[ Ada is out there somewhere trying to jog info out of the assassin that killed Fryas, and Fyril is out keeping an eye on her in hopes of keeping her from ending up the same way, presumably. ] [ The rest of you are here, tho. Lucky you! ] * Ethan paces back and forth. "I know Ada can take care of herself, and Fyril's good at what he does..." [ Session start, yo. No, really. ] * Sei nods agreement - and sips coffee. * Nebrinel looks at her mug that is half-empty of some random alcohol, and frowns. "The'll... be fine, Ethan." I know, I know. Just... argh. * Ethan paces s'more. * Nebrinel chuckles. "Well, I can think of a good way to distract you." Juggling? Eating? * Nebrinel grins slightly, and takes a long drink of the rest of her mug. Three seconds later, she slams it down, and is grinning wildly. "Sparring." * Ethan blinks. ...I'm definitely going to be needed here, aren't I? Err... ow, my back! * Ethan clutches his back. "Wow, Ada's wind spell musta hurt me more than I thought!" * Ethan hobbles over to a couch and lies down. * Sei eyes Ethan. * Nebrinel rolls her eyes. "You're no fun at all." She waves for another drink. Oh, the agony, the agony... >_> <_<... ow... You're not fooling anyone, you know. _ Fooling? Who's fooling? This is an old injury... got run over by an irate ox. ...oh, my. One of waitresses brings Nebby another drink, keeping her eye on Sei while she's at it. * Sei smiles at the waitress. * Nebrinel nods at the waitress, and looks at the drink. "S'good stuff, really. You boys should try it." The waitress smiles back and blushes slightly. She runs to a table where some fellow waitresses are sitting and they all begin talking about something or other in quiet but excited tones. * Nebrinel takes a swig. I really don't like alcohol, but thanks all the same. Never touch the stuff. The Warrior never does anything which might inhibit his fighting ability yadda yadda... * Sei shrugs and walks over to Ethan. * Sei casts Cure. * Nebrinel takes another drink. After putting it down, she waves her hand and says, "Yeah, yeah. If you thought it was imparing me, why not spar me? You'd have the advantage." * Ethan sits up. "Wow, my back feels better. Thanks Sei..." Not a problem. If it's an old injury, though, you really should see a specialist about it. * Ethan pauses for a moment... suddenly, his face lights up, and he turns back to Nebby. "Well, I wouldn't want to fight you at anything but your best... that'd just be a waste. Not a true test of skills..." * Nebrinel grins slightly. "Well, promise to spar me when I'm not drunk, then?" ... well look at that! My armor's a bit damaged! I better go repair it! ... * Ethan grabs his backpack and hustles off into a corner. * Nebrinel rolls her eyes, and takes another drink. * Sei sits back down and continues drinking coffee. * Nebrinel takes yet another drink, leaving the mug mostly empty, and says slyly, "You're gathering quite the fanclub, Sei." * Sei smiles slightly. "Ah, well." * Nebrinel shakes her head, and sips the rest of the alcohol from the mug. (/me rummages through his bag. "Hmm, I'm almost out of membership cards and stickers. I'll have to find a printer.") (*smacks Sei*) (Ow. ;_;) * Nebrinel stretches, and leans back in her chair. She waves for yet another drink. Er...are you sure that's a good idea? * Nebrinel smiles. "Absolutely." * Ethan looks back from 'fixing his armor'. "You know Drunkan Swordsman style, Nebrinel? COOL!" * Nebrinel looks back at Ethan. "You'll never know. You refuse to fight me." (So that's the euphemism nowadays - ow! ;_;) Refuse? Me! HA! I never back down from a challenge... except today, that is. * Ethan returns to working on his armor. Nebrinel gets another drink! * Nebrinel quickly grabs the waitress, and points her towards Sei, grinning. "This is Sei. Say hi." * Sei sweatdrops. ( Sei is a Virgo, and enjoys lute music, dancing, and long walks on the beach. ) The waitress blushes and says "Ah, hello, Sei" in a quiet tone." * Sei smiles. "Hi." (...I am a Virgo, actually.) (Ding!) * Nebrinel pats the girl on the hand. "You can go back if you like now. But he won't bite, really." * Nebrinel goes and takes another drink. ( Well, maybe nibble, but... ) (I wonder if she fainted.) The girl shuffles off to the table with the other waitresses, where they no doubt begin talking about what happened immediately. * Ethan wanders back over to the table. "Armor fixed. All is well." * Sei says quietly, "It's a good thing we'll be leaving this town soon. A few more days and