[00:24] Mario asked Ada to bear with him after the E.I.B. started approaching; said this was 'important buisness'. [00:26] "Your task is accomplished," states the elf in an odd accent. He seems normal enough, if a bit tall, and unusually muscular for an elf. He has a +5/+5 Aura of Do Not Mess With Me, and if that weren't enough, his face seems... *wrong*, somehow. [00:26] * Ada hmms. Can Ada sense magic on the guy? [00:26] Craploads of it. [00:27] This guy could prolly take on some of Xiv's bodyguards and win. That's saying lots. [00:27] Mario replies with, "Of course." [00:27] And you have the artifact? [00:28] Again, of course. If I didn't, I'd have said something by now. [00:28] Allow me to see it. [00:30] *Mario pulls out a sheathed dagger; the pommel is a massive blue diamond, and the hilt consists of rubies incased in spirals of silver. Even sheathed, you can tell it's Morganti. [00:31] (Does my chain react to it in any way?) [00:31] ( Not that you can tell; but it isn't that close to you. ) [00:32] *E.I.B. accepts the weapon. "Excellent. I'm beginning to think that your kind isn't so worthless after all." [00:33] *Mario manages to not reply to that, with visible effort. The elf notices this, and actually smiles; his smile is VERY wrong. It looks like he hasn't practiced much, and he has too many canine teeth for your comfort. [00:36] *E.I.B. says something very curious, then; "Good job. You've done the Empire a great service." As he says this, he hands Mario a piece of paper, which Mario tucks away in hsi cloak. [00:37] Naturally, why the Empire would countenance any assassination, much less of one of it's own Counts, is baffling to you. [00:38] Yeah, great. Anything to aid the glorious Empire. (This is said with gobs of sarcasm.) Anything else? [00:39] No. You may return to your... (here he makes a disgusted face, turns, and walks off.) [00:39] Remember to have him do that in the other channel, too. ^^ [00:42] * Ada waits for the elf to get up and start walking out in the other channel so I can do something, maybe. ^^;; Unless you're busy. [00:44] "Who's tha'? Gave me the creeps." She shudders a little for effect. [00:46] *Mario sneers; he seems to do it a lot, because it's a really good sneer. "Dunno his real name. He's with some secret division of the empire. Lately he's been hiring me to do... favors for his superiors." [00:48] "So *tha's* why you let 'im treat you like that." [00:49] *Mario nods, still sneering. "Yeah. If he weren't with the Empire, I'd have put the bastard over Deathsgate a long time ago. Even with what he's paying me." [00:52] "'S not like you can't, y'know. 'tween jobs yer not workin' for 'im, right?" She blinks. "'less 'm missin' somethin'." [00:53] *Mario shakes his head. "You don't kill someone working with the Empire. Least of all if you're human." [00:54] "Damn elves." Probably the most articulate thing she's said to him. [01:05] "So y'do favors? What kind?" [01:05] *Mario smirks. "I'm a problem-solver." [01:06] * Ada smiles slightly. "Problem-solver," she says slowly. "'cn mean lotsa things." [01:07] *Mario smiles. "Yes, it can. I usually don't like talking about my job... sometimes people overhear and take offense." He seems to be considering talking anyway, tho. [01:08] * Ada shrugs. "Is okay. No worse tha' me, sometimes." She pauses. "Damn elves." [01:10] *Mario nods, and refills Ada's wineglass, if it were even near to empty. [01:11] * Ada picks up the glass and sips. "So'll listen, if y'want. Good 't listenin', s'pecially like this." She giggles a little at that. [01:13] *Mario smiles; it seems genuine, surprisingly. "Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt." He frowns thoughtfully for a moment. [01:14] * Ada tilts her head. [01:16] "When I was a kid," he begins, "I was always picked on by elves. I grew up in a mostly elven neighborhood, which didn't help matters. I never knew my mother, and my dad was worthless. He actually agreed with all the dung the elves spout about the superiority of their way of life and whatnot." [01:17] * Ada grumbles. "What an ass." [01:18] "Anyway, by the time he died of some disease he couldn't afford to get cured, I was thirteen, and I'd decided I'd had enough of the regular beatings I got at the hands of the local punks. This eventually lead me to being offered a job to kill elves for a living." He sips some wine. "How could I refuse such a wonderful offer?" [01:19] * Ada chuckles. "Y'couldn't. I would've taken it real quick if I were you." [01:24] "So y'kill elves? For the Empire." [01:26] *Mario frowns. "Not usually, no. I normally work freelance. I also try to keep away from Imperial officials at all costs, but it's hard to turn down what they're paying me for this." [01:26] ( *wonders at what point Ethan's