[ Our Heroes are on the road! It's a bright and sunny day! About ten minutes to noon! GO! ] * Nebrinel stretches, and rubs her shoulders, her brand new shoulder wrap annoying her a little. It looks a lot like the old one. She's looking off into the distance, down the road, whistling softly. * Fyril stands off to the left and behind her, at the side of the road. He yawns widely, then cocks his head and looks at the new bit of clothing. "So that's the thing you made?" * Nebrinel looks down, and chuckles faintly. "I'm sorry I didn't invite you to watch, but considering the form, I wasn't sure that would be the best of ideas. Besides, you were tired." * Fyril smiles teasingly. "Like that was my fault. You're the one who kept pushing so hard to get more done." He pouts. "I wanted to see it. Never seen anyone do that sort of magic before." * Nebrinel waves her hand dismissively. "Well, I might get around to making some more items later. I'm not sure this will be enough." If one were looking carefully, the wrap, instead of being mostly black, is now black mixed with small grey traceries. Of course, you would have to be looking carefully to see them. * Fyril comes forward, and looks at it more closely. He raises a hand tentatively, but stops before touching it. "It looks different. What does it do, anyway?" * Nebrinel snickers to herself, before responding, "It is different. Minor boosting enchantments, and power storage... as well as a useful trick." * Fyril raises an eyebrow, and looks at it more closely, trying to figure out what the trick is. He peers at it intently. * Nebrinel grins, and reaches out to tap Fyril's nose teasingly, with a sly grin. "Maybe I should have let you see it after all. You do seem awfully interested." * Fyril draws back a bit and wrinkles his nose. "Well, it's new magic. Why shouldn't I be interested?" His eyes sparkle a bit. ( You know you just want her to take that new wrap off, Fyril. Be an elf and admit it. ) * Nebrinel laughs. "Of course, of course. You are the curious sort." (Bah. If that's what he really wanted, his face would be turning interesting colors. =P) (Yeah, no kidding.) ( Uhm... not if he had really poor circulation? ) * Fyril shrugs, and grins. "Guilty as charged." He waves a hand in a gesture to encompass the whole area. "But it's gotten me this far. I'm not going to give it up 'cause you don't want to tell me the trick." * Nebrinel grins faintly. "Well, you're welcome to continue trying to figure it out. It's good training. There are 4 enchantments on there, but only 3 really interesting ones." * Fyril gives Nebrinel a mock exasperated glare. "So everything's going to be training from now on?" He shifts his satchel up onto his shoulder. * Nebrinel has a serious look on her face. "A lot of things, yes. Fyril... if we get caught in this war, and there's no telling whether we will or not, you must be prepared. Most elves aren't used to learning so quickly... but we have to be." (Um. Phone. Just a sec.) (Nod.) * Fyril quiets a bit, and looks more serious in exchange. "I know. I was only joking. I'm used to training a lot, anyway." * Nebrinel grins. "Glad to hear it." *trudge trudge* * Fyril walks along, but puts most of his attention into trying to divine what's in the cloak. Doesn't seem to be making him any clumsier, though. (Not cloak. Chest wrap.) (Then I really meant chest wrap, not cloak. I trust he knows the difference. =P) (Well, yes.^_~) ( It's her Wondrous Bra. ^_~ ) (Haw haw. If it were wonderous, I'd have twinked it out with more stuff. ;P) (SS only costs 3 points... o/~) ( True. But then I'd have smote you. ) (I know. ^_^;) * Nebrinel goes back to whistling softly. The birds whistle, too. (In tune with Neb? Wow.) ( Nope. It's Dueling Whistles. ) * Nebrinel frowns faintly. "I do hope Faydra gets back to us soon." * Fyril keeps looking it over, screwing his eyes up as he walks, looking for any spells he knows. Or that look like spells he knows. He nods vaguely in response to Nebrinel. * Nebrinel walks! Walk walk walk. Man, we've been walking a while. * Fyril looks up at Nebrinel with a slight frown after a while. "I can see the other spells, but I can't tell what they are. But there's that anti-water one on there that you had on your other one before." He frowns a bit more. "I think, anyway. It looks like it could be." Just then, someone appears out of nowhere, about fifteen feet up the road from you. * Nebrinel nods faintly. "You're right, yes. Never leave home without something to keep your clothes from rotting from water, after all." She suddenly peers at the person ahead of her. * Fyril smiles self-satisfiedly, then looks at the person up the road and blinks. The person is dressed as a soldier and wears Faydra's livery. She looks around, and then spots the two of you. She begins walking casually towards you. * Fyril looks her over quickly and relaxes a bit. But he still stays behind Nebrinel a bit. * Nebrinel stays cool. "My hopes have been answered," she murmurs softly. The woman reaches you; she's just a bit short for an elf, and has rather unremarkable features. "Nebrinel?" * Nebrinel nods, and says confidently, "I am Nebrinel, yes." The lady