things might start to get violent." You have a point, Sei. Suddenly, I find myself strangely attracted to you... but oh, I'm too shy to approach you! *dainty pose* [...] * Sei facefaults sideways. * Nebrinel stretches. "So, Ethan, do you have a new excuse as to why not to fight me yet?" No, not ye- err, I mean... LOOK! A WIZARD! *points to the bar* * Ethan RUNS outside. * Nebrinel rolls her eyes, and turns back to Sei. "Poor girls. Crushing on a 'dashing wanderer'." * Sei nods. (Why the quote marks? ;_;) (To denote the disdain Nebrinel has for Sei as the wandering bookworm--er, dashing wanderer.) * Ethan RUNS back inside and DIVES under the table. *whisper* "You've NEVER MET ANYONE NAMED ETHAN!" ...what did you do now? Shh! I'm not here! I'll explain later! * Nebrinel makes sure Ethan didn't knock over her drink, and takes another sip, saying deadpan, "This should be good." Yes, indeed. * Ethan grabs a blanket and covers himself and his pack with it. (...it's the Blanket Monster. o_O) (Aoooga!) * Nebrinel taps her foot and continues drinking idly. * Ethan mutters something under his breath about not catching a break... (/me picks up his staff. "Well, if you insist, a compound fracture could be arranged.") ( "Wow, that's a big staff. No wonder you're so popular..." ) (It's all in how you use it.) * Nebrinel waves for yet another drink. So, I guess there's not much to do but wait for Ada and Fyril to get back. Nebrinel gets another drink, but this time the waitress skitters away before she can be grabbed again. * Nebrinel yawns. "Not as long as the not-person refuses to spar me." The early dinner crowd is just starting to trickle in, now. In addition, group of men in dusty clothing-- travellers, most likely -- come in and occupy a large table in one corner, and immediately become loud. Another man, tall and dressed all in black, comes in and sits down at a small table in a corner. Hmm... * Nebrinel drinks some more, and eyes the man as unobviously as possible. "This is such great stuff." 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6-4) and gets -1. * Sei nods. "Perhaps we should get going." (... Yeah, he made that.) (Fyril's so talented. *_*) (Talented in what way, Nebbie-chan?) (His many varied skills, Ada-chan!) 2d6-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Fyril (2d6-6) and gets -2. 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ada (2d6) and gets 5. (Very varied, and very skilled. ^^) * Nebrinel frowns. "Going? That would require getting the not-person to move." Good point. ... I can move if one of you does me a favor. Yes? Go outside. If you see a tall, busty woman in black carrying an enormous battle axe, the coast is NOT CLEAR. If you don't, I can move. ... You're serious, aren't you? For the first time in about three months, yes. * Nebrinel chuckles, blinks slowly... and stands. "Sounds like my sort of woman. Human?" Yes. * Nebrinel slowly walks out the door to look around. * Nebrinel comes back in, whistling slightly. She sits down and says, "Looks like the not-person's not going anywhere." ...oh, my. I'm almost afraid to ask what happened. What's she doing? Just standing there? * Ada stumbles in, looking quite sloshed and leaning on a tall, handsome man in gray. Nebrinel would probably recognize him. * Nebrinel yawns, and takes another drink. "I saw the woman that meets the description. She was coming this way." Crap crap crap... * Nebrinel sets her drink down, and eyes Ada. "Are you actually drunk?" Well, this is getting interesting. The man Ada's leaning on scans the room immediately upon entering. His gaze eventually comes to rest on the tall man in black, but then he leads Ada to a table for two, where he orders wine from a passing waitress. * Ada takes a seat at the table, smiling dreamily. As soon as the man turns his back, she glances over at Nebrinel and shakes her head once. * Ethan peeks out from under the blanket. "... is that our guy, Nebrinel?" * Nebrinel 's eyes widen, and she mutters, "Shit. Shit shit." ...? * Ada puts her chin on her hand and goes back to zoning out. * Sei whispers, "Problem?" * Nebrinel mutters, "Yeah. Dammit, I did not want to wreck Leavenhyde's inn. He might not have recognized me, though." * Nebrinel is looking down at her glass at this point. The tall elf in black stands, and approaches the table where Ada and the other guy are sitting. The man with Ada notices this, and frowns. ... so who'm I gonna need to beat up? * Ada sips at her wine. * Nebrinel mutters, "We'll see. Two