concern for Ada will overcome his fear of Sadira* e_e) [01:27] * Ada nods. "Yeah, 'know how tha' can be. Money's temptin'." [01:28] "Yes, well, I'm not just doing this for money." [01:28] * Ada frowns worriedly, then leans in close and whispers, "Somethin' 'bout that guy innit right, though. Might wanna stay 'way." She blinks. "Yeah?" [01:29] (I doubt it'll really happen until Ada's in evident danger.) [01:30] "Yeah, I know. He gives me the creeps." He frowns. "And yeah. I'm doing this for lots and lots of money." He sips some more wine. "I plan to buy a nice little palace somewhere, once this is done." [01:31] * Ada smiles at that. "Y'need someone to go with ya? I know it can get lonely..." [01:31] (It was way too easy. She had to do it.) [01:32] Mario smiles. "Of course. I'd simply love to have you along with--" he blinks, looks around, and utters a stream of invective under his breath. [01:32] * Ada 's eyes widen. "Wha?" [01:33] "The son of a bitch has been listening. We need to go. *Now*." [01:36] (Can I make the wine more slippery with DS? Just to slow him down.) [01:36] Mario mutters quitly. "Can't believe I talked... what the hell's wrong with me?" [01:36] ( Yes. ) [01:36] "C'mon. Out." [01:36] "Yes." [01:37] (If the elf falls on his tush, I will *adore* you.) [01:38] (YAY! ^^) [01:39] Warning bells go off in your head. You sense magic building. LOTS of it. [01:39] * Ada hisses. "Out of the door," she whispers, suddenly articulate. "*Now*." [01:41] "No, duck!" [01:42] Mario gives you no choice, tho, dragging you down as he says that. He makes sure to cushion your fall as much as he can, tho. [01:43] * Ada gasps. "Thanks." [01:44] "No problem. I hope you don't mind crawling on all fours?" [01:45] * Ada actually smiles at that. "There's been more degrading things." [01:45] "I think I can arrange for a distraction. Head for the door when I say so..." [01:45] * Ada nods. [01:53] "Not what I had in mind, but it'll do. Let's go!" [01:53] * Ada nods frantically and grabs his arm. She moves. [02:03] * Ada murmurs to the man, "We have to help them; they're our distraction. Can you find a place where we're out of sight, but I can see what's going on?" [02:06] The man frowns at Ada, then grins. "Of course. This way." He leads you down the alley, takes a left, further, another left, then up a fire escape ladder... and right into your room at the Angry Porcupine. ^_^ [02:06] * Ada blinks, then laughs. "Oh, this is convenient." She shuts the door and locks it, then opens the window, peering at the commotion on the road. "I suppose I have some explaining to do." [02:07] "Well, yes. But it can wait. Is Ada really your name?" [02:08] * Ada nods. "And Mario is yours?" [02:09] "It's the one my bastard father gave me, yes." [02:09] "Can you really help them from here?" [02:09] I can try. [02:09] "Alright. How?" [02:10] (I'm going to cast a spell that makes it easier for me to see them. DS?) [02:10] ( Yes. ) [02:10] * Ada smiles slightly. "The elves are completely wrong about humans in many ways. You know this." [02:10] (Made it, by the by.) [02:12] ( Yes, you did. )) [02:12] "Yes, I do. Which way are you referring... oh." [02:12] At about this time, a winged reptile about the size of a cat alights on Mario's right shoulder. [02:13] * Ada nods, then blinks at the reptile. "Who's your friend?" [02:15] "This is Loiosh." The lizard hisses at Ada. "He says hello." [02:15] * Ada chuckles at that. "Hello, Loiosh." She turns her attention back to the fighting. [02:18] * Ada hisses as she sees what's happening to Nebrinel. Magical energy starts to build around her. "This isn't good." [02:19] "Sacred shit. That must've hurt." [02:21] (Clavicle. Ow. x.x) [02:21] * Ada stares. "He's not- oh, shit. I knew there was something wrong about him." [02:22] "Hunh. So that's why Loiosh couldn't smell 'im." [02:23] * Ada nods. [02:30] Your turn, Ada. ^_^ [02:31] * Ada focuses on the elf in black, then pushes her hand out the window, releasing the built up energy. "Lightning Strike." [02:31] Mario stares at Ada in disbelief. [02:34] * Ada glances at Mario, then nods. "I told you they were wrong." [02:35] "Well. That just makes my day." He smirks. [02:37] * Ada chuckles dryly. "And sleeping with me wouldn't have? I'm hurt." She fingers her pendant, and the magic starts to build again. "Wish I could just Inferno him, but they're too close together." [02:39] "Oh, I'm sure that would've been incredible, too. Sleeping with you, I mean." [02:39] "No idea about the other." [02:40] * Ada laughs. [02:44] * Ada blinks. "Hm. I almost feel sorry for the elf." [02:45] "Heh. 