nods and holds out an envelope. "Delivery, as promised. This is the list of acquaintances of Faydra's who have weapon fragments they may be persuaded to part with." * Fyril peers at the soldier from behind Nebrinel for a short period of time before seeming to decide something to himself, and relaxes even more. "I was, futhermore, asked by my Lady Faydra that I convey her request to return to her, or, failing that, give me some form of assurance that you will side with her in the upcoming conflict." The lady waits, holding the envelope. * Fyril waits, shifting his gaze to Nebrinel. * Nebrinel looks thoughtful, and takes the envelope from her. "I understand. But I cannot return to her at this time. Things to do and all." "Very well. And as to the other request? Will you support My Lady in the upcoming war?" * Nebrinel says simply, "I would not have it any other way." The soldier lady nods. "Most excellent, madam. I bid you good day." She conentrates, and is gone. * Nebrinel opens the letter, and scans it carefully. * Fyril cocks his head, and looks down at the letter briefly before looking up to Nebrinel. "So you have already decided?" * Nebrinel says softly, "I wouldn't say that, exactly." She rubs her head with her free hand, and holds the list with the other as she reads and walks very slowly. * Fyril starts to walk alongside her easily, and looks back down to the letter curiously. "Something wrong?" * Nebrinel shakes her head. "Yes and no, Fyril. Yes and no." * Fyril eyes Nebrinel. "Yes and no means yes, doesn't it?" * Nebrinel smiles faintly, "Yes it does." * Fyril puffs out his cheeks a bit. "Then just say yes." He glances down at it again. "What is it?" * Nebrinel says, softly, "I'm sorry, Fyril. No matter what I do, there is no way that I'll be able to escape from this war." * Fyril looks back up to her face, his face not betraying much. "Because you're going to get dragged in, or because you want to be there?" * Nebrinel looks a little worried, looking back at Fyril. "I... I don't know anymore, Fyril. Both, maybe." She smiles weakly. "You would think if I really wanted to be there, I'd have an easier time of deciding, no?" * Fyril studies her face quietly for a few moments. "Maybe. Maybe you think it should be easier than it really should be." * Nebrinel growls. "It should be easier. I shouldn't have to decide between my freedom, and my quest... " she pauses, as if she were going to say something else, and continues, "and making enemies of the most powerful people in the world." * Fyril steps back a bit, and regards her. He runs a hand through his hair, respiking it, and smiles a bit. "Y'know what my sister would say about decisions like that?" * Nebrinel shakes her head, and sighs. "No, I don't. What would she say?" * Fyril leans forward, and looks up at her. "Decisions like these, no matter what you do, you have to give something up. Someone's going to get upset. So you have to do what you think is best for you." * Nebrinel shakes her head. "Freedom always comes at a price, Fyril. But when the price might be our lives... you have to wonder." * Fyril peers up at her without moving. "You really think that's the choice?" * Nebrinel throws up her hands, and says with uncharacteristic exasperation, "There are a lot of choices, Fyril. Xivilai or Faydra. Freedom or being bound. You or me. Carrying around a weapon that could destroy me and the world, or being the victim of anyone who wants to come by and kill me. It doesn't end, Fyril, don't you get it? I've been like this for hundreds of years, always keeping free of everything. And now..." she trails off. * Fyril hops back a step, and looks off to the side, down the road a bit. He looks somewhat hurt. "I know. Fine. I shouldn't pretend to understand you, right? There's tons of stuff I don't know. That doesn't end either. So take your choices one at a time. I'm sure you can pick something good." * Nebrinel whufs, blowing upwards in further exasperation. She says in a softer tone, "Fyril... they don't come one at a time. They're all connected. If I go with Faydra, or Xivilai... what happens to you? If I go with none of them, the winner might well hunt me down, unless I hide for the rest of my life." * Fyril looks back at her. "Why is it that if you choose none, anyone would hold it against you? It doesn't hurt anyone." * Nebrinel shakes her head. "No? What would have happened if I had said no to that woman, Fyril? Do you think Faydra would risk me going to Xivilai? Even if I promised to do nothing?" They don't take risks like that. It's easier to crush us than to risk us helping the other side. Very tactical. Very frustrating. * Fyril looks down. "So there isn't really a choice, anyway. And you've already said yes." * Nebrinel shrugs, and reaches out to touch Fyril's chin. "The options are never gone until you've actually dedicated yourself. But no. In the end... I will almost certaintly not be able to avoid it." She pauses, and says softly, "But you... you might have a chance. And you have to be ready to take that chance when it comes." * Fyril brings his chin back up with Nebrinel's hand. His eyes are glinting. "You'd rather me run away." * Nebrinel