[Wednesday, August 25, 2004.] [It's raining, and it has been on and off since yesterday. Is this a bad sign for things to come? Well, it is a bad sign for things *now*. Because you're at *school* for the first time as a Junior. And school sucks.] [Quiet, Krista. We don't care what you think.] [Anyway, you're at school! Specifically, you're in the passing period between third and fourth periods. You all, uh... well, you're all on your way to English class, because knowing how to read and write is a good thing, because if you don't have a halfway decent mastery of that, you'll never amount to anything better than your basic AOL chatroom RPG.] ( Luke never graduated from high school, so he's teaching and studying at the same time. ) (Wat R U sayng abot AOL chat?) (ZOMG U SUK) (STFU U 2!!!11!!) (... Straight to fucking Utah?) (I M OP N TEENS4CHRIST U NO SPEEK BAD JESUS I BAN YOU.) (Anyway.) ( And likely the only one in the chatroom, too :P ) (You know speak? Bad Jesus! I ban you!) [This particular classroom is on the first floor, about two branches off of the stairwell that sits in the middle of the school. Needless to say, a *lot* of people take that particular stairwell.] [So do your thing! You've got about five minutes. Don't be late. ... Well, I guess you could.] (I fire magic missile at the stairwell!) [Session Start!] * Luke's already in the classroom, standing at the front by the blackboard, watching the last straggling students exit from third period. [Most of them are scramming like they don't *want* to stay in an English classroom. Imagine that. A couple of the kids are still closing their notebooks, not too hurried.] (We like to call those kids "Fresh Meat") ( I'm all confused now. So we're not at the stairs? @_@ ) (You *can* be at the stairs, but I suggest you get to class. ;P) [Those kids leave, too! They are not fresh, though they are meat. I mean, they're at least fifteen or sixteen years old.] * Charlotte goes to class 'cause the GM suggested it and if she stays outside she'll probably get eaten or something. Hey, it could happen! She heads to her desk and slumps into it, dropping her book bag on the floor. She actually takes out her notebook and a pen, though, so she can't mind being there that much. * Charlotte sits front and center! * Luke's a white male, about thirty, with short spiky black hair. He's attractive, though not astoundingly so. He's dressed in dark grey slacks and a navy blue shirt. There's an earring in his right ear. * Luke is wiping off the blackboard, but it doesn't look like he wrote much last class, just a few key words or phrases. [Charlotte's the first one in! Wow. After her, other students start filtering in, taking to each other. Some of them glance at Luke and the blackboard behind him. A filled blackboard is a bad sign on the first day.] * Krista is moving quickly through the main hall with her books for English in- hand and when she arrives at the door, goes right in now that everyone's gone! She sits down in the front row of desks, of course. Duh. She's wearing a simple white blouse and blue skirt. She looks at the teacher a little curiously. New teacher! * Luke's got a black attaché case by his feet. [Krista sits next to Charlotte. New best friends!] (Depends if she shoved me in a locker before. ^_^;) (I'm catholic, not stupid. Ssh.) [Another student walks in; this one plunks in the back right corner and leans back, sending his desk and chair onto its back two legs. Any bets on him falling over during this period?] * Luke finishes wiping the board, and turns around to see the students who've trickled in. He gives an easy smile to the class as he takes the couple of steps back to his desk, reaching down to grab his case. * Veronica straggles in, books hugged to her chest, talking to a friend that's following her. She's got a blue cubs hat on her head, white tank, denim sleeveless jacket and jeans, as well as a gold bracelet on her left wrist and two on the right. She eyes the setup of the classroom and heads towards third to last row. Near the window if she can. * Charlotte brushes some of her red locks behind her ear. Her hair is shoulder- length, and straight. She's somewhat attractive, but hardly the most gorgeous girl in the school ('cause she's not Ivy!). She's wearing a red tank top under a black leather jacket, blue jeans and red sneakers. * Krista has hair you'd probably call auburn, scrunchied back behind her head in a loose hanging ponytail, but otherwise pretty straight. And most of you can see that because she's in the front. She opens up her pristine new notebook to the first page and sits patiently. Maybe eagerly. [The friend follows along, still talking cheerfully to Veronica about God knows what; she ends up sitting next to her. She's short and skinny, with dark skin and darker curls. Platform shoes try to make up for that and fail. Aside from those, she's wearing bellbottom jeans and a faded green t-shirt.] [That friend also waves at Mr. Mendel from her new place in class. Then she goes back to talking to Veronica!] (It's the character description clearance bonanza!) (It is! Fifty percent off! Or added.) * Veronica looks fairly athletic and has light brown hair in a ponytail peeking out of the hat and dark blue eyes. She sighs as she plunks her pack down next to the seat, talking to her friend. "Why are first days always so *boring*? She's not talking loud, but if the classroom is empty enough, could probably hear her. (Two NPC hair colours free with every PC eye colour!) ["That's 'cause you think they're all boring, Rica." The girl pops her gum. Does she have gum? Yes. Yes, she does.] (Only Luke can see my eyes. And he CAN. Because I'm looking at him!) * Charlotte has three earrings in her right ear. Like, she could be Luke's sister or something. * Veronica pulls down the bill of her cap to cover her face and props up her feet where she can on the seat in front of her. Probably on one of those bookracks underneath the seat. "Not all of them." * Luke stands behind the chair of the teacher's desk, one hand resting on it. His brown eyes dart to the clock above the door to check how long before class starts. [The guy in front of Veronica - a skinny fellow with freckles, thin glasses, and neatly combed blond hair - seems to have noticed Veronica doing this. He turns back to see who it is, does, and goes back to looking forward.] * Charlotte has no freckles, unlike that guy. You may think all redheads have freckles, but she doesn't! * Veronica smiles none-too-shyly at the guy in front of her. "Hi." [There's only one minute left!] [The classroom's very noisy. It's hard to tell what anyone's saying unless you're sitting next to them.] (Can we get all remaining description in in time? Oh no!) [The guy starts and looks back again. "Huh? Uh, hi."] * Ivy walks slowly into the classroom, her eyes on the floor. Ooh, those are nice sneakers. She is, in fact, very beautiful - 5'6", slender, but with a slight bit of athletic build, green eyes, and blonde wavy hair that falls just past her shoulders. She's also wearing a gray Gap shirt with Lucky blue jeans. Oh, and C-cup breasts. Yes, mustn't forget those. [Veronica's friend looks at him curiously. Veeeery curiously. He smiles shyly.] (In honor of all your other games: You and your cup sizes, Summer!) (^_^) * Ivy is also not alone! (I'm only a B-cup. ;_;) * Charlotte glances at Ivy as she enters. (I haven't calculated.) * Luke doesn't seem that interested in Ivy's breasts. Or any of the other girls'. ( Funnily enough, I neglected to consider that when I created my character. <.