* Nebrinel appears in your mind, at a small clearing by the side of a road. Fyril is sitting there behind her, munching on some food. (I am sitting as well.) * Ada appears, likewise: she's sitting on a bed - possibly the one she's using, as her mandolin is nearby - in a room with black walls; where the light's coming from is anyone's guess. "Nebrinel?" * Nebrinel nods to herself, and smiles faintly. Confidently. "Well, well, it does work. Hello, Ada." * Ada chuckles. "Hello. How are you?" * Nebrinel shrugs. "Well enough, for being on the road again." She 'gestures' at Fyril, so to speak. * Ada nods. "Hitting the road?" she asks, curiousity tinting her question. * Nebrinel says, "Yes. On our own. I imagine you are surprised I'm not with Faydra. Or, rather, Xivilai's daughter. We'll say that Fyril and I did not agree on the value of her offer." * Ada smiles, more than a little... relief? Yes, relief shown there. That's good to hear. * Nebrinel smiles faintly. "I'm sure Fyril will be glad to hear that. We felt that perhaps it would be a good idea to tell you of our free agent status, so to speak." Free agents, hmm? I'm sure you have some idea as to what's happening on my end. * Nebrinel shrugs. "If I were you," she smiles wryly, "and I'm not, I would be preparing for the oncoming battle. Maybe some of your hearts will be lighter knowing Fyril is not in harm's way. I hold no illusions about myself." * Ada shrugs, almost casually. "I would be lying if I said that I wanted to see you hurt in the upcoming war, Nebrinel." * Nebrinel shows no other expression, but the fading of the joking smile. "Nontheless. For at least a while, before this whole battle starts, Fyril and I are on our own side." * Nebrinel gives another wry smile. "After that... well, perhaps the situation will have changed, no?" * Ada nods. "I understand." She pauses. "If you're interested in dedicating sword and spell toward my Lady's cause, well. We would be happy to have you. The same with Fyril, though I doubt he's interested in fighting." * Nebrinel chuckles faintly. "So easy to offer, eh? I said it to Faydra, and I'll say it to you. I'm a free spirit. But that does not mean I can be bound, however briefly, for the right... reasons. But not right now. For now, we are free." * Ada smiles faintly. "I understand. I wish I could be as free as you, but..." She shakes her head. "It's just not the way things are." * Nebrinel blinks, and shakes her head, gesturing to her body. "Freedom comes with a price, Ada. And sometimes it's far more than you ever expected." She looks back at Fyril, and then at Ada. "You may have two months. I suggest if you wish to ply for my assistance, you, or Xivilai, provide me a reason. Both you and Faydra have plenty of time to decide on what the value of a free spirit might be. Or a friend." * Ada nods. Certainly. I'll bring it up with my Lady. Oh, and Nebrinel. Be careful with Plaguebringer. You likely already know this, but it bears repeating. * Nebrinel quirks an eyebrow. "I certaintly will be, but is there any reason to bring this up now?" We've been looking up some of the Great Weapons while we're here. Plaguebringer... it's said that it's unique in that it's designed to destroy all life. * Nebrinel says simply, "That is not new information to me, Ada. And should not be to you either." It isn't. Like I said, it bears repeating. * Ada makes a short bow. "I need to check on the others. Take care of yourself and Fyril, Nebrinel." * Nebrinel smiles faintly. "We had more ground to cover anyway. Make sure to lighten their hearts as well, Ada. Be well." * Ada laughs musically. "Me, lighten hearts." She seems geniuinely amused. "Perhaps I'll try." She cuts off the link.