possibles." * Sei slips his ring onto his finger. Meanwhile, a human woman walks in. She's about Ethan's height and very shapely. Her hair is long and black, and she's wearing black leather with a cloak, as well as some sort of scale armor clinging to her chest. She has at her back a big, evil-looking red axe. * Ethan somehow manages to find/grab his glaive while curled up into a ball under the table. * Nebrinel says softly, "And there's your friend, Not-person." ... ooh crap... The man with Ada and the E.I.B. begin talking to each other; neither looks happy. * Ada blinks, apparently noticing the elf for the first time, but doesn't interrupt. * Ada nods at the man in gray. * Nebrinel mutters again, "Alright. Sei, can you do anything in the offense side of things?" A very little. * Ethan whispers. "Can you do anything to distract the woman with the axe or get her to leave?" Because if she sees me, she *will* attack me most likely, and that'll distract me from the impending rumble. * Sei looks at his coffee and mutters, "Why?" * Ethan frowns. "... unwanted fiancee. Arrainged by my parents." ... (Oh ho.) Persistent. And local tradition says she has to beat me in a fight to overcome my objections to said arraingement. This would be my *other* reason for leaving home... Well, it *is* said that "love conquers all..." * Sei surreptitiously eyes the table. * Ethan snorts. "She's marrying me to get at my family's power and influence. My parents arrainged it because they thought she could mold me into a goddamn 'good soldier'. And I ran because she's a psychopath." (I point Yu towards /msg. ^_^;) * Ada keeps sipping her wine. * Ada idly tilts her head towards elf in black as she places her hand on her hip. * Sei nods. * Sei gets up and wanders over to the bar, nearer to the table. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-3) and gets 6. The woman with the axe looks woozy for a momant, and seems about to collapse. She shakes whatever it is off, however, and begins glancing around the room angrily. The E.I.B., meanwhile, walks back to where he was sitting before. * Nebrinel mutters, "Strong willed, too." She takes another big drink. * Ada blinks blearily at the elf, then turns to the man in gray and whispers. * Ethan mutters. * Nebrinel sighs. "Alright, Ethan, I hope you can deal with the other two." She stands slowly, and eyes the woman. ... wait. * Ada seems to go into deep thought for a moment, then ohs and nods. She murmurs another something to the man. I have an idea... * Nebrinel hisses, "Quickly!" She's arrogant. VERY arrogant. Go up to her, and ask if she's Sadira Wallstormer. When she says yes, tell her "I thought so. The gentleman said to look for an exceptionally beautiful human." and then give her a 'message' from me, saying that I had come to my senses and realized I couldn't walk away from her stunning beauty, and was returning home to get ready for the marraige. * Nebrinel shakes her head, and nods. "This better work." She walks towards the woman with her head held high. * Ada hiccups and nods. She goes into thought again, then smiles and replies to the man. The woman looks up as Nebrinel approaches, fixing her with a glare. * Nebrinel looks at the woman when she gets close to her and says, "Sadira Wallstormer?" * Ada lowers her eyes to her wine and nods. The woman narrows her eyes. "Yes?" * Nebrinel nods, and looks her up and down. "The human said to look for an exceptional beauty, and I must say you are exceptional." She also gives a glance to the axe. Sadira brightens immediately. "Well, yes. That ought to be obvious." * Nebrinel waves her hand. "Most certaintly. A man with a glaive and goatee left a message for you. He said he had come to his senses, could not walk away from your amazing beauty, and if you ever came by, to tell you he was returning home to get ready for his impending marraige." * Nebrinel chuckles. "He actually stood on the tables and proclaimed it in the common room. Quite a stir, really." Sadira frowns. "Are you quite certain?" * Nebrinel says, "Most certaintly. Human, with a goatee and a glaive. The weapon was especially noticeable. I have an eye for them." She eyes the axe again, as if to make her point. And if that's your name... he could mean nothing else, am I wrong? Sadira nods. "No, you are quite correct." * Ada finishes off her glass and sets her chin on her hand again, paying full attention to the man. She sighs. "Well then. I shall have to return home to claim the foolish boy again." * Nebrinel chuckles. "We