< ) ( Luke is gay! ) ( I tell you he is not! ) ( :P ) [Walking right behind her is Jeremy. Like Ivy, you know his name. He's cute, though not heartbreakingly gorgeous, with auburn hair, blue eyes, and he's on the football team. Jock? Yes. But he's not known for shoving kids into lockers, so good for Krista.] * Charlotte glances at Jeremy as he enters too. [There were also rumors that he and Ivy were an item, though nobody has *really* solid proof.] * Veronica finally takes off her cap and drops her feet to search for a pencil and paper. [Or even generally solid proof.] (Just circumstantial evidence. The DNA was contaminated.) [Jeremy walks up to Luke. "Uh, Mr. Mendel, right?"] * Veronica catches glance of Ivy out of the corner of her eye and snorts. But she doesn't say anything. She keeps digging. * Luke nods. "Yes. What can I do for you?" * Ivy is still not looking at anyone. Wow, wonderful things they're doing with school floors these days. ( Whee! I don't have to come up with plot! They'll spend the whole session describing waiting for class to start!) ["Um, that's Ivy. And she... uh, here." He opens his backpack and looks in it, pulling out a letter on school stationary and handing it to Luke.] (That's my plan.) * Luke takes the letter, saying "thanks" automatically, and reads it. * Veronica looks up at the front of the class now. ("I have a gun. Give me all the money in your vault.") * Krista doesn't react to the people walking in, although Jeremy/Teacher does, of course, draw attention. (Jeremy/Luke OTP! ... Wow, I can't believe I'm the first to start those damn OTPs. *Holds her head down in shame*) (Fanfic has totally ruined the common slash punctuation for me.) (We need to bring the \ back into use as retaliation.) (Or the tilde.) [Jeremy waits. He doesn't look *that* nervous.] * Luke nods and gives back the note. "Thank you." [Jeremy smiles with relief and takes it back. "Sure. Thanks." He walks back to Ivy. "C'mon, let's get some desks."] (Then we can hock 'em on the black market for quick cash!) (That's the plan!) ( Ivy is forbidden from speaking English this semester. ) [The bell rings! Everyone keeps talking.] * Ivy looks up at Jeremy, gives a small nod, and follows him to a window seat! Look at me decide for him! [Jeremy goes "uh" and walks after her. Very succinct. There's one window seat left, at front, but the next one over's taken by Krista.] ( She can't see the floor. ) "Excuse me!" Luke says rather loudly. * Charlotte watches Luke. (All the time, through hidden cameras.) [Half of the class quiets down. Veronica's friend continues going on about something. "And then the next day, he took the car! Can you believe it? Just drove off like that!"] * Ivy frowns when she notes the situation, so she goes to the next row and just sits wherever she can have a seat where Jeremy can sit next to her. * Veronica taps her pencil eraser on her notebook, looking generally at Luke's feet. * Veronica then puts her finger to her mouth and "Sssshs." * Krista is still looking at the teacher attentively! [Ivy and Jeremy get seats! Awesome.] * Ivy doesn't look up at Luke! She DOES get out a notebook and start doodling though. [Veronica's friend blinks. "Huh? Wha- oh." She shuts up and has the decency to look kind of embarrassed. But not really.] "PEOPLE! I start giving out detention in a second!" * Veronica mutters, mostly to herself. "Geez, what a bastard..." (Luke has all the power. We are but pawns in his megalomaniacal fantasy.) [Now they shut up. The guy in the back leans forward, and his desk creaks.] "Thank you." * Veronica glances back at the guy and gives him an evil eye. "Welcome to the class before lunch. My job is to spend the next hour trying in vain to get you to stop thinking longingly of the hot dogs they sell in the cafeteria and learn about English." [He looks back at her. Oooh, fight!] (. o O (Hot dogs? Longingly? He hasn't been here long, has he?)) * Veronica scoffs and turns back towards the teacher, leaning her cheek in her hand. ["But I like hot dogs," a guy near the back grumbles. "They're a lot tastier than five paragraph essays." A couple of the students start snickering.] * Krista's smile dims slightly, but returns back to normal quickly! * Veronica whispers to her friend. "Some people have no tact." * Charlotte is one of snickerers. * Ivy keeps doodling. "They are at that. See what I'm up against?" [Veronica's friend chokes back a snicker. "Uh, yeah," she whispers back.] * Veronica rolls her eyes. "Christy... come on. Be serious." "My name's Mr. Mendel. I'd offer to let you all call me Luke, but that would make me seem like a pathetic old guy trying way too hard to be cool, so I guess we're stuck with Mr. Mendel." ["Can you make English come with mustard and a pickle spear?" that same student asks.] * Veronica starts to speak up, but then turns to look at the hot dog lover over her shoulder. "Sure. Get an A on the first test, and I'll get you some mustard and a pickle. I'll throw in the hot dog too. Open offer, by the way, class." "Or whatever you want." * Veronica raises her hand. "Uh...yeah. And just how impossible is that?" * Luke nods at Veronica. "Not very hard, if you do the reading, pay attention in class, and try a bit. So really, damn near impossible." [There's some murmuring at that.] Yeah. Why don't you just ask for my blood? It'd be easier. "Hey, it could be worse. This could be math." * Krista does another one of those smile fades and she taps her pencil very lightly on her notebook page. ( Get to the teaching! I want notes!) ( People to kill: Hotdog lover: 1, Veronica: 2) * Veronica cringes at the mention of "math" but doesn't say anything more. [The hot dog guy raises his hand.] "Hamlet," Luke says suddenly. "You've all heard of it." [Hot dog guy blinks and puts his hand down.] ( Yes, it's the name of a small town. ... Can I punch students?) "Oh, sorry. Did you have a question- I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." Luke points at the hot dog guy. (No, it's a small ham sandwich) (No, it's the kid in Hagar the Horrible.) (that too) ( It's miniham! ) ["Uh, Matt." He rubs at the back of his neck. "I was just wondering if you're a new teacher here. And if you'd give us two hot dogs if we got an A, 'cause I don't fill up on one."] "I am a new teacher here, yes." [Hot dog guy (Matt) nods and waits for the answer to the second