'Almost' being the operative word?" [02:45] Hey, I'm the one throwing lightning at him. If my friend down there wants to impale him on a stick, who am I to argue? [02:46] Mario chuckles. [02:55] * Ada murmurs, "Let's add a little more fuel to the fire." She releases the spell. "Lightning Strike!" [02:58] (I'd use more variety if I were closer. ;P) [02:59] ( Of course. ^_~) [03:00] (So he vanished?) [03:00] Yes. Didn't look like other teleports you've seen. [03:00] * Ada breathes out a long sigh, then moves to another area of her room, grabbing the rapier and bucking it around her waist. [03:01] Mario exhales slowly. "...so." [03:01] So. [03:01] * Ada has a seat on her bed and looks up at the man. [03:02] The man looks back. Mixed emotions swim across his face before he tucks them all away somewhere. [03:02] "You... uhm, you mind if I sit next to you there?" [03:03] Not terribly. [03:03] * Ada gestures. "Please, have a seat." [03:03] Mario nods and has a seat. He seems confused. [03:04] * Ada folds her hands. "Well, Assassin. Where would you like me to start?" [03:04] "I'm not really sure, Sorceress. Or are you a Wizard?" [03:04] (What's the difference? ;P) [03:06] ( Wizard's a higher magnitude of the same thing. Xiv qualifies as a wizard. ) [03:07] * Ada makes a curt gesture, and the window closes. "Sorceress, I suppose." [03:07] Mario nods. [03:08] "It's... funny. Sorcery has always epitomized the attitude of Elven superiority, to me. So, I've always hated sorcerers." [03:09] * Ada waves vaguely. "It's fine. I imagine that most of... well, us, would hate me simply because I know magic." [03:09] Mario frowns. "I dunno. I don't hate you." [ Mario and Ada were in Ada's room at the Angry Porcupine, after the battle against the Elf in Black had concluded. And then Mario poped the question. ] So, how exactly *did* you learn magic? (Aww, so it wasn't a proposal?) ( Hey, he's not *that* fast. ) * Ada shrugs as she plucks at her mandolin, trying to tune it. "I was raised by an elf." Ouch. I'm so very, very sorry. * Ada chuckles. I don't think I was treated with any particular cruelty. Well... she is cruel, but she's equally cruel to everyone. I'm just not sure why, still. Why she wasn't especially cruel, or why she did it at all? The second. * Mario nods. Then glares at the lizard on his shoulder. The lizard gives off a hiss that sounds a lot like laughter. * Ada eyes the lizard. "What's it saying?" * Mario shakes his head. "I wouldn't want to burden you with Loiosh's sense of humor. Noone should have to suffer through that." * Ada snickers. "Right." She goes back to tuning. * Mario smirks. "So... what exactly interested you in me? My charm? My rogueish good looks?" From the way he says it, he clearly thinks it's neither. * Ada chuckles. Well. Hmm, how to... ah. We were looking for an item that we heard Friyas may possess. Unfortunately or not, we got there after you killed him; you had a run-in with at least one person in our group. * Ada winces at the sound one of the strings makes, then goes about rectifying it. "We figured out where you were staying, and I went there to get more information." * Mario smirks. "Not bad, finding where I was. But what makes you think I killed him?" * Ada tilts her head. You didn't? Oh, of course not! * Mario grins. "Killing people. Such dreadful buisness. How could I ever do such a thing?" * Ada laughs. "I can't imagine. It must be an Elven thing, like magic. They give me the creeps." * Mario laughs, upsetting Loiosh's balance as he does so. The lizard clambors up his back and hisses at him. Of course! One of those terrible elves must have done it. * Ada nods. Humans aren't powerful enough to kill elves, anyway. Of course. Least of all a powerful wizard. * Ada smirks. "So you just wandered around a little and found a pretty dagger, then?" * Mario smirks back. "Oh, that wasn't hard. It was just sitting there outside the tower. " Naturally. There was no way you'd actually be able to get in. Of course not. * Ada chuckles and finishes tuning. She starts strumming a simple, well-known piece. Hm. Elves teach you to play, too? Partially. And it was something to do. I didn't study magic *all* the time, and I didn't go out much, so. * Mario frowns and nods. * Ada notices his frown and shakes her head. "I didn't have much restraint when I was younger. Imagine how quickly I would have died." * Mario nods again, but is still frowning. It's a different frown, but still there. (Different how?) ( Looks contemplative. ) (Ah, okay.) * Ada switches to a more difficult piece. * Mario listens for a bit. "So, how'd you happen to come upon Friyas' place just as I was leaving with the dagger I found?" I didn't, personally. But two of my acquaintances did. * Mario nods. "Of course. I assume it wasn't for a cordial visit?" Now now, what's wrong with visiting? Oh, absolutely nothing. I'm just curious as to what brought you and your aquaintances there? * Ada thinks about that. * Ada