[Thursday, September 2, 2004.] [Just a few hours ago, Ivy and Jeremy (and Krista and Charlotte and- yeah) were attacked by vampires. Ivy blew out a light and zapped someone, and Jeremy got beaten up pretty badly - as though his arm doesn't hurt enough! - and worst of all, Jeremy's dad's car got its window smashed.] [It's been a bad night. The worst part is, of course, that they have an evil Hamlet quiz the next day.] (Call in sick!) (Yeah, watch half the class do that. XD) (Hee hee.) [On the bright side, the still alive thing? Confirmed. Anyway, Jeremy and Ivy got back to his place, where he explained what happened to his dad (without the zapping and the dusting), got an ice pack for the bump on his head and band aids and all.] [And after *much* fussing and calling police (who were already called, from the Wendy's) and getting a confirmation on his stories, Jeremy's been set loose to help Ivy get home. He keeps insisting that he can walk JUST FINE, and it's only a walk down the street. How bad can it be?] [Still evening, still a little wet, but no rain at all.] [Session Start.] (I figured we'll skip the part with Jeremy's parents, otherwise it'd be really long like whoa and quite Jeremy-centric, but you'd want to know what happened.) (Sounds good. ^_^) * Ivy's hand has been clasped tightly around Jeremy's for... hours now. * Ivy does look more calmer though. No more crying and such. She's pretty much just back to being quiet and clingy. [Jeremy's good hand is clasped. He isn't exactly cleaned up from the fight, but at least he got a clean shirt and bandages. He seems exhausted, but despite that, he keeps looking like he wants to say something, then stopping himself.] * Ivy 's walking just fine. That's likely from the no injuries thing. She... doesn't look like she has anything to say at the moment. (I can fix that! *drops a vampire on Jeremy's head*) (Ack!) [Oh look, he's doing that start to talk thing again. Only this time, his voice comes out. "Ivy, I... uh..."] * Ivy glances over to Jeremy. [Jeremy looks back at Ivy then away, uncomfortably. "That shocking thing. Should we, uh... keep it secret?"] * Ivy looks down, her hand no longer clenched tightly around his. In fact, it feels like it's about to dart away at any second. She slightly shrugs her shoulders. [He looks back at Ivy and squeezes her hand. "It's okay if you want to. I mean. Not... like, I don't think you're a freak."] * Ivy slowly moves her face back to look at his. She gives him a ghost of a smile in gratitude. [He keeps walking. "We can tell them that those people tried to mug us and break into the car. Like we told the police."] * Ivy goes quiet a moment. Then she points at him, and then turns her hand up to show her palm. [Jeremy stops and blinks at the palm in confusion. "Um. I don't get it?"] * Ivy puts her hand down, her face showing slight frustration in not being understood. She then points at him once again, though this time with more pointing oomph. She... should never play charades. ["Me. Okay. I should what?"] * Ivy 's shoulders slump slightly as she puts her hand down. She shakes her head and starts looking forward to where they're walking. [He looks that way, too. "Sorry, Ivy."] * Ivy shakes her head once again, though it looks somewhat defeated. [Jeremy looks back at her and frowns a little. "Do you *want* me to tell them?"] * Ivy glances up to him, studying him for a second. She finally, after a brief thoughtful frown, points at him once again, and then points to his head. [His hand raises to rest against his head. "You want to know what... I think?" He still looks baffled.] * Ivy 's face brightens. She nods. Jeremy wins the cupie doll! ["Oh." He looks relieved. Someone isn't dying after all! Yet. He drops his hand from his forehead, down to his neck, which he rubs the back of. "I'm not really sure."] ["I mean. It's weird. Those... they weren't, like, *people*. They turned into dust or something, I don't... know how she did that. But that's not normal." He laughs a bit of nervous laughter. "Can't really be sure what's normal, though, I mean, with the lightning and the- the fire..."] [There's a brief pause, then Jeremy blurts, "I almost feel like we ended up in the X-Men or something, and soon I'll be throwing cars around with my mind."] * Ivy gives him a tiny smile and then purses her lips. She lets go of Jeremy's hand and then brings both hands to her mouth to make movements along the top of two of her front teeth. (What kind of movements? Fangy movements?) (Yeah.) (Vorpal bunny movements!) (Ha!) [Jeremy, bewildered, mimics Ivy's motions for a moment before he drops his hand and says, "Vampires?"] * Ivy nods as if what she was "saying" wasn't at all odd. ["But they- uh-" Pause. "You sure?"] * Ivy nods once again. ["They didn't... look like vampires. In movies, I mean."] * Ivy