question.] "And as to your other question, I think you'll have to meet me halfway on that one. I have a lot of students here and they only pay me so much." "Any other questions?" [There's some snickering in class. Matt just nods again. He doesn't look too broken up.] * Krista shakes her head slightly, like good silly people do. [Another student raises his hand! This one from the creaky desk in the back.] "Yes?" Luke points at the student. ["Yeah, why'd you decide to teach here anyway?"] "The glory." [He seems to be trying to think of a good follow up to that question. And, uh. Failing.] "Any other questions?" * Veronica raises her hand. "Yes? And what's your name?" Veronica. Veronica Winters. You were talking about Hamlet? "Briefly. It was a short lived attempt to pretend this was an English class." [There's some whispering on the side of the class near the door, the girls involved stealing glances at Ivy.] Oh. It's not anymore? Can we choose? * Veronica says that completely straight-faced. "I'm afraid not." Luke's just as straight-faced. He pulls open a drawer on the teacher's desk and takes out a copy of a book labeled Hamlet. * Veronica groans at seeing the book. "Who here's read a Shakespeare play before? Most of you had to read one last year, right?" [A good half of the class groans quietly, too. Some of the students start looking for their books. Stupid books.] * Krista glances back at the conversation briefly. Shock! Geek not paying attention! Someone might take her membership away. [The guy in front of Veronica raises his hand.] * Ivy, unless her player suddenly gets a note, doesn't look up at the whispers or note that others are looking at her. She does make a triangle point with her pencil though. [Jeremy's watching Ivy do that. He doesn't seem to notice the whispering, either.] * Veronica mumbles. "Just because we had to doesn't mean we liked it." She searches for her book. * Krista looks back forward at Luke, but does so slowly. * Luke reaches down and grabs his attaché case, then strolls around his desk, talking as he goes. "So, this won't be your first experience with the Bard. And, as Veronica pointed out, your prior experiences might not have been the most pleasant." Luke stops right in front of the whispering girl. "Hello. What's your name?" [The two girls stop and look up. The one who was currently whispering has black hair cut short and darker skin; she's definitely Latino and is wearing a tank top and jean shorts. She swallows and says, "Camila Lopez." She's also one of the bigger gossips in the school.] * Charlotte looks over that way, too. That's the happenin' corner. "Did you have to read a Shakespeare play last year, Camila?" [She nods. "Yeah. Julius Caesar."] "Well, since you seem to want to do the talking, why don't you tell everyone about it. You can stand at the front so everyone can see you." [Her eyes widen. "Wha?" She looks at the girl next to her, who's definitely looking away.] * Veronica taps her pencil on the notebook. "She probably got lost looking for the pretty pictures." [Some of the class snickers at that, Veronica's friend included. Camila glares. "Hey!"] * Veronica smiles charmingly at Camila. "Well, Camila?" Luke gestures at the front of the class. "Or do you think you can pay attention?" (Caesar's better than Romeo and Juliet. And I already have to refresh on R&J for one RPG.) (Ha.) (I've actually read neither, so it's all good.) [Camila doesn't even seem to notice Luke at this point. Her face is flushed. "Like you're one to talk!" she nearly yells cross-class at Veronica. "I heard you can't even get through Geometry, and this is your second time! Triangles too hard for you?"] * Charlotte checks her watch. Then she looks at the school clock. Then she checks her watch again. [Nope, still too much time left in class.] * Charlotte sighs in defeat. [The clock wins!] (Barroom brawl!) (I left all my beatin' implements in my book bag, though.) (That's right. This year I'm carrying a baseball bat. *eyegleam*) "Camila, that's enough," Luke says sharply. "And Veronica," he adds without looking, "you too." * Veronica rolls her eyes. "Whatever." She grumbles something at the teacher's chiding and slouches more in her seat. [Camila looks like she's about to say something else, but at Luke's words she shuts it and slumps back in her seat.] (And never speaks again.) "So, I'm assuming most of you read Julius Caesar, then?" Luke asks, turning to face the class at large again. * Luke heads back for the front of the class. [Some of the students nod. Nobody's saying anything.] * Charlotte nods! * Krista nods at that very much and smiles. * Charlotte only nods once. * Charlotte doesn't smile either. Nyah. * Ivy continues her pretty drawing. You better be nice to her; she might be the next J. Scott Campbell! (So, Ivy can finish one doodle every ten months!) (Exactly! ^_^) (Ha ha. Ah, comic book industry humour.) * Charlotte raises a hand. "Yes," Luke says, pointing at her. "And your name, please." Charlotte Matthews, sir. How come Julius Caesar wasn't the main character in Julius Caesar? * Veronica perks up a little and stops tapping her pencil. "Yeah...that's a good question." "Good question. Probably because Shakespeare thought the play would be more popular if it was named after someone people had heard of." "That's right. Shakespeare cared if his plays were popular." ["So much for the whole art for art's sake thing," Christy comments without raising her hand.] "Raise your hand, please. But you're right. Shakespeare wasn't creating art for art's sake. It was popular entertainment. He earned his living doing it." "Which sounds ironic today, but it's true." [Christy looks almost sheepish again. "Sorry."] "This," Luke says, pointing at the copy of Hamlet he's still toting, "was the Sopranos of its day." * Veronica raises her hand. "Weren't there, like...bears and stuff in the pits of the theaters or something?" * Ivy finishes the first half of her masterpiece, and then abruptly stands up, and begins to walk toward the exit. She's not looking at anyone as she does it, but she seems pretty calm. * Charlotte raises her hand. * Veronica glances over at Ivy as she leaves. * Krista looks to be slightly thinking, then is surprised as Ivy starts walking out and starts chewing her lip. ["Huh?" Jeremy blinks, then jumps to his feet and grabs her by the arm. "Hey, Ivy!"] * Charlotte watches Ivy as she holds her hand in the air, her eyes following her all the way. ( * Charlotte wonders why she didn't think of that first. ) "Jeremy?" Luke asks, heading over in that direction. * Ivy goes stock still, her head lowered even more with Jeremy's interaction. * Luke arrives next to them. "Jeremy? Is Ivy okay?" he asks softly. [Jeremy blinks. "Aww, sorry. Um." He looks at Luke and lowers his voice, too. "Sorry, Mr. Mendel. I think she wants to go to the bathroom. Can we be excused?"] [Everyone's watching. Yup.] "Yes." Luke turns back to face the class. "Charlotte? You had