all know how that goes. They never do listen enough for their own good." She nods knowingly. Sadira chuckles in a tone of voice that seems to want to be politely quiet, but fails miserably; the sound echos strangely throughout the room. "Ohohoho! All too true." * Ada flinches at the laugh. * Sei twitches. * Ethan shivers. * Nebrinel grins slightly, weathering the laugh fairly well. "You must have came far to seek him out. You had best try to catch him before he changes his mind again, am I right?" Sadira nods. "Yes, quite right. But, I have time for a good meal." As she says this, she catches the attention of a waitress, who comes up to the table after some hesitation. ('The table', as in, not our table?) *whisper* ... d'oh. ( As in, her table, yes. ) (Whew!) Sadira begins to order a mountain of food. * Nebrinel suddenly becomes glad she didn't offer to drink with her, and settles back at her own table, mumbling, "Well, it almost worked." Good effort, anyway. Thanks. * Nebrinel shrugs, and mumbles, "Ada's still got things under control. I just have no idea how she's doing... or how Fyril's doing either." Let's hope Ada can stall them until Sadira leaves... if not, well... I'll figure out something. Hopefully. * Nebrinel mutters. "Now you can be worried, by the way." Hmm? * Nebrinel mutters, "About Ada." She looks over towards Sei, then Ada, then back at the drink. ... this keeps getting better and better. * Ada continues drinking her wine and chatting with the man in gray. * Sei is sitting at the bar, sipping club soda. * Ethan is about to munch on a carrot when he thinks better of it, and munches on a donut instead. (*crunch* "Ethan, my darling!) (Shit, man, I don't wanna deal with that woman. She's scary. He botches, I'LL KILL HIM MYSELF.) (No more Ethan! Buh bye, Ethan! ^_^) * Fyril walks in the front door of the inn quietly, and looks around the room. He raises his eyebrows. * Sei nods. The Elf in Black stands and walks towards the table Ada and whatsisface are sitting at. He reaches for his sword as he goes. * Ada nods at the man in gray. * Fyril turns, and walks back out the doors quietly and stealthily. * Nebrinel whews, and mutters, "Might have a situation." * Ethan bangs his forehead lightly against the floor. "And she's not gone yet?" * Ada gets to her feet, leaning on the table. She 'spills' the wine in front of the elf. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ada (2d6-3) and gets 2. The man stands, tossing a gold piece down onto the table. He runs a hand through his hair and then starts guiding Ada towards the door. * Ada lets herself be guided, leaning heavily on the man and not looking back. The Elf in Black changes his direction to continue heading towards them, and begins walking faster. * Sei stands up and heads back towards Nebrinel's table. The Elf in Black slips in a puddle of wine that mysteriously appeared ont he floor, meanwhile, and falls flat onto his back. He gets back to hisfeet without using his hands and draws his sword. * Nebrinel curses. "Magic. Big one." * Sei nods and ducks behind the table. * Nebrinel puts her hand on her own sword, and braces herself. * Sei grabs his quarterstaff and peers above the table. Meanwhile, the man in grey drags Ada to the floor with him just in time for them to both not be incinerated by a blinding flash of light that leaps from the E.I.B.'s hand and flies towards them. Deprived of it's intended target, the bolt blows a hole in the wall behind Ada instead. Immediatley, everyone is on their feet and shouting things like 'what in the hells was that' (save for Sadira, who continues to eat). * Nebrinel curses, and stands up abruptly. * Sei stands up and makes his way towards the E.I.B. * Ethan hisses to Nebrinel. "Try to get everyone outside. I'll try to follow." The elf has his sword out now, and is walking towards Ada again. * Sei shouts, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" The E.I.B. ignores Sei, and anyone else who shouts at him. (Anyone wanting to attack him can go ahead.) * Sei casts a spell. * Nebrinel is running towards Ada and the Grey, and casting her own spell as well. A searing bolt of fire streaks from her fingers towards EIB. 2d6-4 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-4) and gets 4. E.I.B. makes hardly any effort to dodge; the result is that he's hit full-on. It doesn't seem to bother him much, but it does succeed in getting his attention. * Sei moves to get between the E.I.B. and Ada. * Nebrinel tries to get Ada, if she can/is