sighs, then carefully removes her pendant from around her neck. She holds it to Mario. "See this chain?" * Mario looks at the chain and nods. It's a piece of a weapon. Oh? * Ada smiles, and there's no humor in it. "Godslayer." She puts the chain back around her neck. * Mario is silent for a bit. Hm. Sounds like a pretty great weapon, to me. * Ada nods. Do you have... uh, the rest of it? I have another piece, but they don't fit without... whatever's missing. I can't even carry the other piece while I have this. * Mario nods. * Ada fingers her pendant. "This is going to get me into trouble. And something simply isn't right about the weapons." Yeah. Yeah, it will get you in trouble. But I'm not going to have someone else find it instead. Do you see what I mean? * Mario nods. If I really had a choice, I think I'd run off... somewhere, I don't know. But I'll be found sooner or later anyway, either by my benefactor or people who have heard of me one way or another. * Mario sighs. I was gonna tell you to hide, but you're right. That Mara-be-damned elf would track you down eventually anyway, and send someone to kill you and take your weapon. * Ada raises an eyebrow. "The elf you were speaking to, you mean?" Yes. So you gave him a weapon. Why did you do that? Because it was what he was paying me for. And don't think that was the first. * Ada frowns and sets down her mandolin. "Do tell." That was... let's see, the fifth I'd turned over. * Ada sucks in her breath. "Damn. Do you know which ones?" * Mario shakes his head. "Not their names. Most of them were swords. Small for an elven sword, mind you, but fair-sized for you or me. Didn't like a damn one of them." He shivers very slightly. * Ada nods. "Except for Pantryfiller, they all have an odd... feel about them, yes." Well, this means I'm guaranteed to meet him again. Wonderful. Yeah. * Mario chuckles. "'Odd', right." I'm sure Nebrinel will be delighted to hear about it, too. Who's that? An elf I'm traveling with. I'm fairly sure we'll try to kill each other at some point or another, but until then, we're working together. She's looking for the rest of her weapon. Ah. Sounds like a delightful person. * Ada chuckles. "She wants power, pure and simple. But she's not all that terrible; for one, she hasn't treated humans any worse than elves." * Mario chuckles. "There's a rarity." Mmm. I'm sure there's a story behind it. ( There is, but Mecha's having trouble writing it. ) (Heh. ^^;) ( *rimshot* ) So. How long have you been here? In this town, I mean? The better part of a week, I suppose. Yourself? * Mario winces. "That's too long." * Ada raises an eyebrow. "Why." It wasn't stated as a question. Because if he doesn't know you have that weapon piece, he knows your friend has one. And while he won't be able to send the best after you anymore, there are still plenty of competent assassins willing to work for what he's paying. Feeling a bit cocky, Mario? * Ada nods. "I understand." * Mario smirks. "Not really cocky, no. But I'm glad you understand. I'd really hate for somone to put a shine on you." * Ada blinks. "A shine?" * Mario blinks. "Huh? Oh. Means I don't want someone killing you." He frowns. Oh. * Ada frowns, and a confused expression passes over her face. "Why not?" * Mario fidgets nervously. He looks towards the window, and scowls when he remembers it's closed. * Ada notices the fidget, then grins a bit. "No escaping for you, mister." Uhm, no special reason, I assure you. Just, y'kow, general lo, er, care of fellow-man. Wouldn't want to see another human done in like that, an' all. * Ada eyes Mario. ( The lizard looks at Mario like he's the dumbest man alive. ) (That's because he is.) ( Am not! ;_; ) Really. No. But if you ask again, I'll prolly dodge the real answer some more. * Ada shrugs. "Fine, be that way." She sets her mandolin back in its case and locks it up. * Mario winces slightly. "Anyway... I need to get moving again." And you do, too. * Ada smiles impishly. "Sure you can't spend the night?" * Mario looks like he's considering that, but Loiosh bites his ear. * Ada laughs. Gah... much as I'd love to, my familiar has other ideas. Looks like. So... Ada. It's been a pleasure meeting you. You as well. * Ada looks over at the lizard. "Make sure he doesn't get into trouble, Loiosh." (Loiosh makes with the laughter-like hissing again.) Don't worry, he's good at that. * Ada grins. Considering you haven't died yet? I imagine he is. * Mario chuckles. Anyway... farewel, milady, and may we not cross paths again too soon, as that would doubtless be trouble. * Mario stands, bows, an heads for the door. * Ada smirks. "Of course." She idly snaps her fingers, and the door opens for him. * Mario gives Ada an I-Am-Impressed look, and heads out, waving as he goes.