a question?" * Charlotte blinks. "Huh? Oh! Yes! Um... So basically... we'll be reading the Sopranos?" "Yes. Except with more killing." [Jeremy smiles gratefully at Luke and starts to walk out, guiding Ivy if... y'know, she wants to go.] * Veronica watches the scene. "Huh." She whispers sorta concerned, leaning over towards Christy. "I wonder why she doesn't ask or anything.." [Veronica's friend (Christy) shrugs and keeps watching them. "I dunno," she whispers back.] "And Veronica," Luke adds, "why didn't you like the play you read?" * Ivy continues out the door! [Jeremy goes with! As previously stated.] * Charlotte watches Ivy until she's gone, then turns her attention back to Luke. (So you all know, you read RnJ Freshman year and JC Sophomore, and look! Shakespearean plays now have #besm roleplay abbreviations!) (R&J!) * Veronica blinks and looks up at Luke. "Huh? Oh..." She just kind of looks down. "Well, the teacher went on and on about something about the "ides of March"" She does some dramatic gesture with that and continues. "And then there was this whole best friend's in on it. I mean what the hell. It seems like all of Shakespeare's plays have one best friend plotting to kill another. It's like one big soap opera. And I hate soap operas." "The Ides Of March just means March 15th. It was a holiday." Then why don't they just say that? What makes the 15th so scary? "It was the day he was going to die. That's not scary?" Yeah. But they go on and on about this foreshadowing when really it doesn't make any sense. I mean, I don't know when I'm going to die. Most people don't. (Meanwhile, Luke marks in his book by Veronica's name "Trouble student.") "But people believed you could. They still do. That's why the newspaper prints horoscopes." * Charlotte checks the clock again. (Matt has Hot Dog Guy next to his name.) [Twenty minutes left!] (Damn military time.) Yeah but... * Veronica suddenly gets quiet and sits down more in her seat. * Charlotte stretches her legs. ( But not by standing up. :P ) "And it is like a soap opera. I warned you it was popular entertainment. Sex and murder, that's what Hamlet's about." * Krista blushes faintly. Oh my. * Charlotte makes a face. * Veronica looks confused for a second down at her notebook and then glances at the teacher. She was right? Who knew? "Has anyone here actually read Hamlet, by the way?" * Charlotte raises a hand. "I looked at it. Once." ( Briefly. When I bought the book. ) "That's a start. Did you read any of it?" * Charlotte shakes her head. "Okay, still some work to do. How about the movie? It had Mel Gibson. Is Mel still cool?" * Luke looks at Krista as he asks that. * Ivy walks back in! She has peanut M&Ms! She plops one in her mouth as she makes her re-entrance. She then heads back to her seat. * Krista 's smile fades slightly again and she ends up looking down at her blank sheet of paper when Luke is looking at her. * Charlotte watches Ivy, her eyes following her from the door until she sits back down. (Jeremy is still gone. We never see him again. Presumably Ivy ate him.) (Yum.) (:9) [Jeremy walks in. Reports of his death have been highly exaggerated! That is, unless he is dead. He doesn't have peanut M&Ms, or any other candy for that matter. He sits next to Ivy.] * Veronica taps her notebook. "I thought you weren't trying to be "cool" sir." "I'm not. I never said *I* saw it." * Veronica then glances over at Ivy. * Ivy doesn't pay any attention to Charlotte eyeing her. She doesn't even offer her an M&M! That bitch! (Okay, somehow that pose got me cracking up.) [Most of the students turn their attention from Luke to watch Ivy and Jeremy enter.] (It's the exclamation points. Combined with the casual 'bitch'.) * Ivy pays attention to NONE. Nor does she share with ANY. Well, at least Charlotte knows it's not personal. (That's for the sequel, so next time she doesn't share, we can say, "This time it's personal!") "No Mel fans? And I suppose Kenneth Branaugh would be asking a bit much." (That version was so much better.) * Charlotte doesn't even like M&Ms. (It SO WAS.) (Really? Well, Mel's was cut too short, but I hated Branaugh as Hamlet.) (I thought it was good.) (I've never actually seen *any* movie version of Hamlet, so.) (Fair enough. He made a good Hal, but I didn't like his Hamlet.) (I didn't like how Ken did the "To be or not to be" speech, but otherwise, far superior.) (He did it in a hall of mirrors or something, right? It's been a while.) (*Nod* He's just looking at his reflection.) (Right.) (Well, it wasn't to my taste, though I appreciate the unedited text.) * Krista shakes her head slightly and looks up from her notebook. [The class looks appropriately clueless.] (Come on. NO ONE saw Gibson's Hamlet?) (Well, I guess they're young.) (They need a "Hamlet must die!") (Or The Last Action Hero.) (Krista is the wrong person to ask about anything approaching pop culture.) [Christy's doodling stick figures in her notebook.] * Veronica 's glancing over at Christy's drawer-ings. * Ivy munches on another M&M and then places the 3/4 left wrapper on Jeremy's desk so she can continue her doodling. Christy and Ivy can be doodle buddies! ... Okay, that didn't come out right. (That so did not.) (...) (That's it. I'm revoking your semi-OOC /me posing rights.) (And no more sugar tonight.) (... *Holds head down in sadness*) [She has a stick figure cow and a stick figure farmer and is now making a stick figure sun. How does one *draw* a stick figure sun? She's trying.] (Circle with little lines coming out from the edge.) (And then those lines turn out to be PEOPLE!) * Charlotte doodles too! She draws a clock pointing to lunchtime. "Well, we're almost out of time, so I need to assign homework. You should all start groaning now." [They groan on cue. Sadly, Charlotte's drawing does NOT make the bell ring.] "Act one, scene one, read for tomorrow. It's short, and there's a ghost." * Charlotte raises a hand. "Yes?" Can we just watch the Sopranos instead? "You can, but it will probably lead to you failing the class, and then you won't get a free hot dog." * Veronica half-eyes the teacher. Veronica is not pleased. "Now if you want to do both and discuss the similarities and differences, that would be great." "But that sounds an awful lot like work, doesn't it?" "Yes, I just made watching the Sopranos into work. I am pure evil." Do we get bonus points if we do? * Luke hesitates for one second, then says, "I'll make it an option for your first assignment. Compare Hamlet and the television show of your choice." "That's not today's homework," he clarifies. "But you'll get to the written assignments soon enough." * Krista blinks, and almost raises her hand, but him clarifying makes her drop it again. [That gets some murmuring. And good timing, because the bell rings!] * Veronica half eyes Charlotte. She's not pleased with her either. * Charlotte doesn't care! * Luke gives a grin. "Go have lunch. Class dismissed." * Veronica then rubs the insides