close enough. The E.I.B. continues ignoring Sei. He squints at Nebrinel, and then smiles a horribly unnatural smile. "Thank you. You are about to save me a great deal of work." Meanwhile, Ada and the human guy run for the door. The elf in black glances at them briefly, then returns his attention to Nebrinel. * Sei runs after Ada and the human. * Ethan curses, and comes out from under the table on the side farthest away from Sadira, crawling like a madman for the door. The E.I.B. begins approaching Nebrinel, his sword out. "On your guard now." * Nebrinel curses, and pulls out both Plague Bringer and her backup morganti 'sword', as she continues running towards the door. The man runs after Nebrinel, casually knocking over someone who tries to get in his way. Meanwhile, Sadira continues to eat. *crawlcrawlcrawlforthedoor* Nebrinel and Ethan reach the door at about the same time, oddly enough. * Ethan dives out the door after Nebby, and waver for her to follow him and put some distance between them and the inn. The man in grey looks left, looks right, and then says to Ada "This way. I know a place where we can hide. I think." * Ada nods. The man leads Ada away down the street! * Sei stays with Nebrinel and Ethan, although some distance back. Ada and the guy in grey duck into an alley not far down the street. (Have to take that whole thing back.) The E.I.B. walks right out. Roll initiative, those of you deciding to fight him. ( We're running, actually. At least for a few blocks. =P ) (A few blocks, but Nebby plans on stopping.) * Ethan runs two blocks down, turns a corner, runs a little farther, and stops, letting Nebby catch up if needed. * Sei follows. * Ethan drops his pack and readies his glaive. * Nebrinel mutters, and turns around to face the EIB if he follows. The elf in back follows, gaining slowly the whole while. Perfect. Bloody perfect. Who is this bastard? Works for the Empire. *eyes widen; grins* Now *this* is what I trained for... The elf in black slows to a fast walk, and he continues heading for Nebrinel. * Ethan twirls his glaive, and mutters under his breath. "Let's dance." ( Roll init. ) d6+8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ethan (d6+8) and gets 13. d6+5 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Sei (d6+5) and gets 9. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ada (d6+7) and gets 8. d6+7 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (d6+7) and gets 10. (Oh, that was a bad roll. :P) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ada (2d6-3) and gets 1. [ ORDER: Elf in Black, Ethan, Nebby, Sei, Ada. ] The E.I.B. dashes for Nebrinel, and attacks her with a wide overhead slash. ( Melee def, Nebbie. ) 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 8. (Uh. No?) ( Ouch. ) Nebrinel manages to dodge just enough to aboid having her skull split. The sword comes down halfway between her neck and shoulder, shredding muscle and snapping her clavicle like a twig. Ethan's turn! * Nebrinel screams. Even she's not that tough. Holy... *scowls* I don't fucking think so... * Ethan slashes at the elf twice, a horizontal slash followed by a spinning diagonal overhead slash. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ethan (2d6-3) and gets 2. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ethan (2d6-3) and gets 0. (The Malaysian judge is the sole dissident, holding up a 9.) ( Don't you mean the French judge? ) (He's under the judging table pretending he's a chicken. c_c;) The elf pulls his sword out of Nebrinel in time to block the horizontal slash, but the overhead slash catches him, digging into his chest. He doesn't seem to mind, nor does he bleed. Nebrinel's turn! * Nebrinel screams out in pain, and stabs Plague Bringer up into the guy's gut, since her right arm still works. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-3) and gets 0. (Ooh, that's gotta hurt.) (THANK YOU, SOULLESS DICEBOT) (^_^) The elf takes the sword into his gut. He scowls. "You children should not be playing with such toys." (Sei's turn?) Why, yes, it is. Go, Sei! * Sei casts a Cure spell on Nebrinel. * Nebrinel grunts weakly, "What...?" * Ethan growls, looking distinctly pissed off for the first time any of y'all can remember. Ada's turn! 