[ We pick up after last session; Ethan and Ada are the only ones left sitting around the campfire. Whatever shall they discuss? Let's find out! ] [ Session START! ] * Ada pokes at the campfire with a stick. Who doesn't like playing with fire? * Ethan finishes setting up his tent in record time, and returns to the fireplace. "Ooh, burny." Odd. That's the first time I've heard someone use that to describe a campfire. Well, it's not a flaming pillar of fiery death raining down upon the unrightous... but it's still purdy. *grin* * Ada eyes Ethan for a moment, then goes back to playing with the fire. "Yeah, I guess it is." * Ethan goes silent for a moment. "... cookie?" *holds out a cookie* Mmm, sure. * Ada takes it and has a bite. * Ethan hrms. "Nice to see that any prejudices the elves around here have against human fall before the power of hunger, isn't it?" * Ada chuckles. "I suppose it is, at that." * Ethan grins. "Pantryfiller is more powerful than anyone could have ever imagined... the power of food brings elves and humans together." * Ada snickers. What about Napper? ... I dunno if he has something against humans, or if he just has something against all breathing things. Probably the second. * Ethan nods. "You ready for all this?" ( Actually, it doesn't have to be breathing. ) Ready? * Ada actually sounds surprised at that. She looks over at Ethan. The war'n all. I dunno how many big fights you've been in... can't say I've been in that many. But it's nothin' like the small-scale fights we been in lately... * Ada frowns for a moment, then turns back to the fire. "Whether I'm ready or not doesn't matter." I mean... we're fightin' an army here... yeah it does, Ada. Things're gonna get real nasty out there. Lotta blood, lotta dead people. You're damn tough... but you need to be ready for all that. I've seen plenty of dead people. * Ethan nods. "These kinda battles, though... after that disaster with the Purple Knives, when I finally came to my senses, and I saw the bodies stacked up, all the guy's I'd just killed... screwed me up somethin' good. Scared me, too. To know that I had that kinda rage in me..." * Ada glances at Ethan. "Good." * Ethan nods. "Guess what I'm tryin' to say is... war can change people if they're not ready for it. And I don't wanna see you changed. You're fine just the way y'are." *grin* * Ada laughs. "You think so?" (Oh yes. Definitely 'fine'.) * Ethan grins impishly. "Well, you do still need to work on your sense of humor... other'n that, though." (Ethan's lying through is teeth. Or he's got really twisted taste.) ( The latter. =P ) Hey, I think my sense of humor is fine. * Ethan whistles. o/~ * Ethan coughs. "Is this the part where we do the whole awkward silence thing?" (Apparently.) * Ethan fidgets. * Ada smirks and pokes at the fire again. She looks at Ethan out of the corner of her eye. "Problem?" Nah. Just... damn, where's a wall when you need one? *small grin* You could always stick your head in the fire... though it's nearly out now. ... my skull's thick, but not fireproof, alas. I'll make a note of that. ... meep. * Ada grins. ... well, since my brain is going into gravy mode, do you wanna do the next segue? Nope. I like watching you suffer. ... I reiterate. Meanie. * Ada snickers and pulls the stick out of the fire. ... I'd make an attempt at something smooth and romantic, but I think that'd just sound silly coming for me, ne? Ethan, everything sounds silly coming from you. ... excellent point. * Ada pushes the stick in the ground, then turns to face Ethan. "So?" ... you think Xivilai would mind if I tossed a few pies at Luigi? Probably not. Luigi might, though. * Ethan grumbles. "His timing sucks. I had just about gotten up the nerve..." * Ada raises an eyebrow. "Nerve for what?" * Ethan blinks. "... y'know, before I fell on my face like a doofus..." Yeah? * Ethan blushes and chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. (Three! Three nervous tics! AH AH AH!) "... erm, I'd just about gotten up the nerve to, y'know... kiss ya." Oh. * Ada considers that a moment, then shrugs. "What's stopping you now?" Well... hrm. * Ethan tilts his head. "Nothing really, now that I think about it. Go figure." * Ada laughs. * Ethan grins goofily. [ Thunder rumbles overhead. ] * Ada looks up. "And there's our timely interruption." * Ethan looks up. "Oh no you don't..." *darts foward to kiss Ada on the lips lightly* * Ada blinks. * Ethan blinks. * Ada blinks again, then grins and asks teasingly, "What, that's it?" * Ethan shrugs. "A gentleman doesn't press his luck." *grins* "But, since that doesn't appear to be the case..." * Ethan leans foward to kiss Ada with a dramatic-movie-climax, cue-the-violins- and-fireworks kiss. =P * Ada tosses in, "What you-" So much for that. * Ethan backs off after a bit, grinning rather goofily once again. * Ada looks a bit dazed. "Well," she finally says after some time, "that went better than expected." [ Ethan gets a cold drop of rain on his forehead. More thunder rumbles. ] ... what, were you expecting a bushel of apples to fall on our heads in the middle of it? ( ...hey, that's not half bad. ::writes it down:: ) ... No. * Ada glances up at the sky and wrinkles her nose. (The Glaive's trying to protect Ethan! *cough*) * Ethan eyes the sky as well. "Impeccable timing." Ada gets a drop of water on her nose. * Ada wrinkles her nose again, then wipes the drop of water off. She sighs and stands. * Ethan stands as well, muttering. "Are you sharing a tent with Sei and Virt, or Nebby and Fyril?" * Ethan then ponders what he just said. "..." * Ada notices the look Ethan gets. "What?" * Ethan coughs. "Just realized that, given Sei's history, three might be something of a crowd." * Ada rolls her eyes. "And it's not with Fyril and Nebrinel?" ... you're full of excellent points tonight. * Ada sticks her tongue out at Ethan in a remarkable display of immaturity. "'Course." * Ethan blushes. "I think I have a spare sleeping bag in my pack if you want... tent's not as big as the others, but..." * Ethan chuckles. "Maybe I was wrong about your sense of humor after all." * Ada laughs. "Just remember, Ethan. I'm always right." * Ethan salutes crisply. "Yes ma'am, Fearless Leader ma'am." *biggrin* * Ada pats Ethan on the cheek. "There we go." She glances up at the sky. I think I'll stay with Nebrinel and Fyril. Maybe some other time, Ethan. (Denied!) (Let's just see if he catches what she's implying.) * Ethan blinks, ponders that for a moment, hyperblushes, and stutters out a reply. "Erm... uh... raincheck. No prob. Get it? Rain, raincheck... I should just shut up now, shouldn't I?" Yup. Will do. * Ada stands on her toes and kisses Ethan on the cheek. "See you tomorrow." She turns, going to one of the tents. * Ethan blinkblinks as Ada disappears into the tent. "... whattagal." *heads for his tent* [ o/` And the called it 'Macaronni'! o/` ...er, I mean... ] [ Session end! ]