of her eye sockets with two fingers, pressing deep within. "Ugh...homework on the first day...could this day get any worse...?" * Charlotte gets to her feet. She heads over to Ivy's desk. "Hi!" * Ivy has to make some last touches on her drawing! There! Now she puts the notebook in her bag. [There is much ruffling of papers and putting stuff away and people getting to their feet! Camila stands, stuff in her arms, and is one of the first people to the door because of her seat. "God, Veronica is such a *bitch*," she says loudly to her friend as she leaves.] * Luke heads back to his desk, and sits down at it, setting the attaché case down beside the chair. He puts the Hamlet book onto the desk. * Ivy freezes mid putting the drawing in her backpack. If anyone looks, it's a vampire... and other things! She looks over to Charlotte with empty eyes. * Veronica then looks over at Camila from the edge of her eyes and fits her cap on her head. She doesn't say anything. Go Cubs! XD * Krista writes down the assignment in her otherwise sad and empty notebook and then closes it, putting her own copy of Hamlet on top of the book. * Charlotte smiles. "Some class, huh. Are you hungry? I am. Want to get lunch together?" [Jeremy has all of his stuff put away. "Uh? Oh, cool." He looks at Ivy. "I got class next, so if it's okay with you, she can take you to lunch. Or do you want me to walk with you to the cafeteria?"] * Krista stands up and walks up to the front of the room. "Mr. Mendel?" * Veronica sighs and leans her back to the window, watching Christy. "Yo Chris. You ready yet?" [Christy kicks her feet. "Yeah. I got Spanish next." She makes a face and gets to her feet. "How 'bout you?"] * Ivy looks at Charlotte a little unsure and then at Jeremy. Her eyes widen at him mentioning not being at lunch. "Yes? I'm sorry, I don't know your name yet." * Veronica glances at Krista as she speaks. Keeping half an eye on Charlotte. * Krista blushes and extends her hand, looking (up) at him through her glasses. She has brown eyes! "Oh, I'm sorry... Krista Larson." * Veronica then blinks at Christy's statement and turns back towards her for a second. "Wha? You mean you and I didn't get lunch together? Suck!" ["Yeah! I have sixth period." She wrinkles her nose. "That's all the old french fries."] * Luke shakes Krista's hand. "Nice to meet you, Krista. What can I do for you?" * Charlotte just smiles. It's a friendly smile, not a gonna-kill-you-an'-eat- you-brainz smile. (Don't believe it, Ivy! She's gonna stuff you in a locker!) (Psh, no. Garbage can.) * Krista 's perma-smile weakens. "I was just wondering if that TV paper idea was going to be mandatory, anytime." * Veronica snerks. "You mean you didn't get an off campus pass?" "No. I was planning on giving three or four options." ["Nooooo, well, not yet. I'm working on it."] Parents won't give, huh? (Veronica defines "off campus pass" as: "willingness to break the rules".) [Christy nods. "Yeah. Anyway, I gotta get going or I'll be late. See ya, Rica!"] (Veronica has a pass. >.>) * Krista nods and brightens slightly. "That's good." Light laugh. "I would have been in trouble if it were." * Luke pauses for a second before it clicks. "No television?" * Ivy finally finishes putting her notebook in her bag, followed by her pencil. (Televisions are the tool of Satan!) [Christy waves and runs off! She'd be in trouble if a hall monitor were watching.] (Is RDM watching?) (<.< >.>) * Krista shakes her head. "Not often, no... not that much on that is worth watching." * Veronica nods and waves, sighing. "Well I guess nothing more to look forward to except..." She walks over to Ivy. "Hey." * Ivy gets to her feet, glancing at Charlotte and then at Jeremy. [The class is pretty clear of people now. Jeremy's standing at this point and waiting for Ivy and watching her attract all the chicks. Hmm.] (Isn't Jeremy supposed to go to class?) * Luke smiles. "Do you prefer reading?" (Yes.) (Jeremy uses the semi-autistic girl as a way to meet chicks.) (Hey, it works!) * Krista nods and brightens fully! If that could be said. (As long as she's hot.) * Ivy also glances at Veronica, because the player just noticed that! She blinks, not really expecting the attention. She glances down to the ground for a moment, and then back up to Jeremy again, almost as if she's asking him something with her eyes. "Maybe you can compare it to another book, instead, then." You okay? Not every day someone just outright wanders outta class like that... * Charlotte folds her arms behind her back. She's in a good mood, it seems. [He rubs at the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah. You know, they picked our schedules before... um..." He pauses. "I guess... I dunno. But we don't have the same lunch."] [Jeremy looks at Veronica.] * Krista nods, and looks back at the conversation, then turns back to Luke and says quietly, "Will you excuse me?" * Ivy 's eyes look slightly panicked, but then they go dull again as she nods in acceptance. She puts her bag over her shoulder. * Veronica watches Ivy curiously, noting her every reaction. "See you tomorrow." * Veronica smiles. "You don't talk much do you? Well that's alright." She holds out her hand. "I'm Veronica. My friends call me Rica though." * Krista nods and says, "Of course!" and then turns to watch the gaggle of girls with real friends and chew her lip again. (Krista's blow-up friends just don't compare...) * Charlotte turns to Veronica. "We're going to get some lunch. Wanna come?" (Hey! We call them 'life-challenged synthetic companions!') Mmm...sure. You got a pass? I'm so not up to cafeteria food but if that's all we got... * Ivy eyes Veronica's hand for a moment and then slowly moves her hand up to touch her neck. (She wearing anything around her neck?) [Jeremy doesn't look too worried, but he continues to stick around.] * Charlotte shakes her head. "Actually I brought my lunch." ["It's okay," Jeremy says. "She won't hurt you or anything."] * Luke glances over at Ivy reaching up to Veronica's neck, and he frowns. [Right about now, other students start filtering into the classroom. Jeremy glances at them. "Uh."] * Veronica watches Ivy carefully and as her hands get up near her neck, she takes a step back and pushes the arm away. "Hey...what the hell?" * Ivy 's hand whips away as if burned and takes a couple hurried steps back so that she's behind Jeremy. * Krista looks at the other students and is snapped out of her people-watching reverie. She says, in an embarrassed voice, "Ah, excuse me, but we really need to leave now." [Jeremy tries to turn his head all the way around so he sees Ivy. It doesn't work so well. "It's okay, Ivy. She just wasn't expecting it."] * Veronica huffs and looks half in fight mode, bringing up her fists before dropping them. "Sorry. You startled me." * Veronica brings her own hand up to her neck and rubs it absently. [The students are taking their seats now. They're watching the leftover Juniors.] * Charlotte