Fyril looks around as he goes to see if anyone's nearby, in earshot. * Nebrinel will just keep walking until she gets there. ^_^; * Nebrinel ... gets there? She turns around, and faces Fyril. "Alright. A target, hrm?" * Fyril shifts his small pile of rocks in his hands, and moves over towards the dirt shield. He speaks softly as he starts setting down a target. "Yeah. I need the practice. But I've also got something to ask you." * Nebrinel quirks an eyebrow, and moves a little closer, with the soft speak and all, and hands him the arrow. "Okay, I'm listening." * Fyril takes the arrow with one hand and sets it aside as he continues to set up the target. "They're sending me out on a mission tonight to the enemy camp. To steal or destroy their food supply. And they want me to think about a partner for it." * Nebrinel nods faintly, and tries to assist with the target. "Mm-hmm." * Fyril moves inside his outer circle to start a smaller inner one. "Getting in and out is easy, but trying to take out that much stuff... maybe they're right. I could do it myself, but I think it's tactically better with two people, if they're both good." * Nebrinel nods. "I won't argue that." * Fyril finishes his circle, and picks up the arrow without looking. He speaks softly, hesitantly. "So... of our group, I think you're the best choice. Will you help?" * Nebrinel smiles a little and places her semi-gloved hand on Fyril's arm lightly. "Of course, Fyril." * Fyril looks up from the target to her, and smiles relievedly. "Right." He reaches back for his bow, almost incidentally brushing off her hand. "We can't tell the others before it's done. So we should practice while we work it out." * Nebrinel frowns for a split-second, then nods. "Good idea. Let's back off about a hundred feet." (Assuming we _have_ a hundred feet.) ( You do. These Elven camps are spread-out. ) * Fyril nods, and walks back away from the target, bow in one hand, arrow in the other. He smiles abashedly. "Just don't talk about it while I'm actually shooting. I've had enough accidents for the day." * Nebrinel chuckles. "Fair enough. So. About shooting. Ethan's right... try to find a point where you can know where you're drawing to. Tooth, eye, cheek... find something that you can identify and keep consistent when you're aiming." * Fyril nods, and holds the bow without the arrow in front of him, judging different angles to shoot from. * Nebrinel hrms, and eyes Fyril's hands. "I have a pair of gloves to use too, if you want them. Some people like developing calluses on the fingers, some just want to be able to shoot. But it's going to hurt if you go for calluses." She flexes her wrist. "I lost mine years ago." * Fyril blinks, and looks at his hands. "Hurt? But we've got theft to do later." He turns to look at her sidewise. "Will your gloves fit me?" * Nebrinel says, "I got them from Xivilai to fit your hands, as best I could guess." She reaches back into her small pack and pulls out a pair of simple brown soft-leather gloves, tossing them to him. "So, what do we know about where we're raiding?" * Fyril moves the bow out of the way smoothly and catches them, then tugs them on. He flexes his fingers in them, then grins at Nebrinel proudly. "A lot, since I was there last night." * Nebrinel arches an eyebrow. "That explains why you disappeared." She chuckles faintly. "Nothing like on-site, so to speak." * Fyril nods enthusiastically, and fixes the gloves before lifting the bow again. "Yeah. I know. They have guards, but they're pretty easy to get by. Not looking for something smaller than a group of soldiers, after all." * Nebrinel nods, and smiles faintly. "Elven war is very... civilized, for lack of a better word. Humans will do a lot more in the name of war..." She stops talking, as Fyril is obviously going to shoot. * Fyril nocks the arrow, pulls, and sticks his tongue out over his lip trying to control it. He tries to get his aim together, holding it for a minute. * Nebrinel mms faintly, and watches Fyril. * Fyril squints his eyes, and shoots with a slight grunt. As he lets go, his aim pulls a bit to the right, and the arrow thocks down in the furthest upper right of the target. * Nebrinel aahs. "Not bad for a first real shot. But just like you have to keep your aim point consistent, you have to keep the bow pretty still. Otherwise, you get the same problem." She reaches towards the arrow, and pulls it out from a distance. "Do you think they'll be on a tighter guard now?" * Fyril stretches a bit, frowning at the tightness in his shoulders. "Right. Calm aim, calm bow. OK." He moves the bow down, and