says softly, looking back at Fyril, "If I can't save myself... maybe I can save you. At the end of the two months... run to Ada. Go to the human lands. Anything. I can't drag other people into something that isn't even my fight." * Fyril whirls on his heel, and walks off a couple of steps. He looks off into the forest. He snaps off quietly, "I don't want to lose you, too." Then he sniffles, barely audibly. * Nebrinel blinks, and says, softly, weakly, "Me neither, Fyril. But... you don't want to war, and I almost certaintly can't avoid it. What do we do then?" * Fyril shakes his shoulders in a fair approximation of a shrug. "Find something else? Maybe something will change. Or... if I have to..." He sniffles again. * Nebrinel sighs. "If you have to... we have two months, don't we?" * Fyril nods, but he doesn't turn back around. * Nebrinel grits her teeth. "What am I supposed to say, Fyril?" She semi-singsongs each phrase, "'Come along with me and help me kill Ada?' 'Let's run away until Faydra tracks us down and destroys us?' 'Why not help Xivilai war against the empire, she can't be that bad, eh?' 'Let's go hang out in the human lands for years!'" * Fyril whirls back around to face her, the tears clear on his cheeks. "No! I don't expect to be coddled. You make your choices, and I'll live with them. You may be much older than me, but it's not like I'm stupid." He wipes at his face with the back of his hand. "And I know that I can't always have what I want." * Nebrinel looks at Fyril, and says simply, "Why can't you figure into my choices, huh, Fyril?" She rubs her face. "Two months. For two more months, at least, I can be free." * Fyril nods dumbly, and then just lowers his head. He sniffles again. * Nebrinel walks towards Fyril slowly, watching to see if he shys away. * Fyril bursts forward quickly and hugs Nebrinel tightly. He cries onto her shoulder wordlessly. * Nebrinel hugs Fyril back, just as tightly. A tear rolls from her cheek. "I'm sorry, Fyril. I won't force you away. I was being foolish..." * Fyril nods quietly against her shoulder, and sniffles. His shoulders are shaking from crying. He takes a deep breath as if to stop, but it doesn't quite work. * Nebrinel smiles faintly, weakly, and rubs her right hand on Fyril's back, semi-soothingly, no words coming to mind. * Fyril takes another deep breath, wipes his face against her shoulder, and looks up at her face without letting go. "I'm... sorry, too." * Nebrinel wipes the water from the tear from her cheek as well, "Sorry for what?" * Fyril tries to smile a bit. "For crying like this." * Nebrinel smiles faintly back. "That's all right. I understand. Really, I do." * Fyril notices where he is, and blushes about half-strength for him. He looks up wonderingly. "Do you really?" * Nebrinel grins faintly, with a slight hint of sadness, "I've just had longer to hide it away." She brings her right hand up to Fyril's cheek, and lets it trace over it slowly. * Fyril rests his head back against her shoulder. "Tell me?" * Nebrinel mms softly, and says, "I... look at me, Fyril. I wander this continent, watching half of my companions die of old age, and the other half grow up and settle into their lives... and yet I remain the same. It... wears." * Fyril shrugs against her. "What's stopping you from settling, if that's what you really want? Just because you don't change on the outside doesn't mean you can't stop." * Nebrinel shakes her head, and looks her saddest ever. "I... I tried. Once." * Fyril looks up at her, then presses himself up onto his toes and kisses her cheek, coming down again blushing harder. * Nebrinel smiles faintly, uses her hand to tilt his head up, and kisses him right back. * Fyril blinks, then kisses back, his cheeks burning. He leans back a bit after, smiling a bit goofily. * Nebrinel smiles wryly, and pats his cheek. "So, have you gotten a good enough look at my enchanted item now, Fyril?" * Fyril laughs quickly, and looks at her shoulder where he'd been crying. "It's definitely waterproofed." * Nebrinel nods faintly. "You never know when you might need it." * Fyril nods sheepishly. "Sorry." * Nebrinel says softly, "No reason to be sorry more than once, Fyril." * Fyril blushes a bit, then smiles impishly. "Right. Sorry." * Nebrinel smiles back, and puts a slight warning tone in her voice, "Fyril..." * Fyril laughs again. "Right, I'll stop." He looks back up at her face. "I still want you to tell me, though." * Nebrinel sighs softly. "I'll work on it. It is something I try not to think about all the time." * Fyril nods, and rests his head back against her shoulder. "I can understand that. You rather hear about me?" * Nebrinel mms. "If you feel comfortable with it... but maybe we should sit down somewhere a little less in the road." * Fyril looks around them, and laughs. "Good idea. We could do it while we're walking. Waiting the rest of the day out isn't going to get us anywhere faster." * Nebrinel chuckles, and nods. "Good idea, too. Let's go, then." She releases the hug they've held for... well, a while. * Fyril shivers a bit when she lets go, then reshoulders his pack and turns to walk. * Nebrinel stretches a little, and starts