glances around the room. "Uhh. Yeah, we better go." * Ivy eyes Veronica for a moment, and then suddenly turns on her heel and walks toward the door. * Krista actually starts to take her own advice and leave as well... I think we should...hey. HEY! Wait up! * Charlotte blinks. "Hey! Wait up!" She rushes to her desk and grabs her bag, then hurries to catch up with Ivy. * Veronica glances at Charlotte for a second, then hurries after Ivy. [Jeremy doesn't even bother saying anything and shrugs, walking quickly to keep up with Ivy.] * Ivy bumps right into Krista as she heads out! Her body stiffens as she pauses. * Krista 's eyes widen and she says, hurriedly, looking over at Ivy, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--that is, it was an accident." * Luke grabs his attaché case and heads out of the classroom, giving a smile at the students as he passes. ( Luke is evil ) * Ivy doesn't apologize, but she does start heading out of the classroom at a faster walk. [Luke exits with his EVIL!] (Well, it wasn't a *fight* or something.) (He's not going to interfere in student social whatever.) [The hallways are crowded. Very crowded. Ivy and company is one of many, many groups going to the cafeteria.] * Veronica watches Ivy go. "What's her problem anyways?" She glances at Charlotte. "Let's go." * Krista pauses to let Ivy walk on, still looking embarassed, then follows. * Charlotte runs a hand through her hair. "Um... Okay, I guess..." * Veronica carries her books in front of her. "I didn't catch your name?" (Jeremy'll go to class once Ivy goes to the cafeteria.) * Charlotte smiles. "Charlotte Matthews." She holds out a hand to shake. ( Not if he DIES ON THE WAY! ) (I didn't say he'll MAKE it to class.) * Ivy holds onto Jeremy's hand TIGHT as they walk. She tries to make him go the opposite way of the BIG crowd though. And you're Veronica Winters. * Krista is also fighting the crowd. Stupid having to get back to her locker. [Jeremy holds Ivy's hand. Aww. Wonder how *those* stupid dating rumors got started. "Naw, you gotta eat, Ivy."] Well...yeah. I hardly think there's anyone in that class that *doesn't* know after that bitch's side comment. What's up with that, anyhow? She didn't seem to like you very much. * Veronica shakes her hand. "She just didn't like that someone told her off to her face. Mostly she likes to talk about people behind their backs." * Ivy frowns up at Jeremy, but then finally nods her head quietly and lets herself be lead to the scary lunchroom! Oh. [Jeremy leads Ivy to the scary, scary cafeteria.] * Charlotte suddenly realizes how much time has passed. "Uh, we better hurry up if we're going to catch Ivy. She's gone already." Yeah. There's a lot of people like tha...huh, you're right. * Veronica grins to Charlotte. "Race ya." * Krista gets to her locker, wherever it is, eventually! And starts putting her stuff away. Then she pulls out her whole book bag and puts it on before working her way to the cafeteria. 'Kay! * Veronica takes off bolting almost as soon as she says that. (Veronica and Charlotte. BFFs.) * Charlotte is startled and chases! And lags behind.... And is out of breath by the time they get there. (Best Friends Forever?) [OH MY GOD THE RUNNING IN THE HALLS! Eh, the crowd slows them down anyhow.] * Charlotte probably isn't so out of breath, in that case. * Veronica weaves through anyhow! * Ivy gets to the cafeteria, and her hand clenches into Jeremy's even harder. * Charlotte presumably manages to catch up with Ivy. "Hey! You took off quick!" [Jeremy starts, then looks back. They just entered the cafeteria, which is... bustling. Yes. The food lines are already pretty long, and students are still joining them.] * Ivy whirls around at Charlotte, her body doing that freezing thing again... until she realizes who it is. * Charlotte waves. * Ivy calms slightly, and then glances at the lines. * Veronica starts to say something, and then notices the line. "Uh...I'll get in line before we waste our whole lunch period waiting." She heads quickly for the line! Ok. I'll find us a table. ["Hey." Jeremy turns to Charlotte. "You're Charlotte, right?"] * Charlotte nods. "That's me!" ["Yeah." He tilts his head to Ivy. "Do you think you can get her food for her? Is that cool?"] Huh? Um.... I can, but.... * Charlotte pokes her fingers together. "I kinda... don't have any money on me." * Krista reaches the cafeteria and ignores the lines completely, instead heading for an empty table. If she had any friends, they must have failed their random 'get a lunch with Krista' roll. ( I failed my random lunch with Krista roll! ) * Ivy glances at Jeremy and then at Charlotte. She reaches in her pocket, comes out with a dime, and offers it tentatively over to Charlotte. ["Just I gotta get to class. Um, until I can get them to change my lunch period anyway. Oh." He digs in his pocket and pulls out his wallet, extracting five bucks, handing it to her. "Here ya go."] (...Krista gets a negative 3 modifier to have friends? Ouch.) (Actually, only a -2.) (*cough*) * Charlotte blinks. "Okay." She takes the money. "Should I just give the change to Ivy?" (As a FYI, the complete lunch is a $1.50.) (Uh, that means you can't possibly succeed, right?) * Ivy notes the $5 and then slowly puts the dime back in her pocket. (Why do you think she has no apparent friends?) ( I kinda figured a dime wouldn't cover it. :P ) (She has Krista Puppet A and Krista Puppet B) (They're made out of old bibles) ["Yeah, that works." Jeremy squeezes Ivy's hand and looks to her. "I gotta go now, okay?"] (But look! She didn't offer an M&M, but she did offer a dime!) ("Jesus is great, Krista!" "And you're not bad either!") * Ivy gives Jeremy unsure eyes, but finally nods slowly. * Charlotte waves to Jeremy. "See you!" ( It was the best week of my life, until Krista Puppet A and Krista Puppet B decided they liked each other more than me and just wanted to hang out with each other.) [He pats her on the shoulder. "It'll be fine." He smiles at Charlotte. "Thanks!" And he waves before running off, because OMG LATE FOR CLASS.] Sure! (Haw.) [The bell rings the moment Jeremy leaves. Definitely late for class.] (That would be her luck.) * Charlotte heads over to the line, gesturing for Ivy to follow. "Come on!" * Ivy timidly follows behind Charlotte, looking back to where Jeremy went from time to time. [It's double doors!] * Veronica saved a spot for them. If that's allowed at this cafeteria. ( Pfft. Who's going to stop us? :P ) [It's allowed insofar as you can yell at people when they try to take seats you're saving.] (o/~) (I meant in line ^_~) [It's allowed insofar as you can beat up people who complain when they cut.] * Veronica so can do that! * Charlotte takes up space next to Veronica. She turns to Ivy. "So, what do you want? Um... if you don't feel like talking you can just point it out." (Whew. That still gives me a chance to burn a DP on my make friends with the PCs roll.) (Ha!) (Making friends is dramatic for Krista.) * Krista closes her eyes for maybe 10 seconds (prayer is good for you!) then opens up her book bag and pulls out a sack lunch in one of those nifty soft bags. Woo sack lunch. ( If she rolls a 1 does that mean we're enemies? :P ) (Actually I think it falls under "I think I'm okay!) * Ivy , when they get to the food portion, points out a burger and fries. Ah, school lunch. So healthy. (That is so bad.) (That's hilarious.) * Veronica orders a hotdog. Curse that professor and his subliminiminal messaging. >.