shrugs. [He shrugs back. "But you're sure? Like, real vampires. I guess... that makes as much sense as anything else."] * Ivy nods again! It's a nodding party! [Jeremy rubs at the back of his neck again. "Well, shit." He laughs uneasily. "You know why you do that..." He waves his fingers. "Zap?"] * Ivy frowns. She shakes her head. [He nods and looks like he might want to say something, then switches and instead says, "So we don't tell them."] * Ivy nods slowly at first, but then more convincingly. It's Jeremy, he always knows what's best! ["Okay." He thinks for a moment, then says, more firmly, "Okay. C'mon, let's get you home." He starts leading the way to her place again.] * Ivy nods, her hand in his regaining her earlier grip. [They reach Ivy's house without incident, and Jeremy leads her up the steps and rings the doorbell. He looks back at her nervously.] * Ivy raises her brow at him as he rings the doorbell. (Like Jeremy has a key, and like Ivy'll let go of his hand to get hers. ;P) (HA. She does have two hands. ;P) [The door unlocks and then opens, and it's Ivy's father on the other side. "It's about time you got back from- Jeremy!" he cries, switching from stern to shocked and staring at him. "What happened to you?"] * Ivy gives her dad a small wave. [Jeremy actually looks embarrassed. Maybe it's because he got beaten up by a girl. "It's, uh... a long story, Mr. Thorne."] ["I'm sure it is." He steps aside. "Come in. Ivy, are you okay?" He gives her a once over and then says, "I'll get Jerine." And he rushes off to upstairs.] * Ivy walks in after a nod to her dad about her well-being, hand still holding onto Jeremy's... which means he must be coming inside too! [He is, at that! He actually goes inside and slumps on one of the living room couches. Which means Ivy's coming with. Mwahaha.] * Ivy heads to the same couch so she can sit next to him! [Jeremy squeezes Ivy's hand again and tries not to look too nervous. Before long, both of her parents are running down the stairs again: Ivy's father first, then her mother, who rushes over and checks on both of the kids. Jeremy submits to it, having already gone through the same thing at home.] * Ivy squeezes his hand in response, trying to make him a bit calmer. When her parents come in, she lets them do her thing, quiet as usual. ["What happened?" Jerine asks after finishing Jeremy and checking Ivy over. "You both look awful."] * Ivy looks to Jeremy. It pays to not have a voice. ["Um." There's a pause, then Jeremy continues, "After getting out of the Wendy's, these girls were breaking into my dad's car, and... uh, I tried to get them to stop, and we sorta got into a fight, and..."] [His voice fails him for a moment as both parents look at him, but then he continues, "Anyway, someone called the cops, and they ran off."] * Ivy turns from Jeremy to her parents and nods... maybe a bit too vigurously. [There's a brief silence as they look at the kids, maybe verifying the story. Jeremy shifts a little in his seat.] * Ivy stops nodding her head. ["You shouldn't do that again," Ivy's dad finally says. "Those girls might've had a gun."] ["I know," Jeremy says quickly, "but I didn't really think about that and- I'm sorry, I know, I should've gone in and called them right away, but-"] [Ivy's father nods. "We're just glad you're both safe."] * Ivy gives both parents a smile of reassurance. [Her mom squeezes Ivy's hand. "We *are*," she says. "Just be more careful next time." She looks to Jeremy. "Please?"] [He clears his throat uncomfortably and replies, "Sure, Mrs. Thorne."] * Ivy squeezes her mom's hand... and then Jeremy's a beat later! Squeeze! [There is squeezings! Mrs. Thorne smiles at Ivy at that, then looks back to her husband and exchanges glances. He says, "You two should get washed up. I'll..." He pauses, then eyes the kids. "Why do I smell fried chicken?"] [Jeremy looks to Ivy.] * Ivy looks down for a moment. Finally, she slowly moves her hand away from her mom's and gets into her pocket, pulling out a chicken nugget. She still doesn't look up. [There's sighing from parents all around, and Jerine holds her hand out for the nugget.] * Ivy puts the nugget in her hand. A beat goes by, and then she goes in her pocket for two more. In her hand they go too. [She collects those nuggets. "You have to stop doing that, Ivy," she chides, but gently.] * Ivy nods her head slowly, but still isn't looking up. Yeah, she's heard this chiding before. [She sighs a very what am I going to do with you sigh. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." And she leads the way upstairs.] * Ivy reluctantly lets go of Jeremy's hand and goes with her mom. [Jeremy waves a little. "Bye, Ivy."] [And so Jeremy went home and people were cleaned up and everything was happy again! Until next session, anyway.] [Session End.]