shrugs. "Maybe. I didn't just take all of them last night; some of it should have looked like an insider's prank." He grins cutely. "That was my idea, while I was there." * Nebrinel smiles faintly. "Innovative. I wonder if they will waste time looking for the insider." * Fyril takes another arrow, and readies it. "Hopefully. If they do, it should be even easier to get in. If not, even a tighter guard can't stop me." * Nebrinel continues smiling, but with only a soft mmm as a response. * Fyril nocks the arrow to the bow, and holds his aim in the same place. He readies his back behind the bow, sticks his tongue out again, checks his aim, and fires. His aim stays pretty steady this time, and the arrow thwacks at the upper right of the inner circle. * Nebrinel hands him the arrow she retrieved last time, and pulls the new one out at range. "Good. Find that consistency." She hrms. "So another late-night run, then?" * Fyril frowns at the landing spot, then nods. "Yeah. We'd report to the captain at midnight." * Nebrinel says, "Don't worry about the center accuracy too much. Get it consistent, bring it in line just as consistently." She catches the arrow coming back. * Fyril looks at the arrow coming back at her slightly wide-eyed. "Is that an air thing, too?" * Nebrinel nods. "Easiest way. It's like a hand of air. Very simplistic, in the mind, but just plain useful." She smiles faintly. "Your shot." * Fyril looks thoughtful for a moment, and brings the bow up and moves the arrow in. He bites his lower lip, aims, and moves his muscles slightly the other way as he lets go. The aim pulls very slightly, and it lands within the inner circle, half way to the center from the upper right. * Nebrinel chides lightly, "Keep it steady." She hands him the last arrow. "So do you know exactly where they will be storing this, and how much we are going to try to take?" * Fyril takes the arrow in hand, holds it with the bow, and shakes the other one out lightly. "I think I like magic training better." He cocks his head. "The captain knows about where it should be. She told me a bit about it. And we'll take back what doesn't slow us down too much." He grins. "They have better ingredients than we do." * Nebrinel laughs. "And I'm sure that made you want to succeed even more." She hrms. "Magic training's a little more intuitive, especially for elves. But shooting arrows doesn't give you headaches." She snaps the last fired arrow back to her hand. * Fyril smiles happily. "Yeah. I want some of those. But an army's worth of food, I don't think we could carry. At least, without making the job harder." * Nebrinel mms. "I... don't know if I could create that much space to carry things, no." * Fyril shrugs, and shifts the bow and arrow to the other hand to shake out the first one. "Yeah. We should just take the good stuff." He flexes his back a bit. "Does it always hurt this much?" * Nebrinel hrms questioningly. "Well, there's certaintly strain involved, muscle work... is it your back?" * Fyril straightens and shrugs. "Some. It's everything involved. Maybe I'm just not used to it." * Nebrinel mms, and rubs her forehead. "Maybe. If it gets bad, maybe we should play with your stance, or the pull is too much. If you think you're okay, continue... we can always change tasks." * Fyril looks stubborn, and raises the bow and arrow again. Before pulling, he says, "I can do it," then gets his stance together, and aims again. * Nebrinel smiles very faintly, in a pleased manner. * Fyril licks across his upper lip, readies his back, holds his aim, and looses. He pulls ever so slightly down to the left as he releases, and the arrow lands at a very close approximation to the middle. * Nebrinel chuckles softly. "I don't know whether to congratulate you or to wonder why you keep adjusting as you're firing." * Fyril blinks, and looks back up at her quickly before looking away towards the arrow. "You're not supposed to do that?" * Nebrinel shakes her head. "You can do it, but can you do it consistently?" * Fyril looks doubtful. "I don't know. Maybe?" * Nebrinel mms. "Well, that's usually why people don't do it. Because that's another thing to keep track of. I'm sure it's perfectly doable, but whether it will end up helping you or not... " she gestures in a wishy-washy motion. * Fyril walks out towards the target a bit, and stares at the arrow. "So what should I do?" * Nebrinel shrugs. "Like I said. Consistency is the important thing. Then comes the artistry. If doing that keeps it consistent, go right ahead." She chuckles. "Most archers would tell you not to do it at all, ever." [ Minisession End! ]