> (The Hot Dog Guy orders a salad... the bitter irony.) * Charlotte buys them for Ivy! She hands her a tray, as well as the rest of the money. ( He's a vegetarian! ) (The hot dog thing is just a cover.) * Ivy takes the tray! And the money! (He does it to prove he's a big man.) * Veronica takes her tray and heads on over to the mostly empty table with the lonely girl sitting at it. ( * Charlotte goes to a completely different empty table. ) (*Snicker*) * Ivy follows Veronica. * Charlotte glances around. "Where shall we...?" She sees Veronica head for that table, looks at Ivy and shrugs. "I gue...." She watches Ivy go, runs a hand through her hair and follows. "Yep." * Krista is busy chewing on a sandwich and has a big black calculus book open on her table, which she is looking at with a slight frown. Her book bag is sitting on the table. After all. Nobody ever sits with her. * Veronica keeps holding her tray. "We're not bothering you, are we?" To Krista. OMG, someone TALKED to her! * Charlotte takes a seat also. "You don't mind if we sit here, do you?" [Krista barely manages not to choke on her sandwich when Veronica talks to her.] (*snerks*) * Ivy takes a seat near Charlotte. She then eats some fries. Mmm, school fries. * Krista suddenly looks up at both of them, slightly startled and says through a mouthful of food, "Mph, no--" she puts the sandwich down and swallows, not killing herself in the process. "Of-of course not." She picks up her bag and picks it up, hastily dragging it towards herself and causing some of the contents (most notably a bible, a cross, and a box of pencils) to fall out. * Charlotte pulls a bag lunch out of her backpack. Here, let me help with that. * Veronica sets down her tray and starts picking up some of the stuff that dumped. * Ivy eyes the cross and then eyes Krista. * Charlotte has an exciting meal of Hi-C, an apple, a sandwich and some potato chips. (Ooh. Is it cherry Hi-C?) ( Yes. XD ) (Woot!) * Krista then widens her eyes at her dropping things and says, "No, I've got--" she is helped ANYWAY. And collects her stuff up. "I-I'm sorry." * Charlotte eats! "So, what do you think of that class?" * Ivy then stops eating so she can pull her notebook out of her bag. She slowly moves her hand with the notebook out to Krista for her to take a look. Ivy's actually looking somewhat interested in her reaction. No problem. Here. [The cafeteria is buzzy and busy! Most people have settled into their tables. A couple of younger students - a boy and a girl - have wiped their table off and are playing some sort of collectable card game while they eat. It's SATAN'S WORK.] (you would not believe what my dad told me the first time he saw my Magic cards.) * Veronica hands her stuff back to Krista. Because it's, like, her stuff and stuff. ( "I got two pair! Swamps and forests!" ) ("Got any manna?" "Go fish.") * Krista is helped and, since she didn't lose ALL that much stuff, it's taken care of quickly. "It-it was okay. The teacher could be a little more serious..." she puts her backpack down, closed, then looks back towards her lunch... and the picture. Her eyes widen and she immediately clutches something under her blouse. (As in, like, upper-chest. Medal/Necklace positioning.) * Ivy 's hand stills, and then she whips it away and back into her bag hurriedly. She won't meet any of their eyes. (Aww, and here I thought she grabbed her boobies.) (S'why I clarified.) (Her Magic Boobies?) * Veronica glances at the picture and just..stares at the front. * Krista looks over to Ivy and says, her hand slowly relaxing, "I-it's a v-very interesting picture... Ivy, right?" ["Aww, man!" the boy says from the other table. "That is so bogus." "HA! Eat Nightmare! You are so totally gonna lose this," the girl gloats. It's intellectual conversation.] * Veronica keeps looking at the spot at the table, even after she's taken it away. "Where'd'you get the idea for a picture like that?" she deadpans. She idly tastes her food, but looks like she doesn't enjoy it much. (They're playing Soul Calibur 2, The CCG) * Ivy glances at Krista... and then at Veronica. She then eats a fry. * Charlotte eats her apple. "Are you an artist, Ivy?" * Ivy shakes her head, her hands now holding on tight to her backpack... which is held in her lap in front of her. Oh. You should try it. You're pretty good at it. * Ivy glances over to Charlotte timidly, not quite meeting her eyes. * Krista takes a clearly calming breath and murmurs something very quietly to herself. Then she reaches into her food-bag and pulls out a banana, which she starts peeling. While peeling, she says nervously, "Ah--um, I'm an artist." Oh? That's neat. * Veronica eats her food rather quietly and subdued. "I'm not." Me neither. I tried but I'm just no good at it. * Ivy grabs her hamburger and stuffs it into her backpack. She eats another fry, zips her bag, and then stands up. * Charlotte looks at Ivy. "Are you done already?" [Everyone hears a loud clattering of items falling to the floor by the doors. Probably books.] * Ivy 's head whirls around to the noise. * Charlotte has a similar reaction. * Krista looks over to the noise a little... LESS panicedly. She's got the banana pretty much peeled, too! ( You show that banana! ) * Veronica glances up casually at the noise. At least she's not jumpy like the others. (Damn skippy! Them and their potassium. Trying to fill me with K. I defy you, banana!) [They don't see a banana! They do see a student on the floor and picking up her glasses. Her books are scattered, and a small group of guys are laughing as they're walking out.] * Veronica sighs and puts down her food, standing up. "Jerks." She walks over to the girl. * Ivy eyes the student for a brief second and then begins to head off... though not toward the girl. * Charlotte rises and doesn't seem sure where to go. She moves next to Ivy. "Want me to come with you?" * Ivy eyes Charlotte for a brief moment and then continues walking. Well, it wasn't a no! * Krista gets a small sympathetic smile and puts the banana down... but Veronica beats her to helping the girl. Then she looks over at Charlotte and Ivy. * Charlotte glances anxiously at the other girl. But she winds up following Ivy. She's not *that* nice to total strangers. [She's managed to put her glasses on! She has sandy blond hair, a few pimples, and those glasses are very thick. She's wearing slacks and a blouse, and she's just gangly.] * Veronica bends down and offers a hand