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ada (2d6-3) and gets 4. The ...thing in black is hit by a bolt out of the blue. Literally. The lightning swirls and crackles around him before dissipating; fortunatley, whatever Great Weapons are made out of isn't a conductor, or else Nebby'd be in more pain right now. (. o O (Maybe that chunk of Morganti Nebby has could be useful after all.) (*snerk*) (She picked it up in her second session. ^_^;) (I remember. ^_^) The elf in black apparently doesn't like having Plaguebringer stuck inside him after all, as he grimaces and tries to kick Nebby away from him. (Unarmed defense, Nebby. ) 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6) and gets 6. (Just missed. Ah well.) Nebby is kicked free, although it takes some doing; Plaguebringer seems to hav eliked where it was. [ Ethan's turn! ] * Ethan is, for once, silent as he charges at the elf, glaive reared back. (Bum Rush) 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ethan (2d6-3) and gets 5. * Ethan slashes down daigonally across EIB's chest, spins, and DRIVES the blade into his chest. With a growl, he lifts the impaled elf up, turns, and slams him head first into the ground. * Ethan shivers slightly as he holds the blade inside the elf's chest. The cobblestone street shatters where the elf in black is slammed into it; the elf scowls. "This won't do. I still need this vessel." Sei's turn! (I sacrifice the Mystical Elf and the Baron of the Fiend Sword to bring out the Blue Eyes White Dragon. I equip it with the Dragon Treasure, and place the Mountain card on the field, bringing its attack up to 3500. I use the Reinforcements trap to increase the attack for this turn to 4000, and attack the Dark Elf. ^_^_v) No, scratch that. (...wait. Is this Yu-Gi-Oh?) (Where was my turn? c.c;) Nebby's turn! (Yay!) * Nebrinel , now that she has functional arms, starts humming weakly, and spins around, bringing both blades towards the guy's body. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 5. 2d6-2 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Nebrinel (2d6-2) and gets 9. The elf is upside down with a glaive stuck in him, and consequently has difficulty dodging. One of Nebrinel's swords misses badly, but the other lodges itself in his leg. Sei's turn! ( Whack him in the nuts! ) * Sei runs to the back of the group, and motions with his hands. The air swirling around him moves to shield the entire group. * Sei also draws a dagger from his backpack and hands it to Ethan. * Ethan grabs it with one hand, then goes back to holding the elf down with his glaive. Ada's turn! It's a Morganti. 2d6-3 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Ada (2d6-3) and gets 2. The E.I.B. is struck by lightning once again. He's starting to look in a real bad way. (Boot to the head!) ( E.I.B.'s turn. ) This may explain why he opts to vanish next turn. He blurs, and seems to move in some direction your minds can't seem to understand, and in which Plaguebrigner and Pantryfiller are unable to follow. * Nebrinel screams, "Come back here, you lousy bastard!" as she pants. She looks a mixed of pained and... excited. [ End combat. ] I should have stabbed him... ... nobody dies on my watch... * Ethan falls into a sitting position. We'd better go check on Ada. * Ethan nods, and gets back up. "Make sure the psycho isn't standing outside looking for me, okay?" Surely. May I have the dagger back? * Nebrinel sheathes both of her swords. The left side of her body isn't looking so well, and she mends her clothing with a touch. "Fucking bastard. Next time I'll let the blasted thing take his soul." * Ethan hands Sei back his dagger. "... was that what that cold feeling was?" * Sei stows it carefully away in his pack. "Yes, it was a Morganti. I thought it appropriate, considering..." No, no. After I slammed him... I got this icy feeling all through my body... Hmm... * Nebrinel brings her eyes around to Ethan. "Your... glaive is different, Ethan. It's Morganti, but not quite, remember? Now, where is Ada? Those were her strikes." * Sei drops his shield spell and heads towards the alley. "I'll be back." Soul sucking... not sure I like that, but with that son of a... you relatively okay? * Nebrinel chuckles, and the excitement is still in her eyes. "I... I've actually taken worse." Nonetheless, I apologize. Shoulda kept it from happening. * Nebrinel snorts indignantly. "Stow that shit, Ethan. I'm not your baby to protect." Never said you were. Still, my job's to protect Ada and, by extension, all of you guys. * Ethan mumbles under his breath. "Failed once... not gonna fail again." * Nebrinel arches an eyebrow. "Do what you like. For now, we need to gather everyone up, get our stuff, and get going, one way or the other." [ SESSION END. z.z ]