walking alongside Fyril. * Nebrinel is still walking... * Fyril walks along, and cocks his head. "So. Back when I was younger, my closest friend was always my sister. She and I got along really well, even though she was older than me by about 20 years." * Nebrinel nods. Back when we were small, she used to get into the stories as much as I did. But for her, she always liked the ones with the intrepid swordswomen best. * Nebrinel smiles faintly. * Fyril smiles a bit in remembrance. "My parents stopped telling us those. Those and the ones with the thieves. We wouldn't sleep if they told us one." * Nebrinel nods in acknowledgement. She was always bigger than me, too. I've always been short for my age. So when we got assigned to do stuff, she was apprenticed to a local swordsman. And I got magic, when it was my turn. * Fyril looks around, his eyes sparkling. "But that's not all I wanted. Calyniel - my sister - she got to go after what she wanted to do, right? So why not me, too?" * Nebrinel nods, and grins faintly, "It's only fair." So while I was learning magic, I started teaching myself to steal things. Reading books, at first, then I started practicing. First thing I took was, well, a book on theft. From my master's house. * Nebrinel hrms thoughtfully. I always put them back after I was done, though. So it was more like borrowing without asking for permission. * Fyril grins impishly. "It's much more fun to learn that way." * Nebrinel laughs softly. "Exactly." I read all the pertinent books in my master's house, and then from a couple of other people's. They were great! So helpful. They laid everything out for me. All I had to do was work on it. And once I had access to pretty much everywhere from being a cook, it was really easy. No one ever even came close to catching me. * Nebrinel nods again, waiting for the catch. * Fyril reddens a bit. "Well, except for once. But that's getting ahead of myself. I got really tired of having no one to talk to about it. So, after I stole my wand, I went and showed Calyniel." She took some convincing that it wasn't wrong, but in the end we agreed to a deal. See, she wanted to practice her swordwork. Chasing people, pursuit. And I needed practice dodging, escaping. So we worked together. And she became my lookout, too. We both got much, much better. * Fyril beams at Nebrinel. "It's 'cause of her that I'm so good now." * Nebrinel smiles softly back at Fyril. She's still waiting for the catch. (There's GOTTA be a catch.) (Of course there's a catch. =P) * Fyril darkens. "Around 15 years ago, she skipped practice one morning. Which she never did. I looked all over town for her. And eventually I found her, by the south gate." She was there, talking with this really tall elf. Green leather armor, blue hair, big, ornate sword. * Nebrinel mms very softly. * Fyril quiets down some more. "I called her over, right? And she looked at me all cold and disappointed. And she wouldn't tell me why." All she would say was she was leaving. Going to the south. I asked, I asked why she was leaving, where she was going, but that was all. She just went off with this other elf, who I'd never seen before." * Fyril looks down. "She just... and she didn't even tell my parents, so I had to go explain to them that she was gone, and they got all upset, but I couldn't tell them anything, 'cause I didn't know, but they still... * Nebrinel reaches a hand over and places it on his shoulder. * Fyril looks up, and back over at her. He just looks sad. "And I still don't know why. But she's gone, and maybe I'll run into her at some point. I just want her..." He trails off again, then continues, "I want her to tell me why she left. Left like that." * Nebrinel nods, and squeezes Fyril's shoulder. "Well, who knows, eh? I'm sure you'll run into her eventually." * Fyril shrugs, and doesn't even really seem to notice the contact much. "But I'm going the wrong way." How is that? * Fyril smiles ruefully. "This isn't south." * Nebrinel chuckles. "But who knows where she went, eh?" * Fyril nods, but doesn't seem entirely convinced. "There's hope, at least." He looks over and up at her. "So that's my big sad story." * Nebrinel nods faintly, and says softly, "Yeah..." * Fyril reaches up and takes her hand off his shoulder to hold it as they walk. He smiles up at her teasingly. "Not sad enough for you? Should I throw in some wanton betrayal?" * Nebrinel laughs, surprised. "Oh, no, no. There's no need," She says. * Fyril swings their interlinked hands back and forth a bit as they walk. "So! Now you have to tell me. Well, not just now. But at some point." * Nebrinel nods faintly. "I think... maybe tonight, we can start. Right now, though, I get to stop coddling you." She grins. "More training, while we walk." * Nebrinel quirks an eyebrow. "Or maybe we should break for lunch, instead?" * Fyril looks at her with sparkly eyes. "If you're hungry, we can stop. We can practice at the some time, right?" * Nebrinel nods, with a slight grin. "I think that would be best, yes." [And so Fyril cooked such an astonishingly delicious lunch that Nebrinel nearly forgot to do training stuff, but in the end, they did anyway. SESSION END!]