to help the girl up. "You okay?" * Ivy is taking them outside! Is it raining? I don't know! [The girl blinks up at Veronica. Then she pushes some of that long hair out of her face. "Yeah." She smiles nervously. Braces, too!" And she starts picking up books instead of standing.] What was that all about anyway? [It is raining! There's also a hall monitor in the hall. That's where they live.] * Charlotte glances at the rain before she steps out of shelter. "Um...." ["A lot of people don't like me very much." She's picking up those books. There are a lot of them. They're thick, too.] * Krista continues sitting at her table and sighs to herself, before looking at the banana and saying quietly, "That went surprisingly well." Probably not actually talking to the banana, because she shortly picks up the banana and starts eating it. ( Poor banana ) [You're out of the cafeteria! The hall monitor watches you. WATCHES.] ( Dammit, another unpopular girl has stolen my pity friends.) (Ha.) Yeah. People are jerks. * Veronica picks up a few books. Because she's just like that. * Ivy walks by the hall monitor as if he isn't there. [The books are gathered, and now the girl stands. "Uh, thanks." She looks confused as to what to do now.] * Hall_Troll, evil hall troll that he is, calls out to Ivy as she passes. "Hey! Got a pass?" * Ivy eyes the Hall!Troll, and then continues walking by. * Hall_Troll rolls his eyes and runs to get in front of Ivy. "And where do you think you're going?" * Veronica hands the books back to her. "Yeah. Well, catch you later!" She rushes to get her stuff, then goes after Ivy and Charlotte. * Ivy freezes in place, her eyes widening in a bit of fear. [She takes her stuff back, still bewildered. "Okay. Bye."] * Charlotte runs in front of Ivy and the Monitor. "Uh, we left a book in her car. Can we go get it? We'll be right back." Not without an off campus sticker. Either of you got one? Umm.... well..... no. * Ivy pauses a moment, then grabs the hamburger out of her bag and begrudgingly offers it up to the monitor, her eyes not meeting his. (Bribery! I am scandalized! ... okay, maybe not that scandalized.) Then her book is just going to stay in her c... Look. It's going to take a lot more than a hamburger to bribe me. * Veronica heads up to the hall monitor and, seeing them talking with him, walks up. "Sorry, sorry... they're with me..." She digs in her backpack for her pass and flashes it. No ting. * Charlotte sighs in relief at Veronica's arrival. (She just assumes trouble. She's probably right) * Ivy slinks her hand back and puts the hamburger away. * Hall_Troll peers at the pass. * Hall_Troll points at Veronica. "Okay, you can go. Everybody else stays here." Wha? Wait, that's not fair. One sticker, one person. It doesn't get any more fair than that. Yeah yeah... * Ivy abruptly turns around and starts heading the other direction. If they want to go out, they have to get their own. * Veronica puts away her sticker. "Do you enjoy tormenting pour young girls?" It's a job. * Charlotte peers at the guard. Then turns and notices Ivy starting to slink off again. She chuckles at the guard. "Actually I think I left my copy of that book in my locker. We'll just share." She jogs after Ivy. * Veronica eyes him closely. And gets right in his face. "Yeaaaaah... right." Your friends are running away without you. * Veronica snuffs as she turns her face back and draws back on her heels, walking fast after Ivy and Charlotte. Again. * Ivy starts randomly looking in classroom door windows. If they don't have them? Well then, she just walks then! * Veronica hurries up to come alongside Charlotte. "Look, I don't know about you but we can't go around babysitting her all day..." * Charlotte boggles. "Um... Ivy? Are you going anywhere in particular?" * Charlotte turns to Veronica. "Well... not *all* day. But I did offer to spend lunch with her." Yeah...and I've got nothing better to do. I don't think there's anyone to practice with at this school anyhow. * Veronica keeps walking after Ivy as she talks. * Ivy turns to look at Veronica for a second and then turns to Charlotte. She eyes her for a second, and then starts looking at the various lockers. * Charlotte does to. "Practice? Practice wh..." She's a bit taken off guard at that. "Practice what?" * Veronica shakes her head. "It's not important." She watches Ivy. "She acts like she's never seen lockers before..." * Charlotte gives Veronica a bewildered shrug. * Ivy walk walk walks... and then suddenly stops... and then sits down in the middle of the hall. [Ivy's nuts.] * Charlotte blinks a few times. "Uh.... Ivy?" Is she mental or something? * Charlotte gives Veronica a bewildered shrug. Again! (And people begin to understand the "freak" explanation.) * Ivy looks up at Veronica, her eyes blank. (But people don't understand the "popular" explanation. :P) (*Snicker* Well, look at how fast she got you two to hang with her? ^_~) * Veronica stares right back at Ivy. * Ivy looks away. * Charlotte stares at Ivy too. She looks horribly confused. * Charlotte moves in front of Ivy, squatting down and smiling. "If you want a place to sit, there's probably an empty classroom we can use." Hey. Don't look at someone... * Veronica cuts herself off when Charlotte interrupts. "Yeah...there is that." * Ivy studies Charlotte for a moment, and then slowly brings out a hand. It might be going for her neck. * Charlotte stares at it. "Uh..." (This is what happens when Jeremy goes to class.) What's with that neck thing...? * Ivy pauses a moment, as if expecting it to be shoved away. * Charlotte takes Ivy's hand in her own, smiling. "You don't have to be afraid of me." * Ivy stops moving her hand, since, well, it's occupied now! She eyes Charlotte a bit longer, and then gives the slightest of nods. * Charlotte smiles wider. Huh... * Ivy takes her hand away after a moment and then gets to her feet. She doesn't look at Veronica. Nope. * Charlotte gets up as well. * Veronica keeps looking at Ivy. Unlike Charlotte, she's not smiling much at all. Pretty steady expression. * Veronica finally speaks up. "Do you talk?" * Ivy gives Veronica her profile, but won't look at her face on. After a pause, she shakes her head. * Veronica softens her expression a bit. "Can't? Or won't?" She then thinks. "One finger for the first one, two fingers for the second." * Ivy pauses for a long time, it looking like a harder question then it should have been. ( Both :P ) * Ivy finally raises three fingers. * Veronica shakes her head. "Nevermind." She sighs and folds her arms behind her neck, looking upward. "Let's just go, shall we?" * Charlotte watches, and offers, "... Both?" Probably. * Ivy glances at Charlotte, looks down, and then starts walking again. * Charlotte follows! * Veronica keeps looking at the ceiling. "It's going to be an interesting school year." * Charlotte smiles. "It's not a problem. I don't mind!" * Charlotte grins. "I think this is going to be a good year!" [Session End!]